Postupy: Určení, zda datový objekt obsahuje formát dat
Následující příklady ukazují, jak pomocí různých GetDataPresent přetížení metod dotazovat, zda je v datovém objektu přítomen určitý datový formát.
Přetížení GetDataPresent(String)
Následující ukázkový kód používá GetDataPresent(String) přetížení k dotazování na přítomnost konkrétního formátu dat popisovačem řetězce.
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject("Some string data to store...");
// Query for the presence of Text data in the data object, by a data format descriptor string.
// In this overload of GetDataPresent, the method will return true both for native data formats
// and when the data can automatically be converted to the specifed format.
// In this case, string data is present natively, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
string textData = null;
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.StringFormat))
textData = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.StringFormat) as string;
// In this case, the Text data in the data object can be autoconverted to
// Unicode text, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
byte[] unicodeData = null;
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText))
unicodeData = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText) as byte[];
Dim dataObject As New DataObject("Some string data to store...")
' Query for the presence of Text data in the data object, by a data format descriptor string.
' In this overload of GetDataPresent, the method will return true both for native data formats
' and when the data can automatically be converted to the specifed format.
' In this case, string data is present natively, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
Dim textData As String = Nothing
If dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.StringFormat) Then
textData = TryCast(dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.StringFormat), String)
End If
' In this case, the Text data in the data object can be autoconverted to
' Unicode text, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
Dim unicodeData() As Byte = Nothing
If dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText) Then
unicodeData = TryCast(dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText), Byte())
End If
GetDataPresent(Type) přetížení
Následující ukázkový kód používá GetDataPresent(Type) přetížení k dotazování na přítomnost konkrétního formátu dat podle typu.
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject("Some string data to store...");
// Query for the presence of String data in the data object, by type. In this overload
// of GetDataPresent, the method will return true both for native data formats
// and when the data can automatically be converted to the specifed format.
// In this case, the Text data present in the data object can be autoconverted
// to type string (also represented by DataFormats.String), so GetDataPresent returns "true".
string stringData = null;
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(typeof(string)))
stringData = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.Text) as string;
Dim dataObject As New DataObject("Some string data to store...")
' Query for the presence of String data in the data object, by type. In this overload
' of GetDataPresent, the method will return true both for native data formats
' and when the data can automatically be converted to the specifed format.
' In this case, the Text data present in the data object can be autoconverted
' to type string (also represented by DataFormats.String), so GetDataPresent returns "true".
Dim stringData As String = Nothing
If dataObject.GetDataPresent(GetType(String)) Then
stringData = TryCast(dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.Text), String)
End If
GetDataPresent(String, Boolean) přetížení
Následující ukázkový kód používá GetDataPresent(String, Boolean) přetížení k dotazování na data popisovačem řetězce a určení, jak zacházet s automatickými převoditelnými formáty dat.
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject("Some string data to store...");
// Query for the presence of Text data in the data object, by data format descriptor string,
// and specifying whether auto-convertible data formats are acceptable.
// In this case, Text data is present natively, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
string textData = null;
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text, false /* Auto-convert? */))
textData = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.Text) as string;
// In this case, the Text data in the data object can be autoconverted to
// Unicode text, but it is not available natively, so GetDataPresent returns "false".
byte[] unicodeData = null;
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText, false /* Auto-convert? */))
unicodeData = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText) as byte[];
// In this case, the Text data in the data object can be autoconverted to
// Unicode text, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText, true /* Auto-convert? */))
unicodeData = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText) as byte[];
Dim dataObject As New DataObject("Some string data to store...")
' Query for the presence of Text data in the data object, by data format descriptor string,
' and specifying whether auto-convertible data formats are acceptable.
' In this case, Text data is present natively, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
Dim textData As String = Nothing
If dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text, False) Then ' Auto-convert?
textData = TryCast(dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.Text), String)
End If
' In this case, the Text data in the data object can be autoconverted to
' Unicode text, but it is not available natively, so GetDataPresent returns "false".
Dim unicodeData() As Byte = Nothing
If dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText, False) Then ' Auto-convert?
unicodeData = TryCast(dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText), Byte())
End If
' In this case, the Text data in the data object can be autoconverted to
' Unicode text, so GetDataPresent returns "true".
If dataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText, True) Then ' Auto-convert?
unicodeData = TryCast(dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText), Byte())
End If
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