Note (Annotation) table/entity reference (Microsoft Dynamics 365)
Note that is attached to one or more objects, including other notes.
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Note (Annotation) table extends the Microsoft Dataverse Note (Annotation) table.
Writable columns/attributes
These columns/attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.
Property | Value |
Description | Determines whether annotation record was autonomously created on conversation wrap up for the linked case record. |
DisplayName | Is autonomously created |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | isautonomouslycreated |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
GlobalChoiceName | annotation_isautonomouslycreated |
DefaultValue | False |
True Label | Yes |
False Label | No |
Customized columns/attributes
Microsoft Dynamics 365 modifies the definition of columns/attributes defined in other solutions. Listed by SchemaName.
Changes from ObjectId (Microsoft Dataverse)
Property | Value |
Targets | bookableresource, bookableresourcebooking, bookableresourcebookingheader, bookableresourcecategoryassn, bookableresourcecharacteristic, bookableresourcegroup, bulkoperation, campaign, campaignactivity, campaignresponse, commitment, competitor, contract, contractdetail, entitlement, entitlementchannel, entitlementtemplate, equipment, incident, incidentresolution, invoice, lead, list, msdyn_copilottranscript, msdyn_customerasset, msdyn_forecastconfiguration, msdyn_forecastpredictionstatus, msdyn_functionallocation, msdyn_iotalert, msdyn_iotdevice, msdyn_iotdevicecategory, msdyn_iotdevicecommand, msdyn_iotdeviceregistrationhistory, msdyn_liveconversation, msdyn_ocflaggedspam, msdyn_ocliveworkitem, msdyn_ocsession, msdyn_overflowactionconfig, msdyn_personalsoundsetting, msdyn_playbookinstance, msdyn_playbooktemplate, msdyn_postalbum, msdyn_salessuggestion, msdyn_soundfile, msdyn_soundnotificationsetting, msdyn_swarm, msdyn_taggedrecord, msdyn_transcript, msfp_alert, msfp_question, msfp_surveyinvite, msfp_surveyresponse, opportunity, opportunityclose, orderclose, product, quote, quoteclose, resourcespec, salesorder, service, serviceappointment |
Many-to-One relationships
These relationships are many-to-one. Listed by SchemaName.
- bookableresource_Annotations
- bookableresourcebooking_Annotations
- bookableresourcebookingheader_Annotations
- bookableresourcecategoryassn_Annotations
- bookableresourcecharacteristic_Annotations
- bookableresourcegroup_Annotations
- bulkoperation_Annotations
- Campaign_Annotation
- CampaignActivity_Annotation
- CampaignResponse_Annotation
- Competitor_Annotation
- Contract_Annotation
- ContractDetail_Annotation
- entitlement_Annotations
- entitlementchannel_Annotations
- entitlementtemplate_Annotations
- Equipment_Annotation
- Incident_Annotation
- IncidentResolution_Annotation
- Invoice_Annotation
- Lead_Annotation
- List_Annotation
- msdyn_copilottranscript_Annotations
- msdyn_customerasset_Annotations
- msdyn_forecastconfiguration_Annotations
- msdyn_forecastpredictionstatus_Annotations
- msdyn_functionallocation_Annotations
- msdyn_iotalert_Annotations
- msdyn_iotdevice_Annotations
- msdyn_iotdevicecategory_Annotations
- msdyn_iotdevicecommand_Annotations
- msdyn_iotdeviceregistrationhistory_Annotations
- msdyn_ocflaggedspam_Annotations
- msdyn_ocliveworkitem_Annotations
- msdyn_ocsession_Annotations
- msdyn_overflowactionconfig_Annotations
- msdyn_personalsoundsetting_Annotations
- msdyn_postalbum_Annotations
- msdyn_salessuggestion_Annotations
- msdyn_soundfile_Annotations
- msdyn_soundnotificationsetting_Annotations
- msdyn_swarm_Annotations
- msdyn_taggedrecord_Annotations
- msdyn_transcript_Annotations
- msfp_alert_Annotations
- msfp_question_Annotations
- msfp_surveyinvite_Annotations
- msfp_surveyresponse_Annotations
- Opportunity_Annotation
- OpportunityClose_Annotation
- OrderClose_Annotation
- Product_Annotation
- Quote_Annotation
- QuoteClose_Annotation
- ResourceSpec_Annotation
- SalesOrder_Annotation
- Service_Annotation
- ServiceAppointment_Annotation
One-To-Many Relationship: bookableresource bookableresource_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | bookableresource |
ReferencedAttribute | bookableresourceid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_bookableresource |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: bookableresourcebooking bookableresourcebooking_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | bookableresourcebooking |
ReferencedAttribute | bookableresourcebookingid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_bookableresourcebooking |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: bookableresourcebookingheader bookableresourcebookingheader_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | bookableresourcebookingheader |
ReferencedAttribute | bookableresourcebookingheaderid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_bookableresourcebookingheader |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: bookableresourcecategoryassn bookableresourcecategoryassn_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | bookableresourcecategoryassn |
ReferencedAttribute | bookableresourcecategoryassnid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_bookableresourcecategoryassn |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: bookableresourcecharacteristic bookableresourcecharacteristic_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | bookableresourcecharacteristic |
ReferencedAttribute | bookableresourcecharacteristicid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_bookableresourcecharacteristic |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: bookableresourcegroup bookableresourcegroup_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | bookableresourcegroup |
ReferencedAttribute | bookableresourcegroupid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_bookableresourcegroup |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: bulkoperation bulkoperation_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | bulkoperation |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_bulkoperation |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: campaign Campaign_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | campaign |
ReferencedAttribute | campaignid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_campaign |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: campaignactivity CampaignActivity_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | campaignactivity |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_campaignactivity |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: campaignresponse CampaignResponse_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | campaignresponse |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_campaignresponse |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: competitor Competitor_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | competitor |
ReferencedAttribute | competitorid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_competitor |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: contract Contract_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | contract |
ReferencedAttribute | contractid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_contract |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: contractdetail ContractDetail_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | contractdetail |
ReferencedAttribute | contractdetailid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_contractdetail |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: entitlement entitlement_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | entitlement |
ReferencedAttribute | entitlementid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_entitlement |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: entitlementchannel entitlementchannel_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | entitlementchannel |
ReferencedAttribute | entitlementchannelid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_entitlementchannel |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: entitlementtemplate entitlementtemplate_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | entitlementtemplate |
ReferencedAttribute | entitlementtemplateid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_entitlementtemplate |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: equipment Equipment_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | equipment |
ReferencedAttribute | equipmentid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_equipment |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: incident Incident_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | incident |
ReferencedAttribute | incidentid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_incident |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: Cascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: incidentresolution IncidentResolution_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | incidentresolution |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_incidentresolution |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: invoice Invoice_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | invoice |
ReferencedAttribute | invoiceid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_invoice |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: lead Lead_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | lead |
ReferencedAttribute | leadid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_lead |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: Cascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: list List_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | list |
ReferencedAttribute | listid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_list |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_copilottranscript msdyn_copilottranscript_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_copilottranscript |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_copilottranscript |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_customerasset msdyn_customerasset_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_customerasset |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_customerassetid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_customerasset |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_forecastconfiguration msdyn_forecastconfiguration_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_forecastconfiguration |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_forecastconfigurationid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_forecastconfiguration |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_forecastpredictionstatus msdyn_forecastpredictionstatus_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_forecastpredictionstatus |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_forecastpredictionstatusid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_forecastpredictionstatus |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_functionallocation msdyn_functionallocation_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_functionallocation |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_functionallocationid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_functionallocation |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_iotalert msdyn_iotalert_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_iotalert |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_iotalertid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_iotalert |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_iotdevice msdyn_iotdevice_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_iotdevice |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_iotdeviceid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_iotdevice |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_iotdevicecategory msdyn_iotdevicecategory_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_iotdevicecategory |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_iotdevicecategoryid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_iotdevicecategory |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_iotdevicecommand msdyn_iotdevicecommand_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_iotdevicecommand |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_iotdevicecommandid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_iotdevicecommand |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_iotdeviceregistrationhistory msdyn_iotdeviceregistrationhistory_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_iotdeviceregistrationhistory |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_iotdeviceregistrationhistoryid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_iotdeviceregistrationhistory |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_ocflaggedspam msdyn_ocflaggedspam_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_ocflaggedspam |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_ocflaggedspamid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_ocflaggedspam |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_ocliveworkitem msdyn_ocliveworkitem_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_ocliveworkitem |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_ocliveworkitem |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_ocsession msdyn_ocsession_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_ocsession |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_ocsession |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_overflowactionconfig msdyn_overflowactionconfig_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_overflowactionconfig |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_overflowactionconfigid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_overflowactionconfig |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_personalsoundsetting msdyn_personalsoundsetting_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_personalsoundsetting |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_personalsoundsettingid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_personalsoundsetting |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_postalbum msdyn_postalbum_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_postalbum |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_postalbumid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_postalbum |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_salessuggestion msdyn_salessuggestion_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_salessuggestion |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_salessuggestionid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_salessuggestion |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_soundfile msdyn_soundfile_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_soundfile |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_soundfileid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_soundfile |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_soundnotificationsetting msdyn_soundnotificationsetting_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_soundnotificationsetting |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_soundnotificationsettingid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_soundnotificationsetting |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_swarm msdyn_swarm_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_swarm |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_swarmid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_swarm |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_taggedrecord msdyn_taggedrecord_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_taggedrecord |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_taggedrecordid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_taggedrecord |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msdyn_transcript msdyn_transcript_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msdyn_transcript |
ReferencedAttribute | msdyn_transcriptid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msdyn_transcript |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msfp_alert msfp_alert_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msfp_alert |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msfp_alert |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msfp_question msfp_question_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msfp_question |
ReferencedAttribute | msfp_questionid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msfp_question |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msfp_surveyinvite msfp_surveyinvite_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msfp_surveyinvite |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msfp_surveyinvite |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: msfp_surveyresponse msfp_surveyresponse_Annotations
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | msfp_surveyresponse |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_msfp_surveyresponse |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: opportunity Opportunity_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | opportunity |
ReferencedAttribute | opportunityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_opportunity |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: opportunityclose OpportunityClose_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | opportunityclose |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_opportunityclose |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: orderclose OrderClose_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | orderclose |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_orderclose |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: product Product_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | product |
ReferencedAttribute | productid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_product |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: quote Quote_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | quote |
ReferencedAttribute | quoteid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_quote |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: quoteclose QuoteClose_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | quoteclose |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_quoteclose |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: resourcespec ResourceSpec_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | resourcespec |
ReferencedAttribute | resourcespecid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_resourcespec |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: salesorder SalesOrder_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | salesorder |
ReferencedAttribute | salesorderid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_salesorder |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: service Service_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | service |
ReferencedAttribute | serviceid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_service |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: serviceappointment ServiceAppointment_Annotation
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | serviceappointment |
ReferencedAttribute | activityid |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | objectid_serviceappointment |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
See also
Dataverse table/entity reference
Dataverse Web API Reference