ChildViews a relace
Pokud mezi tabulkami v tabulce DataSetexistuje relace, můžete vytvořit DataView obsahující řádky ze související podřízené tabulky pomocí CreateChildView metody DataRowView pro řádky v nadřazené tabulce. Následující kód například zobrazí kategorie a související produkty v abecedním pořadí seřazené podle KategorieName a ProductName.
Dim catTable As DataTable = catDS.Tables("Categories")
Dim prodTable As DataTable = catDS.Tables("Products")
' Create a relation between the Categories and Products tables.
Dim relation As DataRelation = catDS.Relations.Add("CatProdRel", _
catTable.Columns("CategoryID"), _
' Create DataViews for the Categories and Products tables.
Dim catView As DataView = New DataView(catTable, "", _
"CategoryName", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
Dim prodView As DataView
' Iterate through the Categories table.
Dim catDRV, prodDRV As DataRowView
For Each catDRV In catView
' Create a DataView of the child product records.
prodView = catDRV.CreateChildView(relation)
prodView.Sort = "ProductName"
For Each prodDRV In prodView
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & prodDRV("ProductName"))
DataTable catTable = catDS.Tables["Categories"];
DataTable prodTable = catDS.Tables["Products"];
// Create a relation between the Categories and Products tables.
DataRelation relation = catDS.Relations.Add("CatProdRel",
// Create DataViews for the Categories and Products tables.
DataView catView = new DataView(catTable, "", "CategoryName",
DataView prodView;
// Iterate through the Categories table.
foreach (DataRowView catDRV in catView)
// Create a DataView of the child product records.
prodView = catDRV.CreateChildView(relation);
prodView.Sort = "ProductName";
foreach (DataRowView prodDRV in prodView)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + prodDRV["ProductName"]);