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Traceability API (preview)

[This article is prerelease documentation and is subject to change.]

This article describes how to integrate the Traceability Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management with external systems through its API.


The platform security token is used to call the Traceability public API. Therefore, you must generate a Microsoft Entra token by using your Microsoft Entra application. You must then use the Microsoft Entra token to get the access token from the security service.

To obtain an access token, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Search for or navigate to the App registrations page.

  3. Open the app registration you created for the Traceability app.

  4. From the left navigator, select Overview. Copy the value shown for Application (client) ID to a temporary text file.

  5. From the toolbar, select Endpoints.

  6. The Endpoints dialog opens. Copy the value shown for OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2) to a temporary text file.

  7. Fetch a Microsoft Entra token by submitting an HTTP request that has the following properties:

    • URL – Use the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2) value you found earlier in this procedure.

    • Method – GET

    • Body content – Submit the body content listed in the following table as form data.

      Key Value
      client_id {Application (client) ID in Microsoft Azure}
      client_secret {Client secret value}
      grant_type client_credentials
      scope 0cdb527f-a8d1-4bf8-9436-b352c68682b2/.default

    You should have generated and saved your client secret when you created the Microsoft Entra application in Azure for Traceability. Learn more in Install, update, or uninstall Traceability.

  8. You should receive a Microsoft Entra token in response. It should resemble the following example:

        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "expires_in": 3599,
        "ext_expires_in": 3599,
        "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC…OUppUdgPQ"
  9. Use the Microsoft Entra token to generate a bearer token by submitting an HTTP request that has the following properties:

    • URLhttps://securityservice.operations365.dynamics.com/token

    • Method – POST

    • Body content – Submit the following body content as JSON content:

          "grant_type": "client_credentials",
          "client_assertion_type": "aad_app",
          "client_assertion": "{Microsoft Entra token}",
          "scope": "https://traceabilityservice.operations365.dynamics.com/.default",
          "context": "{environmentId}",
          "context_type": "finops-env"

      Where {environmentId} is the environment ID of your Supply Chain Management environment in Lifecycle Services.

  10. You should receive an access token in response. You must use this token as a bearer token to call the Traceability API. Here's an example of a response:

        "access_token": "{access token}",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "expires_in": 3600

Find the Traceability API URL

To find the URL for accessing your Traceability API, follow the instructions provided in API endpoint.

Available APIs

The following table lists the APIs available for Traceability.

Path Method Description
/api/environments/{environmentId}/events/post-batch-events Post Create genealogy node and activity
/api/environments/{environmentId}/traces/Query Post Query by tracking ID
/api/environments/{environmentId}/events/unlink-components Post Unlink genealogy node and insert activity for unlink

Where {environmentId} is the environment ID of your Supply Chain Management environment in Lifecycle Services.

The remaining sections provide detailed information about each API.

Post activity events API

This API lets external systems post activity events to the Traceability service. Activity events include production component assembly and goods receipt in business activities.

  • Path/api/environments/{environmentId}/events/post-batch-events
  • MethodPOST

Where {environmentId} is the environment ID of your Supply Chain Management environment in Lifecycle Services.

Post activity events request payload

        "eventId": string,
        "description": string,
        "activityType": string,   # Refer to predefined "Activity Type"
        "activityCode": string,   # Refer to configured "Activity Code" linked to "Activity Type"
        "datetime": YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssz,
        "operator": string,
        "companyCode": string,
        "details": {
            "<data collection name>": <data collection value>
        "consumptionTransactions": [
                "transactionId": string,
                "companyCode": string,
                "itemId": string,   # Refer to configured "item" for tracing
                "trackingId": string,
                "serialId": string,
                "batchId": string,
                "assetId": string,
                "lotId": string,
                "quantity": decimal,
                "unitOfMeasure": string
        "productTransactions": [
                "transactionId": string,
                "companyCode": string,
                "itemId": string,   # Refer to configured "item"
                "trackingId": string,
                "serialId": string,
                "batchId": string,
                "assetId": string,
                "lotId": string,
                "quantity": decimal,
                "unitOfMeasure": string

Events post header field descriptions

Field Name Description
eventId Unique identifier for the activity (SerialId/BatchId). Duplicate values aren't allowed. The system generates this value if none is specified.
description Description of the activity event.
activityType Refers to a predefined "Activity Type" (Purchase, Sales, Production, and so on).
activityCode Refers to a configured "Activity Code" (GoodsReceipt, Add, Remove, and so on).
dateTime The date and time the activity event happened.
operator The operator who executed the activity event. The value can be a user ID, employee ID, or similar.
companyCode For Supply Chain Management, this field maps to a legal entity.
<data collection name> These fields are used to collect custom values.

Events post productTransactions element field descriptions

Field Name Description
transactionId Unique identifier for the transaction. Duplicate values aren't allowed.
companyCode The legal entity of product element.
itemId Item number of the top finished good.
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of the itemId, companyCode, batchId, and serialId.
serialId The serial number of the top finished good.
batchId The batch number of the top finished good.
assetId The asset number of parent node. This field can be used as equipment number.
lotId The lot number of parent node. This field can be used as container number.
quantity The operation quantity of the top finished good.
unitOfMeasure The unit of measure of the received quantity.

Events post consumptionTransactions element field descriptions

Field Name Description
transactionId Unique identifier for the transaction. Duplicate values aren't allowed.
companyCode The legal entity of component element.
itemId Item number of component.
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of the itemId, companyCode, batchId, and serialId.
serialId The serial number of the component.
batchId The batch number of the component.
assetId The asset number of child node. This field can be used as equipment number.
lotId The lot number of child node. This field can be used as container number.
quantity The consumption quantity of the component.
unitOfMeasure The unit of measure of the consumption quantity.

Events post API response

On success, status code 204 is returned.

Events post example

Produce finished good A with component B and C by different events.

Events post example request payload 1

        "EventId": "item B consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113700",
        "CompanyCode": "USMF",
        "Operator": "Terry Alvarado",
        "Description": "Consumption for production A",
        "ActivityType": "Production",
        "ActivityCode": "Consumption",
        "Datetime": "2023-06-15T06:14:06.653Z",
        "Details": {
            "Operation Step": "OP1",
            "Resource": "RES1",
            "Reference Location": "RES-L01"
        "ConsumptionTransactions": [
                "TransactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113702",
                "ItemId": "B",
                "TrackingId": null,
                "Details": {},
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "UnitOfMeasure": "ea",
                "BatchId": "B-001",
                "SerialId": null
        "ProductTransactions": [
                "TransactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113701",
                "ItemId": "A",
                "TrackingId": null,
                "Details": {},
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "UnitOfMeasure": "ea",
                "TransactionType": 0,
                "BatchId": null,
                "SerialId": "A-001"

Events post example request payload 2

        "EventId": "item C consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113703",
        "CompanyCode": "USMF",
        "Operator": "Terry Alvarado",
        "Description": "Consumption for production A",
        "ActivityType": "Production",
        "ActivityCode": "Consumption",
        "Datetime": "2023-06-15T07:14:06.653Z",
        "Details": {
            "Operation Step": "OP2",
            "Resource": "RES2",
            "Reference Location": "RES-L02"
        "ConsumptionTransactions": [
                "TransactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113705",
                "ItemId": "C",
                "TrackingId": null,
                "Details": {},
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "UnitOfMeasure": "ea",
                "BatchId": "C-001",
                "SerialId": null
        "ProductTransactions": [
                "TransactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113704",
                "ItemId": "A",
                "TrackingId": null,
                "Details": {},
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "UnitOfMeasure": "ea",
                "TransactionType": 0,
                "BatchId": null,
                "SerialId": "A-001"

Events post example results

If you posted the example events shown previously, the Traceability Add-in would display the results shown in the following screenshot.

Results of the events post example, shown in the Traceability Add-in

Single query API

This API accepts queries for traceability information and returns genealogy, activity, and data collection information.

  • Path/api/environments/{environmentId}/traces/Query
  • MethodPOST

Where {environmentId} is the environment ID of your Supply Chain Management environment in Lifecycle Services.

Single query request payload

    "tracingDirection": Backward/Forward,
    "trackingId": string,
    "company": string,
    "itemNumber": string,
    "serialNumber": string,
    "batchNumber": string,
    "shouldIncludeEvents": true/false

Single query request field descriptions

Field Description
tracingDirection Controls the search direction: Backward or Forward. Backward means from top finished good to raw materials; Forward means from raw materials to top finished good.
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of the itemNumber,company, batchNumber, and serialNumber.
company The company of the top finished good. For Supply Chain Management, this field maps to the legal entity.
itemNumber The item number of the top finished good.
serialNumber The serial number of the top finished good.
batchNumber The batch number of the top finished good.
ShouldIncludeEvents Controls whether event details should be included. Default is false.

Single query request API response

    "tracingDirection": "Backward",
    "root": {
        "trackingId": string,
        "next": [
                "trackingId": string,
                "next": [],
                "events": []
        "events": [
                "eventId": string,
                "companyCode": string,
                "operator": string,
                "description": string,
                "activityType": string,
                "activityCode": string,
                "datetime": YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssz,
                "details": {
                    "<data collection name>": <data collection value>
                "consumptionTransactions": [
                        "transactionId": string,
                        "itemId": string,
                        "trackingId": string,
                        "eventId": string,
                        "quantity": decimal,
                        "unitOfMeasure": string,
                        "transactionType": string,
                        "batchId": string
                "productTransactions": [
                        "transactionId": string,
                        "itemId": string,
                        "trackingId": string,
                        "details": {},
                        "eventId": string,
                        "quantity": decimal,
                        "unitOfMeasure": string,
                        "transactionType": string,
                        "serialId": string

Single query response header field descriptions

Field Description
TracingDirection Controls the search direction: Backward or Forward. Backward means from top finished good to raw materials; Forward means from raw materials to top finished good. Only returns one level above or below the result.

Single query response root element field descriptions

Field Description
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of the itemId,companyCode, batchId, and serialId.

Single query response events element field descriptions

Field Description
eventId Unique identifier for the event (SerialId/BatchId). Duplicate values aren't allowed. The system generates this value if no value is provided.
companyCode The company code of the top finished good. For Supply Chain Management, this field maps to the legal entity.
operator The operator who executed the activity event. The value can be a user ID, employee ID, or similar.
description Activity event description.
activityType Refers to a predefined activity type (Purchase, Sales, Production, and so on).
activityCode Refers to a configured activity type (GoodsReceipt, Add, Remove, and so on).
dateTime Date and time the activity event occurred.
<data collection name> These fields are used to collect customization values.

Single query response productTransaction element field descriptions

Field Description
transactionId Unique identifier for the transaction. Duplicate values aren't allowed.
itemId Item number of the top finished good.
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of itemId, companyCode, batchId, and serialId.
serialId Serial number of the top finished good.
batchId Batch number of the top finished good.
quantity Operation quantity of the top finished good.
unitOfMeasure Unit of measure of the received quantity.

Single query response consumptionTransactions element field descriptions

Field Description
transactionId Unique identifier for the transaction. Duplicate values aren't allowed.
itemId Item number of the component.
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of itemId, companyCode, batchId, and serialId.
serialId Serial number of the component.
batchId Batch number of the component.
quantity The consumption quantity of the component.
unitOfMeasure Unit of measure of the consumption quantity.

Single query request example

Produce finished good A with component B and C by different events. Query the result of finished good A.

Single query request example request payload

    "tracingDirection": "Backward",
    "company": "USMF",
    "itemNumber": "A",
    "serialNumber": "A-001",
    "shouldIncludeEvents": "true"

Single query request example API response

    "tracingDirection": "Backward",
    "root": {
        "trackingId": "A~USMF~~A-001~~",
        "next": [
                "trackingId": "B~USMF~B-001~~~",
                "next": [],
                "events": [
                        "eventId": "item B consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113700",
                        "companyCode": "USMF",
                        "operator": "Terry Alvarado",
                        "description": "Consumption for production A",
                        "activityType": "Production",
                        "activityCode": "Consumption",
                        "datetime": "2023-06-15T06:14:06",
                        "details": {
                            "operation Step": "OP1",
                            "resource": "RES1",
                            "reference Location": "RES-L01"
                        "consumptionTransactions": [
                                "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113702",
                                "itemId": "B",
                                "trackingId": "B~USMF~B-001~~~",
                                "details": {},
                                "eventId": "item B consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113700",
                                "quantity": 1.0,
                                "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                                "transactionType": "Consumption",
                                "batchId": "B-001"
                        "productTransactions": [
                                "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113701",
                                "itemId": "A",
                                "trackingId": "A~USMF~~A-001~~",
                                "details": {},
                                "eventId": "item B consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113700",
                                "quantity": 1.0,
                                "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                                "transactionType": "Product",
                                "serialId": "A-001"
                "trackingId": "C~USMF~C-001~~~",
                "next": [],
                "events": [
                        "eventId": "item C consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113703",
                        "companyCode": "USMF",
                        "operator": "Terry Alvarado",
                        "description": "Consumption for production A",
                        "activityType": "Production",
                        "activityCode": "Consumption",
                        "datetime": "2023-06-15T07:14:06",
                        "details": {
                            "operation Step": "OP2",
                            "resource": "RES2",
                            "reference Location": "RES-L02"
                        "consumptionTransactions": [
                                "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113705",
                                "itemId": "C",
                                "trackingId": "C~USMF~C-001~~~",
                                "details": {},
                                "eventId": "item C consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113703",
                                "quantity": 1.0,
                                "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                                "transactionType": "Consumption",
                                "batchId": "C-001"
                        "productTransactions": [
                                "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113704",
                                "itemId": "A",
                                "trackingId": "A~USMF~~A-001~~",
                                "details": {},
                                "eventId": "item C consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113703",
                                "quantity": 1.0,
                                "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                                "transactionType": "Product",
                                "serialId": "A-001"
        "events": [
                "eventId": "item B consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113700",
                "companyCode": "USMF",
                "operator": "Terry Alvarado",
                "description": "Consumption for production A",
                "activityType": "Production",
                "activityCode": "Consumption",
                "datetime": "2023-06-15T06:14:06",
                "details": {
                    "operation Step": "OP1",
                    "resource": "RES1",
                    "reference Location": "RES-L01"
                "consumptionTransactions": [
                        "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113702",
                        "itemId": "B",
                        "trackingId": "B~USMF~B-001~~~",
                        "details": {},
                        "eventId": "item B consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113700",
                        "quantity": 1.0,
                        "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                        "transactionType": "Consumption",
                        "batchId": "B-001"
                "productTransactions": [
                        "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113701",
                        "itemId": "A",
                        "trackingId": "A~USMF~~A-001~~",
                        "details": {},
                        "eventId": "item B consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113700",
                        "quantity": 1.0,
                        "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                        "transactionType": "Product",
                        "serialId": "A-001"
                "eventId": "item C consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113703",
                "companyCode": "USMF",
                "operator": "Terry Alvarado",
                "description": "Consumption for production A",
                "activityType": "Production",
                "activityCode": "Consumption",
                "datetime": "2023-06-15T07:14:06",
                "details": {
                    "operation Step": "OP2",
                    "resource": "RES2",
                    "reference Location": "RES-L02"
                "consumptionTransactions": [
                        "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113705",
                        "itemId": "C",
                        "trackingId": "C~USMF~C-001~~~",
                        "details": {},
                        "eventId": "item C consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113703",
                        "quantity": 1.0,
                        "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                        "transactionType": "Consumption",
                        "batchId": "C-001"
                "productTransactions": [
                        "transactionId": "a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113704",
                        "itemId": "A",
                        "trackingId": "A~USMF~~A-001~~",
                        "details": {},
                        "eventId": "item C consumption-a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-230616113703",
                        "quantity": 1.0,
                        "unitOfMeasure": "ea",
                        "transactionType": "Product",
                        "serialId": "A-001"

This API can unlink a genealogy node by inserting an unlink-component activity event. You can use it in business activities to disassemble production components, uninstall equipment, and unload containers.

  • Path/api/environments/{environmentId}/events/unlink-components
  • MethodPOST

Where {environmentId} is the environment ID of your Supply Chain Management environment in Lifecycle Services.

Post unlink events request payload

  "requestId": string,
        "eventId": string,
        "description": string,
        "activityType": string,   # Refer to predefined "Activity Type"
        "activityCode": string,   # Refer to configured "Activity Code" linked to "Activity Type"
        "datetime": YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssz,
        "operator": string,
        "companyCode": string,
        "details": {
            "<data collection name>": <data collection value>
        "consumptionTransactions": [
                "transactionId": string,
                "companyCode": string,
                "itemId": string,   # Refer to configured "item" for tracing
                "trackingId": string,
                "serialId": string,
                "batchId": string,
                "assetId": string,
                "lotId": string,
                "quantity": decimal,
                "unitOfMeasure": string
        "productTransactions": [
                "transactionId": string,
                "companyCode": string,
                "itemId": string,   # Refer to configured "item"
                "trackingId": string,
                "serialId": string,
                "batchId": string,
                "assetId": string,
                "lotId": string,
                "quantity": decimal,
                "unitOfMeasure": string

Unlink events post header field descriptions

Field Name Description
RequestId Random UUID.
eventId Unique identifier for the activity (SerialId/BatchId). Duplicate values aren't allowed. The system generates this value if none is specified.
description Description of the activity event.
activityType Refers to a predefined "Activity Type" (such as Purchase, Sales, or Production).
activityCode Refers to a configured "Activity Code" (such as GoodsReceipt, Add, or Remove).
dateTime The date and time the activity event happened.
operator The operator who executed the activity event. The value can be a user ID, employee ID, or similar.
companyCode For Supply Chain Management, this field maps to a legal entity.
<data collection name> These fields are used to collect custom values.

Unlink events post productTransactions element field descriptions

Field Name Description
transactionId Unique identifier for the transaction. Duplicate values aren't allowed. This field can be null.
companyCode The legal entity of parent node.
itemId Item number of parent node.
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of the itemId, companyCode, batchId, and serialId.
serialId The serial number of parent node.
batchId The batch number of parent node.
assetId The asset number of parent node. This field can be used as equipment number.
lotId The lot number of parent node. This field can be used as container number.
quantity The operation quantity of parent node.
unitOfMeasure The unit of measure of parent node.

Unlink events post consumptionTransactions element field descriptions

Field Name Description
transactionId Unique identifier for the transaction. Duplicate values aren't allowed. This field can be null.
companyCode The legal entity of child node to be removed.
itemId Item number of child node.
trackingId Key value for the genealogy node. It's a combination of the itemId, companyCode, batchId, and serialId.
serialId The serial number of child node to be removed.
batchId The batch number of child node to be removed.
assetId The asset number of child node to be removed. This field can be used as equipment number.
lotId The lot number of child node to be removed. This field can be used as container number.
quantity The consumption quantity of child node to be removed.
unitOfMeasure The unit of measure of the removed quantity.

Unlink events post API response

On success, status code 204 is returned.

Unlink events post example

This example shows how to use the unlink events post API to create a new activity with activity code FullRemove and activity type Production. The app is configured (on the Settings > Activity page) to make the FullRemove activity code available to all companies. The example removes component C from product A (continuing from the example provided previously).

Unlink events post example request payload

    "RequestId": "a8fbd235-f56d-4d10-b4de-9b125eb814ea",
            "EventId": "remove c -a8f441b3-2f15-5b92-8d84-20240821112003",
            "CompanyCode": "USMF",
            "Operator": "Terry Alvarado",
            "Description": "Component Full Remove",
            "ActivityType": "Production",
            "ActivityCode": "FullRemove",
            "Datetime": "2023-08-15T06:14:06.653Z",
            "Details": {
                "Operation Step": "OP2",
                "Resource": "RES2",
                "Reference Location": "RES-L02"
            "ConsumptionTransactions": [
                    "TransactionId": null,
                    "ItemId": "C",
                    "TrackingId": null,
                    "Details": {},
                    "Quantity": 1.0,
                    "UnitOfMeasure": "ea",
                    "BatchId": "C-001",
                    "SerialId": null
            "ProductTransactions": [
                    "TransactionId": null,
                    "ItemId": "A",
                    "TrackingId": null,
                    "Details": {},
                    "Quantity": 1.0,
                    "UnitOfMeasure": "ea",
                    "TransactionType": 0,
                    "BatchId": null,
                    "SerialId": "A-001"

Unlink events post example results

If you posted the example request shown previously, the Traceability app would display the following events in the Activities dialog for product A, serial number A-001:

  • The new activity event is shown as a node identified using the description submitted to the API, which is Component Full Remove.
  • The node includes a section that specifies the activity, which is called Production - FullRemove. The name combines the activity type and activity code. More details about the activity are provided under the name.
  • The node includes two transactions, one each of Receipts and Consumptions. These transactions map to the ConsumptionTransactions and ProductTransactions elements of the request payload, respectively.
  • Each transaction contains information about a specific component affected by the activity. The result of this activity event is that component C from batch C-001 was unlinked from product A serial number A-001.

Results of the unlink events post example, shown in the Traceability Add-in