
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Tables supported for duplicate record data sharing

This list describes the tables supported for duplicate record data sharing. Duplicate record data sharing is a mechanism for sharing reference and group data among companies in a deployment. It might be possible to add additional tables to duplicate record data sharing policies, however, any table not listed in the following tables is not officially supported.

Dynamics 365 Finance

Table object Name Table description (Label)
AssetCondition Fixed asset condition
AssetBookTable Fixed asset book setup
AssetGroup Fixed asset groups
AssetLedger Fixed asset posting profile
AssetLedgerAccounts Fixed asset posting profile
BankCentralBankPurpose Payment purpose codes
BankChequeLayout Check layout
BankGroup Bank groups
BankParameters Bank parameters
BankTransType Bank transaction type
CashDisc Cash discount
CompanyNAFCode NAF codes
CredManAccountStatusTable Account statuses
CredManCollectionsGroupTable Collection groups
CredManGroup Credit management groups
CredManReasonTable Reason table
CustBankAccount Customer bank accounts
CustCollectionLetterLine Collection letter lines
CustCollectionLetterTable Collection letter setup
CustDefaultLocation Customer default locations
CustGroup Customer groups
CustLedger Customer posting profiles
CustLedgerAccounts Customer ledger accounts
CustPaymModeTable Methods of payment – customers
CustStaticsGroup Statistics group
CustTable Customers
CustTradingPartnerCode Trading partner code
CustVendItemGroup External item description group
LedgerJournalName Name of journal
LineOfBusiness Line of business
PaymDay Payment days
PaymDayLine Payment day lines
PaymSched Payment schedule
PaymSchedLine Payment schedule lines
PaymTerm Terms of payment
ReasonTable Reasons
Tax1099Fields 1099 fields
VendExceptionGroup Vendor exception groups
VendLedger Vendor posting profile
VendLedger Vendor posting profile
VendLedgerAccounts Vendor ledger accounts


Table object Name Table description (Label)
TaxAuthorityAddress Authority
TaxAuthorityAddressRegistration Authority registration number
TaxGroupHeading Sales tax group description
TaxItemGroupHeading Item sales tax group
TaxLedgerAccountGroup Ledger posting groups
TaxParameters Sales tax parameters
TaxPeriodHead Sales tax period description

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Table object name Table description (Label)
BarcodeSetup Barcode setup
BOMCalcGroup Calculation groups
BOMCostGroup Cost group
CommissionCustomerGroup Commission customer group
CommissionSalesGroup Commission sales group
CommissionItemGroup Commission item group
CommissionSalesRep Commission sales rep.
CustClassificationGroup Customer classification groups
DlvMode Mode of delivery
DlvReason Reason of delivery
DlvTerm Terms of delivery
ForecastItemAllocation Item allocation keys
InventBuyerGroup Buyer groups
InventCountingReasonCodePolicy Counting reason code policies
InventFiscalLIFOGroup Fiscal LIFO reporting group
InventItemGroup Item groups
InventItemGroupForm Item groups
InventItemPriceToleranceGroup Item price tolerance groups
InventJournalName Inventory journal names
InventLocationInventCountingReasonCodePolicy Inventory counting reason code policy for warehouse
InventModelGroup Item model groups
InventNumGroup Number groups
InventOrderEntryDeadlineGroup Order entry deadline groups
InventPackagingGroup Packing groups
InventProblemType Problem types
InventProblemTypeSetup Problem/Non conformance types validation
KittingGroupTable Kit groups
MarkupGroup Charges groups
PdsBatchAttrib Batch attributes
PdsBatchAttribByAttribGroup Group attributes
PdsBatchAttribEnumValues Attribute enumerate values
PdsBatchAttribGroup Batch attribute groups
PdsCustRebateGroup Customer rebate groups
PdsDispositionMaster Batch disposition master
PdsFreightGroup Freight allocation group
PdsItemRebateGroup Item rebate group
PdsRebateProgramTMATable TMA groups
PersonTitleTable Titles/occupations
PlSADRateGroup Duty rates groups
PriceDiscGroup Price groups
PriceDiscSmartRoundingGroup Rounding version
PriceDiscSmartRoundingGroupCurrency Rounding version members
PriceDiscSmartRoundingRule Rounding rules
ProdGroup Production groups
ProdPool Production pools
PurchPool Purchase pools
ReasonTable Reasons
ReqGroup Item coverage groups
ReqReduceKey Reduction keys
ReqReduceLine Reduction lines
ReqSitePolicy Master planning site policies
RetailBarcodeMaskCharacter Bar code mask characters
RetailBarcodeMaskSegment Bar code mask segment
RetailBarcodeMaskTable Bar code mask
RetailInventoryLevelProfile Inventory level profile
RetailInventoryLevelProfileProcessingRange Inventory level processing range
RetailInventoryLevelProfileRange Inventory level range
RetailPricingPriorityTable Pricing priority
RetailSeasonTable Season
RevRecRevenueSchedule Revenue schedules
RevRecRevenueScheduleDetail Revenue schedule details
RouteCostCategory Cost categories
SalesOrigin Order origin codes
SalesPool Order pools
smmBusRelChainGroup Company chains
smmBusRelDefaultLocation Prospect default locations
smmBusRelSalesDistrictGroup Sales districts
smmBusRelSectorTable Prospect sector table
smmBusRelSegmentGroup Segment table
smmBusRelStatusGroup Status table
smmBusRelSubSegmentGroup Subsegment table
smmBusRelTable Prospects
smmBusRelTypeGroup Type table
smmBusSectorGroup Business classification table
smmCharacterGroup Contact characters
smmContactGreetingsGroup Complimentary close
smmContactInterest Contact interests
smmContactIntroGroup Salutation texts
smmConvertedBusRel Converted prospects
smmDecisionGroup Decision table
smmFunctionGroup Function
smmInterestGroup Interests
smmLeadPriorityTable Lead priority
smmLeadRatingTable Lead rating
smmLeadTable Leads
smmLeadTypeTable Lead type
smmLoyaltyGroup Loyalties
smmOpportunityTable Opportunities
smmQuotationProbabilityGroup Quotation probability
smmQuotationPrognosisGroup Quotation prognosis
smmQuotationReasonGroup Quotation reason
smmSalesUnit Sales management units
smmSalesUnitMembers Sales unit members
smmSourceTypeOptions Source type option
smmSourceTypeTable Source type
SuppItemGroup Supplementary item groups
TAMItemVendRebateGroup Item rebate groups
TAMVendRebateGroup Vendor rebate group
TMSBillingGroup Billing group
TMSBreakDetail Break Detail
TMSBreakMaster Break master
TMSDlvTerm Terms of delivery related to transportation management
TMSNumberSequence Number sequences
TMSRateBase Rate base
TMSRateBaseAssignment Rate base assignment
TMSRateBaseDetail Rate Base Detail
TMSRateBaseType Rate base types
TMSRateBaseTypeField Rate Base Type Field
TMSRateEngine Rate engine
TMSRateMaster Rate master
TMSTransitTimeDetail Transit Time Detail
TMSTransitTimeEngine Transit time engine
TMSTransitTimeField Transit time field
TMSZoneEngine Zone engine
VendGroup Vendor groups
WHSClusterProfile Cluster profiles
WHSClusterSort Cluster sorting
WHSContainerAttributes Container attributes
WHSContainerGroup Container groups
WHSContainerGroupLine Container Group Detail
WHSDocumentRoutingLayout Document routing layouts
WHSFilterParm Required filters
WHSFilters Product filters
WHSLoadTemplate Load templates
WHSLocationFormat Location Formats
WHSLocationFormatLine Location Format Detail
WHSLocationType Location types
WHSLocDirHint Directive codes
WHSMovementType Movement types
WHSPackageClass Package classes
WHSPackSizeCategory Pack size categories
WHSPhysDimGroupTable Physical Dimension by Group
WHSRequestType Request types
WHSUOMSeqGroupLine Unit Sequence Group Detail
WHSUOMSeqGroupTable Unit sequence groups
WHSWaveAttributes Wave attributes
WHSWaveLabelType Wave label type
WHSWorkClassTable Work classes
WHSWorkClassValidLocType Valid put location types
WHSWorkPool Work pools
WHSZone Warehouse zones
WHSZoneGroup Warehouse zone groups
WorkCalendarDate Working times
WorkCalendarDateLine Working time
WorkCalendarTable Calendar
WrkCtrProperty Properties
WrkCtrPropertyLine Property

Dynamics 365 Project Operations

Table object name Table description (Label) Release details/Additional information
CategoryTable Category table
ProjLineProperty Line property
ProjCategory Project category Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
DRS is not enabled for Categories for control types (ProjControlCategory) in Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32, records must be manually created for Categories for control types (ProjControlCategory) in the legal entities where data is duplicated for Project categories.
ProjCategoryGroup Category group Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
ProjPeriodLine Project period lines Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
ProjPeriodTable Project periods Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
ProjPeriodTimesheetWeek Timesheet weekly periods Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
This table should be shared in the same policy as Project periods(ProjPeriodTable).
PSACustomerRetentionTermLine Customer retention term lines Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
PSACustomerRetentionTermTable Customer retention terms Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
PSAIndirectComponent Indirect cost component Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
This table has a reference to Project Category. It needs to be shared within the same policy as the Project Category table to ensure the data integrity.
PSAIndirectComponentGroup Indirect cost component groups Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
PSAIndirectCompoundingRules Compounding rules Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
PSAIndirectCompoundingRulesSelection Indirect cost component compounding rule Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
PSAIndirectCompoundingSetup Assigned indirect cost components Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
PSAVendorRetentionTermsLine Retainage schedule line Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32
PSAVendorRetentionTermsTable Retainage schedule Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.32

Additional tables when the customer and vendor master sharing feature is enabled

Table object name Table description (Label)
BankConstantSymbol  Bank constant symbols
BankCustPaymIdTable  Payment ID
BankTransactionTypeGroupHeader  Bank transaction groups
ContactPerson  Contacts
CreditCardCust  Customer credit card
CustFineSetup_BR  Fine codes
CustInterestSetup_BR  Interest codes
CustomChequeLayout_BR  Custom check layout
CustomsTariffCodeTable_IN  Customs tariff codes
ExciseTariffCodes_IN  Excise tariff codes
LvPaymTransCodes  Payment transaction code
PaymentFormatCodeSets_W  Payment format code sets
RetailCustTable  Customers (Retail)
RetailVendTable  Product import vendor setup
SalesTaxFormTypes_IN  India sales tax form types
smmResponsibilitiesEmpTable  Responsibility assignments
StatRepInterval  Statistics
StatRepIntervalLine  Aging periods
TaxBranch  Tax branch
TaxComponentTable_IN Tax components
TaxInformationCustTable_IN  Tax Information of Customer
TaxInformationVendTable_IN  Tax Information of Vendor
TaxLedgerAccountGroup_IN  Tax ledger posting group
TaxVatNumTable  Tax exempt number table
TaxWithholdComponentGroupTable_IN  Withholding tax component groups
TaxWithholdComponentTable_IN  Withholding tax components
TaxWithholdTable  Withholding tax codes
VendBankAccount  Vendor bank accounts
VendContractZakat_SA  Contractor
VendDefaultAccounts  Default ledger accounts for vendors
VendDefaultLocation Vendor Default Location
VendFineSetup_BR  Fine codes
VendInfoZakat_SA  Vendors
VendInterestSetup_BR  Interest codes
VendStateTaxID  Vendor state tax IDs
VendTable Vendors

Available duplicate records data sharing templates

Package name on LCS Data sharing policies
Financial data sharing templates
  • Bank parameters
  • Ledger journal names
  • Payment days
  • Payment schedules
  • Payment terms
  • Tax exempt codes
Supply chain data sharing templates
  • Barcode parameters
  • Barcode setup
  • Buyer group
  • Charges group
  • Commission
  • Destination code
  • Non-conformance type
  • Order entry deadline group
  • Order origin code
  • Order pool
  • Production group
  • Production pool
  • Reason for delivery
  • Supplementary item group
  • Terms of delivery
  • Work time calendar

Download a cross-company data sharing template from LCS

To download a cross-company data sharing template from Lifecycle Services (LCS), follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to LCS.
  2. On the home page, select Shared asset library.
  3. In the Asset type list, select Data package.
  4. Select any of the available data package files that you want to download. For details about how to use a template, see Configure financial cross-company data sharing.

Tables supported for master company data sharing

It might be possible to add additional tables for master company data sharing policies, however, any table not listed in the following tables is not officially supported.

Dynamics 365 Finance

Table object name Table description (Label)
AssetCondition Fixed asset condition
BankCentralBankPurpose Payment purpose codes
BankChequeLayout Check layout
BankGroup Bank groups
BankParameters Bank parameters
BankTransType Bank transaction type
BankTransactionTypeGroupHeader Bank transaction groups
CompanyNAFCode NAF codes
CreditCardCust Customer credit card
CreditCardProcessors Payment services
CreditCardTypeCurrency Credit card type currency
CreditCardTypeSetup Credit card type setup
CredManAccountStatusTable Account statuses
CredManCollectionsGroupTable Collection groups
CredManGroup Credit management groups
CredManReasonTable Reason table
CustBankAccount Customer bank accounts
CustCollectionLetterTable Collection letter setup
CustDefaultLocation Customer default locations
CustGroup Customer groups
CustLedger Customer posting profiles
CustPaymModeTable Methods of payment – customers
CustStaticsGroup Statistics group
CustTable Customers
CustTradingPartnerCode Trading partner code
CustVendItemGroup External item description group
LedgerJournalName Name of journal
LineOfBusiness Line of business
PaymDay Payment days
PaymDayLine Payment day lines
PaymSched Payment schedule
PaymSchedLine Payment schedule lines
PaymTerm Terms of payment
ReasonTable Reasons
ReasonTableRef Reason references
StatRepInterval Statistics
StatRepIntervalLine Aging periods
Tax1099Fields 1099 fields
VendExceptionGroup Vendor exception groups
VendLedger Vendor posting profile
VendPriceToleranceGroup Vendor price tolerance groups
VendStateTaxID Vendor state tax IDs


Table object name Table description (Label)
TaxAuthorityAddress Authority
TaxAuthorityAddressRegistration Authority registration number
TaxGroupHeading Sales tax group description
TaxItemGroupHeading Item sales tax group
TaxParameters Sales tax parameters
TaxPeriodHead Sales tax period description
TaxWithholdTable Withholding tax codes

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Table name Table description (Label)
BarcodeSetup Barcode setup
ContactPerson Contacts
CustClassificationGroup Customer classification groups
DlvMode  Mode of delivery 
DlvReason  Reason of delivery 
DlvTerm  Terms of delivery 
InventProblemType  Problem types 
InventProblemTypeSetup  Problem/ Non conformance types validation 
PriceDiscGroup  Price groups 
PriceDiscSmartRoundingGroup  Rounding version 
PriceDiscSmartRoundingGroupCurrency  Rounding version members 
PriceDiscSmartRoundingRule  Rounding rules 
smmBusRelDefaultLocation  Prospect default locations 
smmBusRelSectorTable  Prospect sector table 
smmBusRelTable  Prospects 
smmLeadTable  Leads 
smmOpportunityTable  Opportunities 
smmQuotationPrognosisGroup  Quotation prognosis 
smmQuotationReasonGroup  Quotation reason 
smmResponsibilitiesEmplTable Responsibility assignments
smmSalesUnit  Sales management units 
smmSalesUnitMembers  Sales unit members 
smmSourceTypeOptions  Source type option 
smmSourceTypeTable  Source type 
TAMVendRebateGroup  Vendor rebate group 
WorkCalendarDate  Working times 
WorkCalendarDateLine  Working time 
WorkCalendarTable  Calendar 
WrkCtrPropertyLine  Property 

Additional Supply Chain Management tables when the (Private Preview) cross-company data sharing for products feature is enabled.


The following tables can be added to a master company data sharing policy but are only supported when the “Cross-company data sharing for products” feature is enabled, which is currently in Private Preview.

Table name Table description (Label)
InventStdCostConv Standard cost conversion
InventStdCostConvItem Standard cost conversion items
InventTable Items
InventTableInventCountingReasonCodePolicy Inventory counting reason code policy for item
InventTableModule Inventory module parameters
KittingInventTable Manage kit structure
MCRInventTable Inventory table retail information
PdsBatchAttribByItem Product specific
RetailInventTable Item table
TMSInventEnabled Transportation item number
WarrantyInventTable Warranty items
WHSInventEnabled List of warehouse management items
WHSInventTable Warehouse item number
WHSPhysDimUOM Physical Dimension by Unit

Dynamcis 365 Project Operations

Table object name Table description (Label)
CategoryTable Category table
ProjLineProperty Line Property