
Sdílet prostřednictvím

MsoCondition Enum


Defines the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search.

public enum class MsoCondition
public enum MsoCondition
type MsoCondition = 
Public Enum MsoCondition


Name Value Description
msoConditionFileTypeAllFiles 1

File can be any type.

msoConditionFileTypeOfficeFiles 2

File can be any Office file type.

msoConditionFileTypeWordDocuments 3

Word document.

msoConditionFileTypeExcelWorkbooks 4

Excel workbook.

msoConditionFileTypePowerPointPresentations 5

PowerPoint presentation.

msoConditionFileTypeBinders 6

Binder file.

msoConditionFileTypeDatabases 7


msoConditionFileTypeTemplates 8


msoConditionIncludes 9

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionIncludesPhrase 10

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the phrase specified in the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionBeginsWith 11

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object begins with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionEndsWith 12

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object ends with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionIncludesNearEachOther 13

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object and the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object are near each other.

msoConditionIsExactly 14

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is exactly the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionIsNot 15

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is not the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionYesterday 16

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is yesterday.

msoConditionToday 17

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is today.

msoConditionTomorrow 18

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is tomorrow.

msoConditionLastWeek 19

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last week.

msoConditionThisWeek 20

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this week.

msoConditionNextWeek 21

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next week.

msoConditionLastMonth 22

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last month.

msoConditionThisMonth 23

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this month.

msoConditionNextMonth 24

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next month.

msoConditionAnytime 25

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object can be any time.

msoConditionAnytimeBetween 26

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is between the dates specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionOn 27

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is the same as the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionOnOrAfter 28

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or after the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionOnOrBefore 29

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or before the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionInTheNext 30

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the next time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionInTheLast 31

Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionEquals 32

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object equals the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionDoesNotEqual 33

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionAnyNumberBetween 34

Any number between values specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionAtMost 35

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at most the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionAtLeast 36

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at least the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionMoreThan 37

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is more than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionLessThan 38

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is less than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionIsYes 39

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "True".

msoConditionIsNo 40

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "False".

msoConditionIncludesFormsOf 41

Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes forms of the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.

msoConditionFreeText 42

Value of the file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object matches the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object when a FreeText search is used.

msoConditionFileTypeOutlookItems 43

Outlook item.

msoConditionFileTypeMailItem 44

Mail item.

msoConditionFileTypeCalendarItem 45

Calendar item.

msoConditionFileTypeContactItem 46

Contact item.

msoConditionFileTypeNoteItem 47

Note item.

msoConditionFileTypeJournalItem 48

Journal item.

msoConditionFileTypeTaskItem 49

Task item.

msoConditionFileTypePhotoDrawFiles 50

PhotoDraw file.

msoConditionFileTypeDataConnectionFiles 51

Data connection file.

msoConditionFileTypePublisherFiles 52

Publisher file.

msoConditionFileTypeProjectFiles 53

Project file.

msoConditionFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles 54

Document imaging file.

msoConditionFileTypeVisioFiles 55

Visio file.

msoConditionFileTypeDesignerFiles 56

Designer file.

msoConditionFileTypeWebPages 57

Web page.

msoConditionEqualsLow 58

Priority equals "Low". Value of the Name property must be Priority.

msoConditionEqualsNormal 59

Priority equals "Normal". Value of the Name property must be Priority.

msoConditionEqualsHigh 60

Priority equals "High". Value of the Name property must be Priority.

msoConditionNotEqualToLow 61

Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Low". Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.

msoConditionNotEqualToNormal 62

Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Normal". Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.

msoConditionNotEqualToHigh 63

Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "High". Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.

msoConditionEqualsNotStarted 64

Status equals "Not Started". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionEqualsInProgress 65

Status equals "In Progress". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionEqualsCompleted 66

Status equals "Completed". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionEqualsWaitingForSomeoneElse 67

Status equals "Waiting for Someone Else". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionEqualsDeferred 68

Status equals "Deferred". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionNotEqualToNotStarted 69

Status does not equal "Not Started". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionNotEqualToInProgress 70

Status does not equal "In Progress". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionNotEqualToCompleted 71

Status does not equal "Completed". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionNotEqualToWaitingForSomeoneElse 72

Status does not equal "Waiting for Someone Else". Value of the Name property must be Status.

msoConditionNotEqualToDeferred 73

Status does not equal "Deferred". Value of the Name property must be Status.


Used to get or set the Condition property of the PropertyTest object. PropertyTest is part of the FileSearch object model. The behavior of FileSearch corresponds to the interactive behavior you see in the Finddialog box, which you open from the Tools menu in the application's Open dialog box (File menu).

Applies to