StatusBarPanelAutoSize Výčet
Některé informace platí pro předběžně vydaný produkt, který se může zásadně změnit, než ho výrobce nebo autor vydá. Microsoft neposkytuje žádné záruky, výslovné ani předpokládané, týkající se zde uváděných informací.
Určuje chování StatusBarPanelStatusBar ovládacího prvku při změně velikosti ovládacího prvku.
public enum class StatusBarPanelAutoSize
public enum StatusBarPanelAutoSize
type StatusBarPanelAutoSize =
Public Enum StatusBarPanelAutoSize
- Dědičnost
Name | Hodnota | Description |
Contents | 3 | Šířka objektu StatusBarPanel je určena jeho obsahem. |
None | 1 | Při StatusBarPanel změně velikosti ovládacího prvku se nezmění velikost StatusBar . |
Spring | 2 | Sdílí StatusBarPanel dostupné místo na panelu StatusBar (místo, které nezabírají jiné panely, jejichž AutoSize vlastnost je nastavena na None nebo Contents) s jinými panely, jejichž vlastnost je AutoSize nastavena na Springhodnotu . |
Následující příklad kódu ukazuje, jak použít StatusBarPanelAutoSize výčet a jak zpracovat PanelClick událost.
Pokud chcete spustit příklad, vložte do formuláře následující kód. Volejte metodu InitializeStatusBarPanels
v konstruktoru formuláře nebo Load metodě zpracování událostí.
System::Windows::Forms::StatusBar^ statusBar1;
void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
// Create a StatusBar control.
statusBar1 = gcnew StatusBar;
// Dock the status bar at the top of the form.
statusBar1->Dock = DockStyle::Top;
// Set the SizingGrip property to false so the user cannot
// resize the status bar.
statusBar1->SizingGrip = false;
// Associate the event-handling method with the
// PanelClick event.
statusBar1->PanelClick += gcnew StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler( this, &Form1::statusBar1_PanelClick );
// Create two StatusBarPanel objects to display in statusBar1.
StatusBarPanel^ panel1 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
StatusBarPanel^ panel2 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
// Set the width of panel2 explicitly and set
// panel1 to fill in the remaining space.
panel2->Width = 80;
panel1->AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize::Spring;
// Set the text alignment within each panel.
panel1->Alignment = HorizontalAlignment::Left;
panel2->Alignment = HorizontalAlignment::Right;
// Display the first panel without a border and the second
// with a raised border.
panel1->BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle::None;
panel2->BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle::Raised;
// Set the text of the panels. The panel1 object is reserved
// for line numbers, while panel2 is set to the current time.
panel1->Text = "Reserved for important information.";
panel2->Text = System::DateTime::Now.ToShortTimeString();
// Set a tooltip for panel2
panel2->ToolTipText = "Click time to display seconds";
// Display panels in statusBar1 and add them to the
// status bar's StatusBarPanelCollection.
statusBar1->ShowPanels = true;
statusBar1->Panels->Add( panel1 );
statusBar1->Panels->Add( panel2 );
// Add the StatusBar to the form.
this->Controls->Add( statusBar1 );
// If the user clicks the status bar, check the text of the
// StatusBarPanel. If the text equals a short time string,
// change it to long time display.
void statusBar1_PanelClick( Object^ /*sender*/, StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs^ e )
if ( e->StatusBarPanel->Text == System::DateTime::Now.ToShortTimeString() )
e->StatusBarPanel->Text = System::DateTime::Now.ToLongTimeString();
internal System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar statusBar1;
private void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
// Create a StatusBar control.
statusBar1 = new StatusBar();
// Dock the status bar at the top of the form.
statusBar1.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
// Set the SizingGrip property to false so the user cannot
// resize the status bar.
statusBar1.SizingGrip = false;
// Associate the event-handling method with the
// PanelClick event.
statusBar1.PanelClick +=
new StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler(statusBar1_PanelClick);
// Create two StatusBarPanel objects to display in statusBar1.
StatusBarPanel panel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
StatusBarPanel panel2 = new StatusBarPanel();
// Set the width of panel2 explicitly and set
// panel1 to fill in the remaining space.
panel2.Width = 80;
panel1.AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Spring;
// Set the text alignment within each panel.
panel1.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
panel2.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
// Display the first panel without a border and the second
// with a raised border.
panel1.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.None;
panel2.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.Raised;
// Set the text of the panels. The panel1 object is reserved
// for line numbers, while panel2 is set to the current time.
panel1.Text = "Reserved for important information.";
panel2.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
// Set a tooltip for panel2
panel2.ToolTipText = "Click time to display seconds";
// Display panels in statusBar1 and add them to the
// status bar's StatusBarPanelCollection.
statusBar1.ShowPanels = true;
// Add the StatusBar to the form.
// If the user clicks the status bar, check the text of the
// StatusBarPanel. If the text equals a short time string,
// change it to long time display.
private void statusBar1_PanelClick(object sender,
StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs e)
if (e.StatusBarPanel.Text ==
e.StatusBarPanel.Text =
Friend WithEvents statusBar1 As System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar
Private Sub InitializeStatusBarPanels()
' Create a StatusBar control.
statusBar1 = New StatusBar
' Dock the status bar at the top of the form.
statusBar1.Dock = DockStyle.Top
' Set the SizingGrip property to false so the user cannot
' resize the status bar.
statusBar1.SizingGrip = False
' Create two StatusBarPanel objects to display in statusBar1.
Dim panel1 As New StatusBarPanel
Dim panel2 As New StatusBarPanel
' Set the width of panel2 explicitly and set
' panel1 to fill in the remaining space.
panel2.Width = 80
panel1.AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Spring
' Set the text alignment within each panel.
panel1.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
panel2.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right
' Display the first panel without a border and the second
' with a raised border.
panel1.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.None
panel2.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.Raised
' Set the text of the panels. The panel1 object is reserved
' for line numbers, while panel2 is set to the current time.
panel1.Text = "Reserved for important information."
panel2.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString
' Set a tooltip for panel2
panel2.ToolTipText = "Click time to display seconds"
' Display panels in statusBar1 and add them to the
' status bar's StatusBarPanelCollection.
statusBar1.ShowPanels = True
' Add the StatusBar to the form.
End Sub
' If the user clicks the status bar, check the text of the
' StatusBarPanel. If the text equals a short time string,
' change it to long time display.
Private Sub statusBar1_PanelClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs) _
Handles statusBar1.PanelClick
If (e.StatusBarPanel.Text = _
System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString) Then
e.StatusBarPanel.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString
End If
End Sub
Tento výčet používá StatusBarPanel.AutoSize vlastnost. Vlastnost AutoSize určuje, jak StatusBarPanel je u ovládacího prvku automaticky nastaven.StatusBar