Postupy: Zadání klientské vazby v kódu
V tomto příkladu se vytvoří klient, který použije službu kalkulačky a vazbu pro tohoto klienta je imperativní v kódu. Klient přistupuje k CalculatorService
rozhraní , který implementuje ICalculator
rozhraní, a jak služba, tak klient používají BasicHttpBinding třídu.
Tento postup předpokládá, že je spuštěná služba kalkulačky. Informace o sestavení služby naleznete v tématu Postupy: Určení vazby služby v konfiguraci. Používá také nástroj ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (Svcutil.exe)Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) k automatickému vygenerování klientských komponent. Nástroj vygeneruje kód klienta pro přístup ke službě.
Klient je sestavený ve dvou částech. Svcutil.exe vygeneruje ClientCalculator
rozhraní, které implementuje ICalculator
. Tato klientská aplikace se pak vytvoří vytvořením instance ClientCalculator
a určením vazby a adresy služby v kódu.
Zdrojovou kopii tohoto příkladu najdete v ukázce BasicBinding .
Určení vlastní vazby v kódu
K vygenerování kódu z metadat služby použijte Svcutil.exe z příkazového řádku.
Svcutil.exe <service's Metadata Exchange (MEX) address or HTTP GET address>
Klient, který je vygenerován, obsahuje
rozhraní, které definuje kontrakt služby, který musí implementace klienta splňovat.[ServiceContract] public interface ICalculator { [OperationContract] double Add(double n1, double n2); [OperationContract] double Subtract(double n1, double n2); [OperationContract] double Multiply(double n1, double n2); [OperationContract] double Divide(double n1, double n2); }
<ServiceContract()> _ Public Interface ICalculator <OperationContract()> _ Function Add(ByVal n1 As Double, ByVal n2 As Double) As Double <OperationContract()> _ Function Subtract(ByVal n1 As Double, ByVal n2 As Double) As Double <OperationContract()> _ Function Multiply(ByVal n1 As Double, ByVal n2 As Double) As Double <OperationContract()> _ Function Divide(ByVal n1 As Double, ByVal n2 As Double) As Double End Interface
Vygenerovaný klient také obsahuje implementaci
.public class CalculatorClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator>, Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator { public CalculatorClient() { } public CalculatorClient(string endpointConfigurationName) : base(endpointConfigurationName) { } public CalculatorClient(string endpointConfigurationName, string remoteAddress) : base(endpointConfigurationName, remoteAddress) { } public CalculatorClient(string endpointConfigurationName, EndpointAddress remoteAddress) : base(endpointConfigurationName, remoteAddress) { } public CalculatorClient(Binding binding, EndpointAddress remoteAddress) : base(binding, remoteAddress) { } public double Add(double n1, double n2) { return base.Channel.Add(n1, n2); } public double Subtract(double n1, double n2) { return base.Channel.Subtract(n1, n2); } public double Multiply(double n1, double n2) { return base.Channel.Multiply(n1, n2); } public double Divide(double n1, double n2) { return base.Channel.Divide(n1, n2); } }
Public Class CalculatorClient Inherits System.ServiceModel.ClientBase(Of Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator) Implements Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator Public Sub New() End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal endpointConfigurationName As String) MyBase.New(endpointConfigurationName) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal endpointConfigurationName As String, _ ByVal remoteAddress As String) MyBase.New(endpointConfigurationName, remoteAddress) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal endpointConfigurationName As String, _ ByVal remoteAddress As EndpointAddress) MyBase.New(endpointConfigurationName, remoteAddress) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal binding As Binding, _ ByVal remoteAddress As EndpointAddress) MyBase.New(binding, remoteAddress) End Sub Public Function Add(ByVal n1 As Double, _ ByVal n2 As Double) As Double Implements Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator.Add Return MyBase.Channel.Add(n1, n2) End Function Public Function Subtract(ByVal n1 As Double, _ ByVal n2 As Double) As Double Implements Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator.Subtract Return MyBase.Channel.Subtract(n1, n2) End Function Public Function Multiply(ByVal n1 As Double, _ ByVal n2 As Double) As Double Implements Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator.Multiply Return MyBase.Channel.Multiply(n1, n2) End Function Public Function Divide(ByVal n1 As Double, _ ByVal n2 As Double) As Double Implements Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator.Divide Return MyBase.Channel.Divide(n1, n2) End Function End Class
Vytvořte instanci třídy
, která používá BasicHttpBinding třídu v klientské aplikaci, a pak volejte operace služby na zadané adrese.//Client implementation code. class Client { static void Main() { //Specify the binding to be used for the client. BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); //Specify the address to be used for the client. EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/servicemodelsamples/service.svc"); // Create a client that is configured with this address and binding. CalculatorClient client = new CalculatorClient(binding, address); // Call the Add service operation. double value1 = 100.00D; double value2 = 15.99D; double result = client.Add(value1, value2); Console.WriteLine("Add({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result); // Call the Subtract service operation. value1 = 145.00D; value2 = 76.54D; result = client.Subtract(value1, value2); Console.WriteLine("Subtract({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result); // Call the Multiply service operation. value1 = 9.00D; value2 = 81.25D; result = client.Multiply(value1, value2); Console.WriteLine("Multiply({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result); // Call the Divide service operation. value1 = 22.00D; value2 = 7.00D; result = client.Divide(value1, value2); Console.WriteLine("Divide({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result); //Closing the client gracefully closes the connection and cleans up resources client.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate client."); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
'Client implementation code. Friend Class Client Shared Sub Main() 'Specify the binding to be used for the client. Dim binding As New BasicHttpBinding() 'Specify the address to be used for the client. Dim address As New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/servicemodelsamples/service.svc") ' Create a client that is configured with this address and binding. Dim client As New CalculatorClient(binding, address) ' Call the Add service operation. Dim value1 = 100.0R Dim value2 = 15.99R Dim result = client.Add(value1, value2) Console.WriteLine("Add({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result) ' Call the Subtract service operation. value1 = 145.0R value2 = 76.54R result = client.Subtract(value1, value2) Console.WriteLine("Subtract({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result) ' Call the Multiply service operation. value1 = 9.0R value2 = 81.25R result = client.Multiply(value1, value2) Console.WriteLine("Multiply({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result) ' Call the Divide service operation. value1 = 22.0R value2 = 7.0R result = client.Divide(value1, value2) Console.WriteLine("Divide({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result) 'Closing the client gracefully closes the connection and cleans up resources client.Close() Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate client.") Console.ReadLine() End Sub End Class End Namespace
Zkompilujte a spusťte klienta.