
Sdílet prostřednictvím


Information specific to the GetEntityIdsFromXboxLiveUserIdsCompleted type of state change.


struct PartyXblGetEntityIdsFromXboxLiveUserIdsCompletedStateChange : PartyXblStateChange {  
    PartyXblStateChangeResult result;  
    PartyError errorDetail;  
    PartyString xboxLiveSandbox;  
    PartyXblLocalChatUser* localChatUser;  
    void* asyncIdentifier;  
    uint32_t entityIdMappingCount;  
    const PartyXblXboxUserIdToPlayFabEntityIdMapping* entityIdMappings;  


result   PartyXblStateChangeResult

Indicates that the operation succeeded or the reason that it failed.

errorDetail   PartyError

A diagnostic value providing additional troubleshooting information regarding any potential error condition.

xboxLiveSandbox   PartyString

The device's Xbox Live sandbox which was used for this operation.

localChatUser   PartyXblLocalChatUser*

The local chat user that was used to communicate with PlayFab.

asyncIdentifier   void*

The async identifier provided to the call associated with this state change.

entityIdMappingCount   uint32_t

The number of Xbox Live User Id to PlayFab Entity Id mappings.

entityIdMappings   const PartyXblXboxUserIdToPlayFabEntityIdMapping*
array of size entityIdMappingCount

A list of Xbox Live User Id to PlayFab Entity Id mappings.


Header: PartyXboxLive.h

See also

PartyXboxLive members