Postupy: Export metadat z koncových bodů služby
Toto téma vysvětluje, jak exportovat metadata z koncových bodů služby.
Export metadat z koncových bodů služby
Vytvořte nový projekt konzolové aplikace sady Visual Studio. Do vygenerovaného souboru Program.cs v metodě main() přidejte kód uvedený v následujících krocích.
Vytvoření souboru WsdlExporter.
WsdlExporter exporter = new WsdlExporter();
Dim exporter As New WsdlExporter()
PolicyVersion Nastavte vlastnost na jednu z hodnot z výčtuPolicyVersion. Tato ukázka nastaví hodnotu, která Policy15 odpovídá WS-Policy 1.5.
exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;
exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15
Vytvořte pole ServiceEndpoint objektů.
ServiceEndpoint [] myServiceEndpoints = new ServiceEndpoint[2]; ContractDescription myDescription = new ContractDescription ("myContract"); myServiceEndpoints[0] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice")); myServiceEndpoints[1] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
Dim myServiceEndpoints() As ServiceEndpoint = New ServiceEndpoint(1) {} Dim myDescription As New ContractDescription("myContract") myServiceEndpoints(0) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice")) myServiceEndpoints(1) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
Export metadat pro každý koncový bod služby
// Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection. foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in myServiceEndpoints) { exporter.ExportEndpoint(endpoint); }
'Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection. For Each endpoint As ServiceEndpoint In myServiceEndpoints exporter.ExportEndpoint(endpoint) Next
Zkontrolujte, jestli během procesu exportu nedošlo k žádným chybám, a načtěte metadata.
// If there are no errors, get the documents. MetadataSet metadataDocs = null; if (exporter.Errors.Count != 0) { metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata(); }
'If there are no errors, get the documents. Dim metadataDocs As MetadataSet metadataDocs = Nothing If (exporter.Errors.Count = 0) Then metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata() End If
Teď můžete použít metadata, jako je zápis do souboru voláním WriteTo(XmlWriter) metody.
Následuje úplný výpis kódu pro tento příklad.
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
namespace WsdlExporterSample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
WsdlExporter exporter = new WsdlExporter();
exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;
ServiceEndpoint [] myServiceEndpoints = new ServiceEndpoint[2];
ContractDescription myDescription = new ContractDescription ("myContract");
myServiceEndpoints[0] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
myServiceEndpoints[1] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
// Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in myServiceEndpoints)
// If there are no errors, get the documents.
MetadataSet metadataDocs = null;
if (exporter.Errors.Count != 0)
metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata();
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.ServiceModel.Description
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim exporter As New WsdlExporter()
exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15
Dim myServiceEndpoints() As ServiceEndpoint = New ServiceEndpoint(1) {}
Dim myDescription As New ContractDescription("myContract")
myServiceEndpoints(0) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
myServiceEndpoints(1) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
'Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
For Each endpoint As ServiceEndpoint In myServiceEndpoints
'If there are no errors, get the documents.
Dim metadataDocs As MetadataSet
metadataDocs = Nothing
If (exporter.Errors.Count = 0) Then
metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata()
End If
End Sub
End Module
Probíhá kompilace kódu
Při kompilaci Program.cs referenční System.ServiceModel.dll.