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PFMultiplayer C/C++ API overview - PFLobby.h


Function Description
PFLobbyAddMember Add a local user as a member to the lobby.
PFLobbyForceRemoveMember Forcibly remove an entity from the lobby.
PFLobbyGetAccessPolicy Gets the access policy of the lobby.
PFLobbyGetConnectionString Gets the default connection string associated with the lobby.
PFLobbyGetCustomContext Retrieves the app's private, custom pointer-sized context value previously associated with this lobby object.
PFLobbyGetLobbyId Gets the ID of the Lobby.
PFLobbyGetLobbyProperty Get the lobby property value from its key.
PFLobbyGetLobbyPropertyKeys Get the list of lobby property keys.
PFLobbyGetMaxMemberCount Gets the max member count of the lobby.
PFLobbyGetMemberConnectionStatus Determines a member's connection status to the notification service.
PFLobbyGetMemberProperty Get the member property's value from its key.
PFLobbyGetMemberPropertyKeys Get a list of the specified member's property keys.
PFLobbyGetMembers Gets the list of PlayFab entities currently joined to the lobby as members.
PFLobbyGetMembershipLock Gets the lobby's current membership lock state.
PFLobbyGetOwner Gets the current owner of the lobby.
PFLobbyGetOwnerMigrationPolicy Gets the owner migration policy of the lobby.
PFLobbyGetSearchProperty Get the search property value from its key.
PFLobbyGetSearchPropertyKeys Get the list of search property keys.
PFLobbyGetServer Gets the server entity joined to the lobby.
PFLobbyGetServerConnectionStatus Retrieves the lobby server's connection status to the notification service.
PFLobbyGetServerProperty Get the lobby server property's value from its key.
PFLobbyGetServerPropertyKeys Get a list of the lobby server's property keys.
PFLobbyLeave Request one or all local users to leave the lobby.
PFLobbyPostUpdate Post an update to the lobby as a player.
PFLobbySendInvite Send an invite to this lobby from the local user to the invited entity.
PFLobbyServerDeleteLobby Delete a lobby on behalf of the game_server entity that owns the lobby.
PFLobbyServerLeaveAsServer Requests that the server leave the client-owned lobby it's currently in.
PFLobbyServerPostUpdate Post an update to the lobby as the server-owner.
PFLobbyServerPostUpdateAsServer Post an update to a client-owned lobby as a joined server.
PFLobbySetCustomContext Configures an optional, custom pointer-sized context value with this lobby object.
PFMultiplayerClaimServerLobby Claim ownership of a pre-existing server lobby.
PFMultiplayerCreateAndClaimServerLobby Create a new lobby as a game_server entity.
PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby Create a new lobby and add the creating PlayFab entity to it.
PFMultiplayerFindLobbies Search for lobbies on behalf of the local user.
PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges Returns an array of PFLobbyStateChanges that were being processed.
PFMultiplayerGetLobbyInviteListenerStatus Retrieve the status of the entity's invite listener.
PFMultiplayerJoinArrangedLobby Joins a lobby using an arrangement string provided by another service, such as matchmaking. If no one has joined the lobby yet, the lobby is initialized using the configuration parameters.
PFMultiplayerJoinLobby Join a lobby as the local PlayFab entity.
PFMultiplayerJoinLobbyAsServer Join a client-owned lobby as a server.
PFMultiplayerStartListeningForLobbyInvites Enables the Lobby invite listener for a given entity.
PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges Retrieves an array of all PFLobbyStateChanges to process since the last such call.
PFMultiplayerStopListeningForLobbyInvites Disables the Lobby invite listener for a given entity.


Structure Description
PFLobbyArrangedJoinConfiguration The initial configuration data used when joining an arranged lobby.
PFLobbyCreateConfiguration The initial configuration data used when creating a lobby.
PFLobbyDataUpdate A request to make an update to the shared portion of the lobby.
PFLobbyJoinConfiguration The initial configuration data used when joining a lobby.
PFLobbyMemberDataUpdate A request to make an update to the member-owned portion of the lobby document.
PFLobbyMemberUpdateSummary A collection of hints about an update which has been successfully applied to the lobby on behalf of a member.
PFLobbySearchConfiguration The configuration structure used to specify how a PFMultiplayerFindLobbies operation should be performed.
PFLobbySearchFriendsFilter The filter structure used to limit lobby search results to only those lobbies owned by the player's friends.
PFLobbySearchResult An entry in the collection of lobby search results received upon successful completion of a PFMultiplayerFindLobbies operation.
PFLobbyServerDataUpdate A request to make an update to the associated server state of a client-owned lobby.
PFLobbyServerJoinConfiguration The initial configuration data used when joining a client-owned lobby as a server.

State changes

State change Description
PFLobbyAddMemberCompletedStateChange Information specific to the AddMemberCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyClaimServerLobbyCompletedStateChange Information specific to the ClaimServerLobbyCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyCreateAndClaimServerLobbyCompletedStateChange Information specific to the CreateAndClaimServerLobbyCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyCreateAndJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange Information specific to the CreateAndJoinLobbyCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyDisconnectedStateChange Information specific to the Disconnected type of state change.
PFLobbyDisconnectingStateChange Information specific to the Disconnecting type of state change.
PFLobbyFindLobbiesCompletedStateChange Information specific to the FindLobbiesCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyForceRemoveMemberCompletedStateChange Information specific to the ForceRemoveMemberCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyInviteListenerStatusChangedStateChange Information specific to the InviteListenerStatusChanged type of state change.
PFLobbyInviteReceivedStateChange Information specific to the InviteReceived type of state change.
PFLobbyJoinArrangedLobbyCompletedStateChange Information specific to the JoinArrangedLobbyCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyJoinLobbyAsServerCompletedStateChange Information specific to the JoinLobbyAsServerCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange Information specific to the JoinLobbyCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyLeaveLobbyCompletedStateChange Information specific to the LeaveLobbyCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyMemberAddedStateChange Information specific to the MemberAdded type of state change.
PFLobbyMemberRemovedStateChange Information specific to the MemberRemoved type of state change.
PFLobbyPostUpdateCompletedStateChange Information specific to the PostUpdateCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbySendInviteCompletedStateChange Information specific to the SendInviteCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyServerDeleteLobbyCompletedStateChange Information specific to the ServerDeleteLobbyCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyServerLeaveLobbyAsServerCompletedStateChange Information specific to the ServerLeaveLobbyAsServerCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyServerPostUpdateAsServerCompletedStateChange Information specific to the ServerPostUpdateAsServerCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyServerPostUpdateCompletedStateChange Information specific to the ServerPostUpdateCompleted type of state change.
PFLobbyStateChange A generic, base structure representation of an event or change in state in the Lobby library.
PFLobbyUpdatedStateChange Information specific to the Updated type of state change.


Enumeration Description
PFLobbyAccessPolicy Values representing the lobby's access policy.
PFLobbyDisconnectingReason Reasons the client no longer has access to the Lobby.
PFLobbyInviteListenerStatus Values representing the current status of an invite listener.
PFLobbyMemberConnectionStatus Values representing the current status of a member's connection status to the notification service.
PFLobbyMemberRemovedReason Reasons why a member was removed from a lobby.
PFLobbyMembershipLock Values representing the state of the lobby's membership lock.
PFLobbyOwnerMigrationPolicy The available policies the lobby service can use to migrate lobby ownership between members.
PFLobbyServerConnectionStatus Values representing the current status of the Lobby Server's connection status to the notification service.
PFLobbyStateChangeType The types of state changes that can occur in the Lobby library.