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Set up optimized QR code authentication experience in iOS/macOS app

QR code authentication method enables frontline workers to sign in quickly and easily in apps on shared device. Users are able to use unique QR code provided by their admins and enter their PIN to sign in, eliminating the need to enter usernames and passwords.

You can use QR code web sign-in experience available at login.microsoft.com. This user entry point doesn't require any developer changes. Users select Sign in options > Sign in to an organization > Sign in with a QR code. You can optimize QR code sign-in experience by providing the entry point at your sign in page, eliminating two user clicks. To take advantage of QR code authentication method, app developers and Authentication Policy Administrator work together:

  • App developers integrate QR code authentication's optimized entry point in their app using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS and macOS.
  • Authentication Policy Administrator configures the authentication method in Microsoft Entra ID.

Configure your app to use QR code authentication

To configure your app to use QR code authentication, you can call the getDeviceInformationWithParameters API in MSAL to receive the MSALDeviceInformation object. In this object, a new flag is available to reflect the admin configured QR code authentication in the single sign-on (SSO) extension configuration. The following code snippet shows how to retrieve the preferred authentication method:

@property (nonatomic, readonly) MSALPreferredAuthMethod configuredPreferredAuthMethod; 

MSALPreferredAuthMethod is an enumeration that describes the different authentication methods available. The configuredPreferredAuthMethod property allows you to retrieve the preferred authentication method for the application. Currently, QR code is private enum value of 1. When released to general availability (GA), it's MSALPreferredAuthMethodQRPIN.

MSALInteractiveTokenParameters also define a new, optional parameter of type MSALPreferredAuthMethod: preferredAuthMethod. When this parameter is set for QR code authentication, the resulting interactive sign-in UI takes the user directly to the QR code authentication entry page. The following code snippet shows how to configure your app to use QR code authentication:

MSALWebviewParameters *webParameters = [[MSALWebviewParameters alloc] initWithAuthPresentationViewController:viewController]; 


MSALInteractiveTokenParameters *interactiveParams = [[MSALInteractiveTokenParameters alloc] initWithScopes:scopes webviewParameters:webParameters]; 


interactiveParams.preferredAuthMethod = 1; //Currently need to use the private enum value 


[application acquireTokenWithParameters:interactiveParams completionBlock:^(MSALResult *result, NSError *error) { 

    // When token acquisition completes 


This code snippet configures and acquires a token using the MSAL in an iOS app, focusing on QR code authentication. It initializes MSALWebviewParameters with a view controller for the authentication web view and creates MSALInteractiveTokenParameters with the required scopes and web parameters. The preferred authentication method is set to QR code authentication.

Finally, it calls acquireTokenWithParameters on the MultipleAccountPublicClientApplication instance, using the configured parameters and a completion block to handle the result. This setup ensures the authentication flow uses the QR code authentication method for secure and convenient user authentication.

It's advised to call the getDeviceInformationWithParameters API in MSAL to find out if the admin has configured QR code authentication method. If it has, an app can update its UI to indicate that QR code authentication method is available as a sign-in option.