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Managing a build alias and allocating to it

A build alias is a management layer on top of builds, which allows calls to RequestMultiplayerServer to be distributed over multiple builds in a controlled fashion. This can improve the simplicity and reliability of build to build upgrades and several other scenarios listed below. Aliases achieve this by specifying a list of build ids along with the weight of each one. The weight represents the ratio of allocation calls that should be forwarded to the corresponding build.

Safe deployment that is backwards compatible

This is the most common scenario for a build to build upgrade, where you are updating the game server and retail clients are compatible with both servers.

Clients will reference Alias 1, which would have the following configuration:

  • Build 1: Weight = 1

Once Build 2 is created, Alias 1 will be changed to be:

  • Build 1: Weight = 8
  • Build 2: Weight = 2

You can gradually change the weights until all new server requests are fulfilled by Build 2. At this point the weight for Build 1 is 0 and can be removed from the alias.

A typical use case for an alias is affinitizing them to a client compatibility version and game mode. For example "DeathMatch client 2.2 RETAIL." Aliases allow you to manage this higher-level abstraction while continuously updating the builds that power this experience. Aliases also make it easier for you to roll-back builds if necessary.

Deployment that is not backwards compatible

In this case you want to update the game server at the same time you are updating game clients, as your current game clients are not compatible with the old server build. Transitioning from one build to another would be done as follows:

Old clients will reference Alias 1, which would have the following:

  • Build 1: Weight = 1

Once Build 2 is created, new clients will reference Alias 2, which would have the following:

  • Build 2: Weight = 1

In this scenario aliases are used similarly to builds, and their multiplexing functionality is not used.

Blast deployment that is backwards compatible

This is similar to the backwards compatible build to build upgrade scenario, but with a more sudden switch in demand behavior. Transitioning from one build to another would be done as follows:

Clients will reference Alias 1, which would have the following:

  • Build 1: Weight = 1

Once Build 2 is created, Alias 1 will be changed to be:

  • Build 1: Weight = 0
  • Build 2: Weight = 1

Testing a deployment that is backwards compatible

When you want to update the game server, and the client version is compatible with both servers, but you wants to test the second version before deploying it at scale for all players. Testing and transitioning from one build to another could be done as follows:

Clients will reference Alias 1, which would have the following:

  • Build 1: Weight = 1

Once Build 2 is created. Testing clients would reference Alias 2, which would have the following:

  • Build 2: Weight = 1

Once Build 2 is verified. Alias 1 will be changed to be:

  • Build 1: Weight = 8
  • Build 2: Weight = 2

Gradually build 2 would be weighted more and absorb all traffic.

Fallback to other builds and regions

Aliases can make your multiplayer server deployments more resilient, by allowing for fallback across multiple builds. For example, assume an allocation request targeting a build alias ranks EastUS as region #1, and West US as region #2. This build alias provides similar weights to two builds, Build 1 and Build 2.

Assume that for a given allocation Build 1 is selected.

  1. Allocation in East US for Build 1 is tried.
  2. If #1 fails, allocation in East US for Build 2 is tried.
  3. If #2 fails, allocation in WestUS for Build 1 is tried.
  4. If #3 fails, allocation in WestUs for Build 2 is tried.

Especially as you gradually upgrade from one build to another, this fallback behavior is optimized so that players get the lowest latency server even if one of the builds is having trouble.

Manage a build alias with PlayFab REST APIs


You can now manage build aliases in Game Manager. To get started, see Builds overview page

  1. Create a build alias by using the API.


    POST https://titleId.playfabapi.com/MultiplayerServer/CreateBuildAlias

    Sample body:


    Sample response:


    Build Alias Id is provided as part of the response.

  2. Update any parameter of the build alias.


    POST https://titleId.playfabapi.com/MultiplayerServer/UpdateBuildAlias

    Sample body:


    Sample response:

  3. Delete a build alias.


    POST https://titleId.playfabapi.com/MultiplayerServer/DeleteBuildAlias

    Sample body:

  4. List build aliases.


    GET https://titleId.playfabapi.com/MultiplayerServer/ListBuildAliases

    Sample response:


Allocate using a build alias

To allocate using a build alias one must simply specify the build alias Id in the RequestMultiplayerServer call.


POST https://titleId.playfabapi.com/MultiplayerServer/RequestMultiplayerServer

Sample body:
