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Tesseron Invoice (Preview)

This connector allows you to use Tesseron Invoice to create and search service assignments and position notes.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Tesseron Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Tesseron by Luithle + Luithle GmbH
Privacy policy
Categories IT Operations;Communication

This connector allows you to create and search service assignments, position notes and activity recordings in your Tesseron Instance. Integrate Tesseron into your flows and automate your business processes.


You will need the following to proceed:

  • A Tesseron Instance
  • A Tesseron licensed user
  • An API Key (Service: Invoice)

Obtaining Credentials

Authentication is done via an API key. Please provide your API key and your instance URL als connection parameters.

Supported Operations

The connector supports the following operations:

  • Get Service Assignments: Retrieve all service assignment positions for the specified filters.
  • Create Activity Recording: Create a new activity recording.
  • Create Invoice PositionNote: Create a new position note.

Deployment Instructions

Since Tesseron Rest API uses API keys to validate your user, you first need to contact your system administrator to create an API key for your user. After that is completed you can create your Tesseron connection.

  1. Check user rights With this connector you will be able to perform asset actions within your Tesseron instance. Therefore you need to have the mandatory user rights.

  2. Apply for your API key Currently, API keys can only be created by your system administrator. Therefore, request your API key from your system administrator.

  3. Create a new connection

    • Provide your Tesseron instance URL
    • Enter your Tesseron API key

Known issues and limitations

  • Sufficient user rights are mandatory.

Common errors and remedies


Is there any extra charge using this connector? No

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Instance URL string Your Tesseron instance URL True
API-Key securestring Your Tesseron API-Key (Service: Ticket) True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create new activity recordngs

Create new activity recordngs

Create new position notes

Create new position notes

Request service assignments

Request service assignments

Create new activity recordngs

Create new activity recordngs


Name Key Required Type Description
Date from
dateFrom True string

Please specify the starting date.

quantity string

Please specify the quantity.

Date to
dateTo string

Please specify the end date.

Book Text
bookText string

Please specify a booking text.

Note Text
noteText string

Please specify a note text.

Project ID
projectId integer

Please specify a project.

Project Phase ID
projectPhaseId integer

Please specify a project phase.

Ticket ID
ticketid integer

Please specify a ticket.


Name Path Type Description
Message string


Success boolean


Activity Recording ID
ActivityRecordingId string


Create new position notes

Create new position notes


Name Key Required Type Description
Date from
dateFrom True string

Please specify a starting date.

Date to
dateTo True string

Please specify a end date.

pause integer

Please specify the duration of the pause in minutes.

No factura?
noInvoice boolean

Please specify wheter the position note is billable.

Extra charge?
extraCharge boolean

Please specify wheter extra charges should be billed.

hint string

Please specify a billing hint.

Service Cotract ID
serviceContractId string

Please specify a service contract.

userName string

Please specify a username.


Name Path Type Description
Position Note ID
invoiceNoteId string

Specifies the unique identifier of the created position note.

message string


success boolean


Request service assignments

Request service assignments


Name Key Required Type Description
Skip True integer

Please specify how many assignemts should be skipped.

Search string

Please specify a search string.

Order Columns
OrderColumns integer

Specify the order of the columns.

Oder ascending?
OrderByAsc boolean

Please specify wheter you like to order your results ascending.

Take all?
TakeAll boolean

Please specify wheter you would like to receive all assignment posiotions.

Datetime from
DateTimeFrom True string

Please specify the starting date.

Datetime to
DateTimeTo True string

Please specify the end date.

Quantity from
QuantityFrom float

Please specify the minimum quantity.

Quantity to
QuantityTo float

Please specify the maximum quantity.

User IDs
UserIds array of integer

Please specify the user IDs.

ServiceArticles array of string

Please specify the articles.

Status ID
AssignmentStatusId integer

Please specify the status ID.

IsInvoice boolean

Please specify the billing type.


Name Path Type Description
message string


result.Results array of object


Assignment ID
result.Results.AssignmentId string

The unique identifier of the assignment.

Assignment Number
result.Results.AssignmentNumber string

The unique number of the assignment.

Assignment Text
result.Results.AssignmentText string

The description of the assignment.

Position Text
result.Results.AssignmentPositionText string

The description of the assignment position.

Assignment from
result.Results.MinAssignmentTime string

The starting time of the assignment position.

Assignment to
result.Results.MaxAssignmentTime string

The end time of the assignment position.

result.Results.PositionsUnits.Minutes integer

The duration of the assignment position in minutes.

result.Results.PositionsUnits.Quantity float

The quantity of the assignment position based on the article configuration.

Minutes (no-facutra)
result.Results.PositionsUnits.MinutesNoInvoice integer

The duration of non-factura efforts of the assignment psotion in minutes.

Quantity (no-facutra)
result.Results.PositionsUnits.QuantityNoInvoice integer

The quantity of non-factura efforts of the assignment position based on the article configuration.

result.Results.PositionsUnits.Pause integer

The duration of the break.

User ID
result.Results.UserInfo.UserId integer

The unique identifier of the user.

User Name
result.Results.UserInfo.UserName string

The name of the user.

Engineer ID
result.Results.UserInfo.EngineerId integer

The engineer ID of the user.

Creation Date
result.Results.CreationDate string

The creation date of the assignment.

Alteration Date
result.Results.AlterationDate string

The alteration date of the assignment.

Service date
result.Results.ServiceDate string

The end date of the last assignment position.

Assignment Type
result.Results.AssignmentTypeName string

Specifies the assignment type.

result.Results.Status integer

Specifies the status of the assignment.

Ticket ID
result.Results.TicketInfo.TicketId integer

The unique identifier of the ticket.

Ticket Number
result.Results.TicketInfo.TicketNumber string

The unique number of the ticket.

Ticket Header
result.Results.TicketInfo.TicketHead string

The header of the ticket.

Enterprise ID
result.Results.TicketInfo.EnterpriseId integer

The unique identifier of the ticket main enterprise.

Enterprise Name
result.Results.TicketInfo.EnterpriseName string

The primary name of the ticket main enterprise.

Area ID
result.Results.TicketInfo.AreaId integer

The unique identifier of the ticket area.

Ticket Service Contract ID
result.Results.TicketInfo.ServiceContractID string

The unique identifier of the ticket service contract.

Closed Date
result.Results.TicketInfo.ClosedDate string

The ticket closing date.

result.Results.Project string

The assignment project.

Service Contract ID
result.Results.ServiceContract.ServiceContractId integer

The unique identifier of the service contract.

Service Contract Name
result.Results.ServiceContract.ServiceContractName string

The name of the service contract.

No Factura
result.Results.NoInvoice boolean

Specifies if the assignment is billable.

No Factura Reason
result.Results.NoInvoiceReason string

Specifies the reason if the assignment isn't billable.

Article ID
result.Results.ArticleInfo.InvoiceArticleId integer

The unique Identifier of the article.

Article number
result.Results.ArticleInfo.ArticleNumber string

The number of the article.

Article Name
result.Results.ArticleInfo.ArticleName string

The name of the article.

result.Count integer

Specifies the count of assignment positions.

result.Filtered integer

Specifies how many assignment positions were filtered.

Own Hours
result.OwnHours integer

Specifies how many hours were created by the requesting users.

Total Hours
result.TotalHours integer

Specifies the total amount.