Návod: Implementace virtuálního režimu v ovládacím prvku Windows Forms DataGridView
Pokud chcete v ovládacím prvku DataGridView zobrazit velmi velké množství tabulkových dat, můžete vlastnost VirtualMode nastavit na true
a explicitně spravovat interakci ovládacího prvku s jeho úložištěm dat. To vám umožní vyladit výkon ovládacího prvku v této situaci.
Ovládací prvek DataGridView poskytuje několik událostí, které můžete zpracovat pro interakci s vlastním úložištěm dat. Tento průvodce vás provede procesem implementace těchto obsluh událostí. Příklad kódu v tomto tématu používá pro ilustraci velmi jednoduchý zdroj dat. V produkčním prostředí obvykle načítáte pouze řádky, které potřebujete zobrazit do mezipaměti, a zpracováváte události DataGridView pro interakci a aktualizaci této mezipaměti. Další informace najdete v tématu Implementace virtuálního režimu s načítáním dat pouzeIn-Time v ovládacím prvku Windows Forms DataGridView
Pokud chcete zkopírovat kód v tomto tématu jako jeden celek, podívejte se na Postupy: Implementace virtuálního režimu v ovládacím prvku Windows Forms DataGridView.
Vytvoření formuláře
Implementace virtuálního režimu
Vytvořte třídu, která je odvozena od Form a obsahuje DataGridView ovládací prvek.
Následující kód obsahuje některé základní inicializace. Deklaruje některé proměnné, které budou použity v pozdějších krocích, poskytuje
metodu a poskytuje jednoduché rozložení formuláře v konstruktoru třídy.#using <System.Drawing.dll> #using <System.dll> #using <System.Windows.Forms.dll> using namespace System; using namespace System::Windows::Forms; public ref class Customer { private: String^ companyNameValue; String^ contactNameValue; public: Customer() { // Leave fields empty. } Customer( String^ companyName, String^ contactName ) { companyNameValue = companyName; contactNameValue = contactName; } property String^ CompanyName { String^ get() { return companyNameValue; } void set( String^ value ) { companyNameValue = value; } } property String^ ContactName { String^ get() { return contactNameValue; } void set( String^ value ) { contactNameValue = value; } } }; public ref class Form1: public Form { private: DataGridView^ dataGridView1; // Declare an ArrayList to serve as the data store. System::Collections::ArrayList^ customers; // Declare a Customer object to store data for a row being edited. Customer^ customerInEdit; // Declare a variable to store the index of a row being edited. // A value of -1 indicates that there is no row currently in edit. int rowInEdit; // Declare a variable to indicate the commit scope. // Set this value to false to use cell-level commit scope. bool rowScopeCommit; public: static void Main() { Application::Run( gcnew Form1 ); } Form1() { dataGridView1 = gcnew DataGridView; customers = gcnew System::Collections::ArrayList; rowInEdit = -1; rowScopeCommit = true; // Initialize the form. this->dataGridView1->Dock = DockStyle::Fill; this->Controls->Add( this->dataGridView1 ); this->Load += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::Form1_Load ); } private:
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; public class Form1 : Form { private DataGridView dataGridView1 = new DataGridView(); // Declare an ArrayList to serve as the data store. private System.Collections.ArrayList customers = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); // Declare a Customer object to store data for a row being edited. private Customer customerInEdit; // Declare a variable to store the index of a row being edited. // A value of -1 indicates that there is no row currently in edit. private int rowInEdit = -1; // Declare a variable to indicate the commit scope. // Set this value to false to use cell-level commit scope. private bool rowScopeCommit = true; [STAThreadAttribute()] public static void Main() { Application.Run(new Form1()); } public Form1() { // Initialize the form. this.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.Controls.Add(this.dataGridView1); this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load); this.Text = "DataGridView virtual-mode demo (row-level commit scope)"; }
Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class Form1 Inherits Form Private WithEvents dataGridView1 As New DataGridView() ' Declare an ArrayList to serve as the data store. Private customers As New System.Collections.ArrayList() ' Declare a Customer object to store data for a row being edited. Private customerInEdit As Customer ' Declare a variable to store the index of a row being edited. ' A value of -1 indicates that there is no row currently in edit. Private rowInEdit As Integer = -1 ' Declare a variable to indicate the commit scope. ' Set this value to false to use cell-level commit scope. Private rowScopeCommit As Boolean = True <STAThreadAttribute()> _ Public Shared Sub Main() Application.Run(New Form1()) End Sub Public Sub New() ' Initialize the form. Me.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill Me.Controls.Add(Me.dataGridView1) Me.Text = "DataGridView virtual-mode demo (row-level commit scope)" End Sub
}; int main() { Form1::Main(); }
End Class
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost Load formuláře, která inicializuje ovládací prvek DataGridView a naplní úložiště dat ukázkovými hodnotami.
void Form1_Load( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ ) { // Enable virtual mode. this->dataGridView1->VirtualMode = true; // Connect the virtual-mode events to event handlers. this->dataGridView1->CellValueNeeded += gcnew DataGridViewCellValueEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded ); this->dataGridView1->CellValuePushed += gcnew DataGridViewCellValueEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_CellValuePushed ); this->dataGridView1->NewRowNeeded += gcnew DataGridViewRowEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded ); this->dataGridView1->RowValidated += gcnew DataGridViewCellEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_RowValidated ); this->dataGridView1->RowDirtyStateNeeded += gcnew QuestionEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded ); this->dataGridView1->CancelRowEdit += gcnew QuestionEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit ); this->dataGridView1->UserDeletingRow += gcnew DataGridViewRowCancelEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow ); // Add columns to the DataGridView. DataGridViewTextBoxColumn^ companyNameColumn = gcnew DataGridViewTextBoxColumn; companyNameColumn->HeaderText = L"Company Name"; companyNameColumn->Name = L"Company Name"; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn^ contactNameColumn = gcnew DataGridViewTextBoxColumn; contactNameColumn->HeaderText = L"Contact Name"; contactNameColumn->Name = L"Contact Name"; this->dataGridView1->Columns->Add( companyNameColumn ); this->dataGridView1->Columns->Add( contactNameColumn ); this->dataGridView1->AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode::DisplayedCells; // Add some sample entries to the data store. this->customers->Add( gcnew Customer( L"Bon app'",L"Laurence Lebihan" ) ); this->customers->Add( gcnew Customer( L"Bottom-Dollar Markets",L"Elizabeth Lincoln" ) ); this->customers->Add( gcnew Customer( L"B's Beverages",L"Victoria Ashworth" ) ); // Set the row count, including the row for new records. this->dataGridView1->RowCount = 4; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Enable virtual mode. this.dataGridView1.VirtualMode = true; // Connect the virtual-mode events to event handlers. this.dataGridView1.CellValueNeeded += new DataGridViewCellValueEventHandler(dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded); this.dataGridView1.CellValuePushed += new DataGridViewCellValueEventHandler(dataGridView1_CellValuePushed); this.dataGridView1.NewRowNeeded += new DataGridViewRowEventHandler(dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded); this.dataGridView1.RowValidated += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(dataGridView1_RowValidated); this.dataGridView1.RowDirtyStateNeeded += new QuestionEventHandler(dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded); this.dataGridView1.CancelRowEdit += new QuestionEventHandler(dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit); this.dataGridView1.UserDeletingRow += new DataGridViewRowCancelEventHandler(dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow); // Add columns to the DataGridView. DataGridViewTextBoxColumn companyNameColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); companyNameColumn.HeaderText = "Company Name"; companyNameColumn.Name = "Company Name"; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn contactNameColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); contactNameColumn.HeaderText = "Contact Name"; contactNameColumn.Name = "Contact Name"; this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(companyNameColumn); this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(contactNameColumn); this.dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.DisplayedCells; // Add some sample entries to the data store. this.customers.Add(new Customer( "Bon app'", "Laurence Lebihan")); this.customers.Add(new Customer( "Bottom-Dollar Markets", "Elizabeth Lincoln")); this.customers.Add(new Customer( "B's Beverages", "Victoria Ashworth")); // Set the row count, including the row for new records. this.dataGridView1.RowCount = 4; }
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles Me.Load ' Enable virtual mode. Me.dataGridView1.VirtualMode = True ' Add columns to the DataGridView. Dim companyNameColumn As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() With companyNameColumn .HeaderText = "Company Name" .Name = "Company Name" End With Dim contactNameColumn As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() With contactNameColumn .HeaderText = "Contact Name" .Name = "Contact Name" End With Me.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(companyNameColumn) Me.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(contactNameColumn) Me.dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = _ DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.DisplayedCells ' Add some sample entries to the data store. Me.customers.Add(New Customer("Bon app'", "Laurence Lebihan")) Me.customers.Add(New Customer("Bottom-Dollar Markets", _ "Elizabeth Lincoln")) Me.customers.Add(New Customer("B's Beverages", "Victoria Ashworth")) ' Set the row count, including the row for new records. Me.dataGridView1.RowCount = 4 End Sub
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost CellValueNeeded, která načte požadovanou hodnotu buňky z úložiště dat nebo objektu
aktuálně v úpravách.K této události dochází vždy, když ovládací prvek DataGridView potřebuje nakreslit buňku.
void dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs^ e ) { Customer^ customerTmp = nullptr; // Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being painted. if ( e->RowIndex == rowInEdit ) { customerTmp = this->customerInEdit; } else { customerTmp = dynamic_cast<Customer^>(this->customers[ e->RowIndex ]); } // Set the cell value to paint using the Customer object retrieved. int switchcase = 0; if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Company Name" ) ) switchcase = 1; else if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Contact Name" ) ) switchcase = 2; switch ( switchcase ) { case 1: e->Value = customerTmp->CompanyName; break; case 2: e->Value = customerTmp->ContactName; break; } }
private void dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e) { // If this is the row for new records, no values are needed. if (e.RowIndex == this.dataGridView1.RowCount - 1) return; Customer customerTmp = null; // Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being painted. if (e.RowIndex == rowInEdit) { customerTmp = this.customerInEdit; } else { customerTmp = (Customer)this.customers[e.RowIndex]; } // Set the cell value to paint using the Customer object retrieved. switch (this.dataGridView1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name) { case "Company Name": e.Value = customerTmp.CompanyName; break; case "Contact Name": e.Value = customerTmp.ContactName; break; } }
Private Sub dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.CellValueNeeded ' If this is the row for new records, no values are needed. If e.RowIndex = Me.dataGridView1.RowCount - 1 Then Return End If Dim customerTmp As Customer = Nothing ' Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being painted. If e.RowIndex = rowInEdit Then customerTmp = Me.customerInEdit Else customerTmp = CType(Me.customers(e.RowIndex), Customer) End If ' Set the cell value to paint using the Customer object retrieved. Select Case Me.dataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name Case "Company Name" e.Value = customerTmp.CompanyName Case "Contact Name" e.Value = customerTmp.ContactName End Select End Sub
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost CellValuePushed, která ukládá upravenou hodnotu buňky do objektu
představující upravený řádek. K této události dochází vždy, když uživatel potvrdí změnu vepsané hodnoty v buňce.void dataGridView1_CellValuePushed( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs^ e ) { Customer^ customerTmp = nullptr; // Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being edited. if ( e->RowIndex < this->customers->Count ) { // If the user is editing a new row, create a new Customer object. if ( this->customerInEdit == nullptr ) { this->customerInEdit = gcnew Customer( (dynamic_cast<Customer^>(this->customers[ e->RowIndex ]))->CompanyName, (dynamic_cast<Customer^>(this->customers[ e->RowIndex ])->ContactName) ); } customerTmp = this->customerInEdit; this->rowInEdit = e->RowIndex; } else { customerTmp = this->customerInEdit; } // Set the appropriate Customer property to the cell value entered. int switchcase = 0; if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Company Name" ) ) switchcase = 1; else if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Contact Name" ) ) switchcase = 2; switch ( switchcase ) { case 1: customerTmp->CompanyName = dynamic_cast<String^>(e->Value); break; case 2: customerTmp->ContactName = dynamic_cast<String^>(e->Value); break; } }
private void dataGridView1_CellValuePushed(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e) { Customer customerTmp = null; // Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being edited. if (e.RowIndex < this.customers.Count) { // If the user is editing a new row, create a new Customer object. this.customerInEdit ??= new Customer( ((Customer)this.customers[e.RowIndex]).CompanyName, ((Customer)this.customers[e.RowIndex]).ContactName); customerTmp = this.customerInEdit; this.rowInEdit = e.RowIndex; } else { customerTmp = this.customerInEdit; } // Set the appropriate Customer property to the cell value entered. String newValue = e.Value as String; switch (this.dataGridView1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name) { case "Company Name": customerTmp.CompanyName = newValue; break; case "Contact Name": customerTmp.ContactName = newValue; break; } }
Private Sub dataGridView1_CellValuePushed(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.CellValuePushed Dim customerTmp As Customer = Nothing ' Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being edited. If e.RowIndex < Me.customers.Count Then ' If the user is editing a new row, create a new Customer object. If Me.customerInEdit Is Nothing Then Me.customerInEdit = New Customer( _ CType(Me.customers(e.RowIndex), Customer).CompanyName, _ CType(Me.customers(e.RowIndex), Customer).ContactName) End If customerTmp = Me.customerInEdit Me.rowInEdit = e.RowIndex Else customerTmp = Me.customerInEdit End If ' Set the appropriate Customer property to the cell value entered. Dim newValue As String = TryCast(e.Value, String) Select Case Me.dataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name Case "Company Name" customerTmp.CompanyName = newValue Case "Contact Name" customerTmp.ContactName = newValue End Select End Sub
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost NewRowNeeded, která vytvoří nový objekt
představující nově vytvořený řádek.K této události dochází vždy, když uživatel zadá řádek pro nové záznamy.
void dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewRowEventArgs^ /*e*/ ) { // Create a new Customer object when the user edits // the row for new records. this->customerInEdit = gcnew Customer; this->rowInEdit = this->dataGridView1->Rows->Count - 1; }
private void dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowEventArgs e) { // Create a new Customer object when the user edits // the row for new records. this.customerInEdit = new Customer(); this.rowInEdit = this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; }
Private Sub dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.NewRowNeeded ' Create a new Customer object when the user edits ' the row for new records. Me.customerInEdit = New Customer() Me.rowInEdit = Me.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 End Sub
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost RowValidated, která ukládá nové nebo upravené řádky do úložiště dat.
K této události dochází vždy, když uživatel změní aktuální řádek.
void dataGridView1_RowValidated( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewCellEventArgs^ e ) { // Save row changes if any were made and release the edited // Customer object if there is one. if ( e->RowIndex >= this->customers->Count && e->RowIndex != this->dataGridView1->Rows->Count - 1 ) { // Add the new Customer object to the data store. this->customers->Add( this->customerInEdit ); this->customerInEdit = nullptr; this->rowInEdit = -1; } else if ( this->customerInEdit != nullptr && e->RowIndex < this->customers->Count ) { // Save the modified Customer object in the data store. this->customers[ e->RowIndex ] = this->customerInEdit; this->customerInEdit = nullptr; this->rowInEdit = -1; } else if ( this->dataGridView1->ContainsFocus ) { this->customerInEdit = nullptr; this->rowInEdit = -1; } }
private void dataGridView1_RowValidated(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { // Save row changes if any were made and release the edited // Customer object if there is one. if (e.RowIndex >= this.customers.Count && e.RowIndex != this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1) { // Add the new Customer object to the data store. this.customers.Add(this.customerInEdit); this.customerInEdit = null; this.rowInEdit = -1; } else if (this.customerInEdit != null && e.RowIndex < this.customers.Count) { // Save the modified Customer object in the data store. this.customers[e.RowIndex] = this.customerInEdit; this.customerInEdit = null; this.rowInEdit = -1; } else if (this.dataGridView1.ContainsFocus) { this.customerInEdit = null; this.rowInEdit = -1; } }
Private Sub dataGridView1_RowValidated(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.RowValidated ' Save row changes if any were made and release the edited ' Customer object if there is one. If e.RowIndex >= Me.customers.Count AndAlso _ e.RowIndex <> Me.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 Then ' Add the new Customer object to the data store. Me.customers.Add(Me.customerInEdit) Me.customerInEdit = Nothing Me.rowInEdit = -1 ElseIf (Me.customerInEdit IsNot Nothing) AndAlso _ e.RowIndex < Me.customers.Count Then ' Save the modified Customer object in the data store. Me.customers(e.RowIndex) = Me.customerInEdit Me.customerInEdit = Nothing Me.rowInEdit = -1 ElseIf Me.dataGridView1.ContainsFocus Then Me.customerInEdit = Nothing Me.rowInEdit = -1 End If End Sub
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost RowDirtyStateNeeded, která označuje, jestli dojde k CancelRowEdit události, když uživatel signalizuje opakování řádku dvojím stisknutím klávesy ESC v režimu úprav nebo jednou mimo režim úprav.
Ve výchozím nastavení dojde k CancelRowEdit při návratu k předchozímu stavu řádku, když byla změněna některá buňka v aktuálním řádku, pokud není vlastnost QuestionEventArgs.Response nastavena na
v obslužné rutině události RowDirtyStateNeeded. Tato událost je užitečná, pokud je rozsah potvrzení určen za běhu.void dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::QuestionEventArgs^ e ) { if ( !rowScopeCommit ) { // In cell-level commit scope, indicate whether the value // of the current cell has been modified. e->Response = this->dataGridView1->IsCurrentCellDirty; } }
private void dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs e) { if (!rowScopeCommit) { // In cell-level commit scope, indicate whether the value // of the current cell has been modified. e.Response = this.dataGridView1.IsCurrentCellDirty; } }
Private Sub dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.RowDirtyStateNeeded If Not rowScopeCommit Then ' In cell-level commit scope, indicate whether the value ' of the current cell has been modified. e.Response = Me.dataGridView1.IsCurrentCellDirty End If End Sub
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost CancelRowEdit, která zahodí hodnoty objektu
představující aktuální řádek.K této události dochází, když uživatel signalizuje opakování řádku dvojím stisknutím klávesy ESC v režimu úprav nebo jednou mimo režim úprav. K této události nedojde, pokud nebyly změněny žádné buňky v aktuálním řádku nebo pokud byla hodnota vlastnosti QuestionEventArgs.Response nastavena na
v obslužné rutině události RowDirtyStateNeeded.void dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::QuestionEventArgs^ /*e*/ ) { if ( this->rowInEdit == this->dataGridView1->Rows->Count - 2 && this->rowInEdit == this->customers->Count ) { // If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row, // replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one. this->customerInEdit = gcnew Customer; } else { // If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row, // release the corresponding Customer object. this->customerInEdit = nullptr; this->rowInEdit = -1; } }
private void dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs e) { if (this.rowInEdit == this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2 && this.rowInEdit == this.customers.Count) { // If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row, // replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one. this.customerInEdit = new Customer(); } else { // If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row, // release the corresponding Customer object. this.customerInEdit = null; this.rowInEdit = -1; } }
Private Sub dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.CancelRowEdit If Me.rowInEdit = Me.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2 AndAlso _ Me.rowInEdit = Me.customers.Count Then ' If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row, ' replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one. Me.customerInEdit = New Customer() Else ' If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row, ' release the corresponding Customer object. Me.customerInEdit = Nothing Me.rowInEdit = -1 End If End Sub
Implementujte obslužnou rutinu pro událost UserDeletingRow, která odstraní existující objekt
z úložiště dat nebo zahodí neuloženéCustomer
objekt představující nově vytvořený řádek.K této události dochází vždy, když uživatel odstraní řádek kliknutím na záhlaví řádku a stisknutím klávesy DELETE.
void dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs^ e ) { if ( e->Row->Index < this->customers->Count ) { // If the user has deleted an existing row, remove the // corresponding Customer object from the data store. this->customers->RemoveAt( e->Row->Index ); } if ( e->Row->Index == this->rowInEdit ) { // If the user has deleted a newly created row, release // the corresponding Customer object. this->rowInEdit = -1; this->customerInEdit = nullptr; } }
private void dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.Index < this.customers.Count) { // If the user has deleted an existing row, remove the // corresponding Customer object from the data store. this.customers.RemoveAt(e.Row.Index); } if (e.Row.Index == this.rowInEdit) { // If the user has deleted a newly created row, release // the corresponding Customer object. this.rowInEdit = -1; this.customerInEdit = null; } }
Private Sub dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.UserDeletingRow If e.Row.Index < Me.customers.Count Then ' If the user has deleted an existing row, remove the ' corresponding Customer object from the data store. Me.customers.RemoveAt(e.Row.Index) End If If e.Row.Index = Me.rowInEdit Then ' If the user has deleted a newly created row, release ' the corresponding Customer object. Me.rowInEdit = -1 Me.customerInEdit = Nothing End If End Sub
Implementujte jednoduchou
třídu, která představuje datové položky používané v tomto příkladu kódu.public ref class Customer { private: String^ companyNameValue; String^ contactNameValue; public: Customer() { // Leave fields empty. } Customer( String^ companyName, String^ contactName ) { companyNameValue = companyName; contactNameValue = contactName; } property String^ CompanyName { String^ get() { return companyNameValue; } void set( String^ value ) { companyNameValue = value; } } property String^ ContactName { String^ get() { return contactNameValue; } void set( String^ value ) { contactNameValue = value; } } };
public class Customer { private String companyNameValue; private String contactNameValue; public Customer() { // Leave fields empty. } public Customer(String companyName, String contactName) { companyNameValue = companyName; contactNameValue = contactName; } public String CompanyName { get { return companyNameValue; } set { companyNameValue = value; } } public String ContactName { get { return contactNameValue; } set { contactNameValue = value; } } }
Public Class Customer Private companyNameValue As String Private contactNameValue As String Public Sub New() ' Leave fields empty. End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal companyName As String, ByVal contactName As String) companyNameValue = companyName contactNameValue = contactName End Sub Public Property CompanyName() As String Get Return companyNameValue End Get Set(ByVal value As String) companyNameValue = value End Set End Property Public Property ContactName() As String Get Return contactNameValue End Get Set(ByVal value As String) contactNameValue = value End Set End Property End Class
Testování aplikace
Formulář teď můžete otestovat a ujistit se, že se chová podle očekávání.
Otestování formuláře
Zkompilujte a spusťte aplikaci.
Zobrazí se ovládací prvek DataGridView naplněný třemi zákaznickými záznamy. Můžete upravit hodnoty více buněk v řádku a dvakrát stisknout esc v režimu úprav a jednou mimo režim úprav vrátit celý řádek na původní hodnoty. Když upravíte, přidáte nebo odstraníte řádky v ovládacím prvku, objekty
v datovém úložišti se rovněž upraví, přidají nebo odstraní.
Další kroky
Tato aplikace poskytuje základní znalosti o událostech, které je nutné zpracovat k implementaci virtuálního režimu v ovládacím prvku DataGridView. Tuto základní aplikaci můžete vylepšit několika způsoby:
Implementujte úložiště dat, které ukládá hodnoty do mezipaměti z externí databáze. Mezipaměť by měla podle potřeby načíst a zahodit hodnoty tak, aby obsahovala pouze to, co je nezbytné pro zobrazení při využívání malé paměti v klientském počítači.
Vylaďte výkon úložiště dat v závislosti na vašich požadavcích. Můžete například chtít kompenzovat pomalé síťová připojení místo omezení paměti klientského počítače použitím větší velikosti mezipaměti a minimalizací počtu databázových dotazů.
Další informace o ukládání hodnot do mezipaměti z externí databáze naleznete v tématu Postupy: Implementace virtuálního režimu s just-In-Time načítání dat v ovládacím prvku Windows Forms DataGridView.
Viz také
- DataGridView
- VirtualMode
- CellValueNeeded
- CellValuePushed
- NewRowNeeded
- RowValidated
- RowDirtyStateNeeded
- CancelRowEdit
- UserDeletingRow
- Optimalizace výkonu v ovládacím prvku Windows Forms DataGridView
- osvědčené postupy pro škálování ovládacího prvku Windows Forms DataGridView
- implementace virtuálního režimu s just-In-Time načítání dat v ovládacím prvku Windows Forms DataGridView
- Postupy: Implementace virtuálního režimu v ovládacím prvku Windows Forms DataGridView
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