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Azure Communication Rooms client library for .NET - version 1.1.1

This package contains a C# SDK for the Rooms Service of Azure Communication Services. Azure Communication Services (ACS) Rooms is a set of APIs, used by Contoso server applications to create a server-managed conversation space with fixed set of lifetime and participants, pre-defining rules from server-tier both who and when can communicate (like scheduled meeting creation).

With the general availability release of ACS Rooms, Contoso will be able to:

- Create a meeting space with known time coordinates (validFrom/validUntil)
- Join voice/video calls within that meeting space using the ACS web calling SDK or native mobile calling SDKs
- Add participants to a room
- Assign pre-defined roles to room participants

The main scenarios where Rooms can best be used:

- Virtual Visits (e.g., telemedicine, remote financial advisor, virtual classroom, etc...)
- Virtual Events (e.g., live event, company all-hands, live concert, etc...)

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Getting started

Install the package

Install the Azure Communication Rooms client library for .NET with NuGet:

dotnet add package Azure.Communication.Rooms


You need an Azure subscription and a Communication Service Resource to use this package.

To create a new Communication Service, you can use the Azure Portal, the Azure PowerShell, or the .NET management client library.

Key concepts

RoomsClient provides the functionality to create room, update room, get room, list rooms, delete room, add participants, update participants, remove participants, and list participants.

Using statements

using Azure.Communication.Rooms

Authenticate the client

Rooms clients can be authenticated using the connection string acquired from an Azure Communication Resource in the Azure Portal.

var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("connection_string") // Find your Communication Services resource in the Azure portal
RoomsClient client = new RoomsClient(connectionString);


Create a room

To create a room, call the CreateRoom or CreateRoomAsync function from RoomsClient. The validFrom, validUntil and participants arguments are all optional. If validFrom and validUntil are not provided, then the default for validFrom is current date time and the default for validUntil is validFrom + 180 days. When defining RoomParticipant, if role is not specified, then it will be Attendee by default. Starting in 1.1.0 release, pstnDialOutEnabled is added to enable PSTN Dial-Out feature in a Room. The returned value is Response<CommunicationRoom> which contains created room details as well as the status and associated error codes in case of a failure.

Starting in 1.1.0 release, ACS Rooms supports PSTN Dial-Out feature. To create room with PSTN Dial-Out property, call CreateRoom or CreateRoomAsync function with createRoomOptions parameter and set PstnDialOutEnabled to either true or false. If PstnDialOutEnabled is not provided, then the default value for PstnDialOutEnabled is false. This parameter contains ValidFrom, ValidUntil, PstnDialOutEnabled and Participants properties. Those properties are optional.

// Create communication users using the CommunicationIdentityClient
Response<CommunicationUserIdentifier> communicationUser1 = await communicationIdentityClient.CreateUserAsync();
Response<CommunicationUserIdentifier> communicationUser2 = await communicationIdentityClient.CreateUserAsync();

DateTimeOffset validFrom = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
DateTimeOffset validUntil = validFrom.AddDays(1);
RoomParticipant participant1 = new RoomParticipant(communicationUser1.Value); // If role is not provided, then it is set as Attendee by default
RoomParticipant participant2 = new RoomParticipant(communicationUser2.Value) { Role = ParticipantRole.Presenter};
List<RoomParticipant> invitedParticipants = new List<RoomParticipant>

Response<CommunicationRoom> createRoomResponse = await roomsClient.CreateRoomAsync(validFrom, validUntil, invitedParticipants);
CommunicationRoom createCommunicationRoom = createRoomResponse.Value;

// Starting in 1.1.0-beta.1 release,CreateRoom function also takes roomCreateOptions as parameter
bool pstnDialOutEnabled = true;
CreateRoomOptions roomCreateOptions = new CreateRoomOptions()
    ValidFrom = validFrom,
    ValidUntil = validUntil,
    PstnDialOutEnabled = pstnDialOutEnabled,
    Participants = invitedParticipants

createRoomResponse = await roomsClient.CreateRoomAsync(roomCreateOptions);
createCommunicationRoom = createRoomResponse.Value;

Update a room

The validFrom and validUntil properties of a created room can be updated by calling the UpdateRoom or UpdateRoomAsync function from RoomsClient.

Starting in 1.1.0 release, ACS Rooms supports PSTN Dial-Out feature. To update room with PSTN Dial-Out property, call UpdateRoom or UpdateRoomAsync function with updateRoomOptions parameter and set PstnDialOutEnabled to either true or false.If PstnDialOutEnabled is not provided, there there is no changes to PstnDialOutEnabled property in the room. The updateRoomOptions parameter contains ValidFrom, ValidUntil and PstnDialOutEnabled properties. Those properties are optional.

validUntil = validFrom.AddDays(30);
Response<CommunicationRoom> updateRoomResponse = await roomsClient.UpdateRoomAsync(createdRoomId, validFrom, validUntil);
CommunicationRoom updateCommunicationRoom = updateRoomResponse.Value;

// Starting in 1.1.0 release,UpdateRoom function also takes roomCreateOptions as parameter
UpdateRoomOptions roomUpdateOptions = new UpdateRoomOptions()
    ValidFrom = validFrom,
    ValidUntil = validUntil,
    PstnDialOutEnabled = pstnDialOutEnabled,

updateRoomResponse = await roomsClient.UpdateRoomAsync(createdRoomId, roomUpdateOptions);
updateCommunicationRoom = updateRoomResponse.Value;

Get a created room

A created room can be retrieved by calling the GetRoom or GetRoomAsync function from RoomsClient and passing in the associated roomId.

Response<CommunicationRoom> getRoomResponse = await roomsClient.GetRoomAsync(createdRoomId);
CommunicationRoom getCommunicationRoom = getRoomResponse.Value;

Get all rooms

All valid rooms created under an ACS resource can be retrieved by calling the GetRooms or GetRoomsAsync function from RoomsClient.

// Retrieve the first 2 pages of active rooms
const int PageSize = 30;
const int PageCount = 2;
int maxRoomCount = PageCount * PageSize;
int counter = 1;

AsyncPageable<CommunicationRoom> allRooms = roomsClient.GetRoomsAsync();
await foreach (CommunicationRoom room in allRooms)
    Console.WriteLine($"Room with id {room.Id} is valid from {room.ValidFrom} to {room.ValidUntil}.");

    if (counter == maxRoomCount)

Delete room

To delete a room, call the DeleteRoom or DeleteRoomAsync function from RoomsClient.

Response deleteRoomResponse = await roomsClient.DeleteRoomAsync(createdRoomId);

Add Or update participants in a room

In order to add new participants or update existing participants, call the AddOrUpdateParticipants or AddOrUpdateParticipantsAsync function from RoomsClient.

Response<CommunicationUserIdentifier> communicationUser3 = await communicationIdentityClient.CreateUserAsync();
RoomParticipant newParticipant = new RoomParticipant(communicationUser3.Value) { Role = ParticipantRole.Consumer };

// Previous snippet for create room added participant2 as Presenter
participant2 = new RoomParticipant(communicationUser2) { Role = ParticipantRole.Attendee };

List<RoomParticipant> participantsToAddOrUpdate = new List<RoomParticipant>
    participant2,   // participant2 updated from Presenter to Attendee
    newParticipant, // newParticipant added to the room

Response addOrUpdateParticipantResponse = await roomsClient.AddOrUpdateParticipantsAsync(createdRoomId, participantsToAddOrUpdate);

Remove participants in a room

To remove participants from a room, call the RemoveParticipants or RemoveParticipantsAsync function from RoomsClient.

List<CommunicationIdentifier> participantsToRemove = new List<CommunicationIdentifier>
Response removeParticipantResponse = await roomsClient.RemoveParticipantsAsync(createdRoomId, participantsToRemove);

Get participants in a room

To get all the participants from a room, call the GetParticipants or GetParticipantsAsync function from RoomsClient. The returned value is Pageable<RoomParticipant> or AsyncPageable<RoomParticipant> which contains the paginated list of participants.

AsyncPageable<RoomParticipant> allParticipants = roomsClient.GetParticipantsAsync(createdRoomId);
await foreach (RoomParticipant participant in allParticipants)
    Console.WriteLine($" Participant with id {participant.CommunicationIdentifier.RawId} is a {participant.Role}");


Service Responses

A RequestFailedException is thrown as a service response for any unsuccessful requests. The exception contains information about what response code was returned from the service.

    CommunicationIdentityClient communicationIdentityClient = CreateInstrumentedCommunicationIdentityClient();
    Response<CommunicationUserIdentifier> communicationUser1 = await communicationIdentityClient.CreateUserAsync();
    Response<CommunicationUserIdentifier> communicationUser2 = await communicationIdentityClient.CreateUserAsync();
    DateTimeOffset validFrom = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
    DateTimeOffset validUntil = validFrom.AddDays(1);
    List<RoomParticipant> createRoomParticipants = new List<RoomParticipant>();
    RoomParticipant participant1 = new RoomParticipant(communicationUser1.Value) { Role = ParticipantRole.Presenter };
    RoomParticipant participant2 = new RoomParticipant(communicationUser2.Value) { Role = ParticipantRole.Attendee };
    Response<CommunicationRoom> createRoomResponse = await roomsClient.CreateRoomAsync(validFrom, validUntil, createRoomParticipants);
    CommunicationRoom createRoomResult = createRoomResponse.Value;
catch (RequestFailedException ex)

Next steps


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Update the sample code links once the sdk is published