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The Sample Itinerary Scenarios

The following table lists all the predefined Itinerary files included with the Itinerary On-Ramp sample. These are located in the \Source\Samples\Itinerary\Itineraries folder.

File name Description
Disassembler_OneWay-MessageTransform-MessageRouting-MessgeSendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs Microsoft BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to n number of locations through a custom dynamic send port. The number of resolvers associated with the service determines the number of routes. All transformation and routing occurs at the BizTalk Messaging layer, using an optional routing message service supported by the ESB Dispatcher pipeline components. The resolvers associated with the service within the itinerary determine the routing locations. Running this itinerary generates the following messages:
2 messages in the folder \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out
1 message in the FTP folder: FTP://localhost/out/%MessageID%.xml
1 message in the MQSeries queue: MQS://localhost/ESB.DEP.Sample.QueueManager/TEST.OUT/%MessageID.xml
Disassembler_OneWay-MessageTransform-MessgeSendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to n number of locations through a custom dynamic send port. The number of resolvers associated with the service determines the number of routes. All transformation and routing occurs at the BizTalk Messaging layer. The resolvers associated with the service within the itinerary determine the routing locations. Running this itinerary generates the following messages:
2 messages in the folder \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out
1 message in the FTP folder: FTP://localhost/out/%MessageID%.xml
1 message in the MQSeries queue: MQS://localhost/ESB.DEP.Sample.QueueManager/TEST.OUT/%MessageID.xml
OneWay-MessageTransform-MessageRouting-MessgeSendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to a single location through a custom dynamic send port. All transformation and routing occurs at the BizTalk Messaging layer, using an optional routing message service supported by the ESB Dispatcher pipeline components. Running this itinerary generates a single message in the \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out folder.
OneWay-MessageTransform-MessgeSendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to a single location through a custom dynamic send port. All transformations and routing occurs at the BizTalk Messaging layer. Running this itinerary generates a single message in the \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out folder.
OneWay-MessgeSendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to route the message to a single location through a custom dynamic send port. All routing occurs at the BizTalk Messaging layer. Running this itinerary generates a single message in the \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out folder.
OneWay-OrchTransform-OrchRoutingGroup-MessgeSendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates an example of a predefined message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message using a custom orchestration service. A second custom orchestration service then processes the output and routes four messages to three locations. The resolvers associated with this service determine the following routing locations:
2 messages in the folder \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out
1 message in the FTP folder: FTP://localhost/out/%MessageID%.xml
1 message in the MQSeries queue: MQS://localhost/ESB.DEP.Sample.QueueManager/TEST.OUT/%MessageID.xml
Finally, the itinerary routes the original message to a single location (the \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out folder) through a custom dynamic send port. All transformations and routing occur through a combination of BizTalk Messaging and orchestration services. Running this itinerary sample generates five messages.
TwoWay-MessageTransform-MessageRouting-MessageTwoWaySendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined two-way (request/response) message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to a Web service through a custom dynamic two-way send port. This example uses an optional routing message service supported by the ESB Dispatcher pipeline components. All transformations and routing occur at the BizTalk Messaging layer. Running this Itinerary sample generates a single response message, which the itinerary routes to the original caller, in this case the Itinerary Test Client.
TwoWay-MessageTransform-MessageRouting-MessageTwoWaySendPort-MessageTransform.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined two-way (request/response) message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to a Web service through a custom dynamic two-way send port. When the response returns from the Web service, the itinerary instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the response message. This example uses an optional routing message service supported by the ESB Dispatcher pipeline components. All transformations and routing occur at the BizTalk Messaging layer. Running this Itinerary sample generates a single response message, which the itinerary routes to the original caller, in this case the Itinerary Test Client.
TwoWay-MessageTransform-MessageTwoWaySendPort.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined two-way (request/response) message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to a Web service through a custom dynamic two-way send port. All transformations and routing occur at the BizTalk Messaging layer. Running this Itinerary sample generates a single response message, which the itinerary routes to the original caller, in this case the Itinerary Test Client.
TwoWay-MessageTransform-MessageTwoWaySendPort-MessageTransform.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined two-way (request/response) message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message and then route the transformed message to a Web service through a custom dynamic two-way send port. When the response returns from the Web service, the Itinerary instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the response message. All transformations and routing occur at the BizTalk Messaging layer. Running this Itinerary sample generates a single response message, which the itinerary routes to the original caller (in this case, the Itinerary Test Client).
TwoWay-MessageTransform-OrchRoutingGroup-OrchTwoWayCustom.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined two-way (request/response) message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message using the Messaging service. The itinerary then passes the output to a custom orchestration service that processes it. The resolvers associated with the service determine the following four routing locations:
2 messages in the folder \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out
1 message in the FTP folder: FTP://localhost/out/%MessageID%.xml
1 message in the MQSeries queue: MQS://localhost/ESB.DEP.Sample.QueueManager/TEST.OUT/%MessageID.xml
Finally, the itinerary passes the original message to another custom two-way direct-bound orchestration service that routes the response message back to the original caller (in this case, the Itinerary Test Client). All transformation and routing occurs through a combination of BizTalk Messaging and Orchestration services.
TwoWay-OrchTransform-OrchRoutingGroup-OrchTwoWayCustom.xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined two-way (request/response) message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a map against the submitted message using a custom orchestration service. The itinerary then passes the output to a custom orchestration service that processes it. The resolvers associated with the service determine the following four routing locations:
2 messages in the folder \Source\Samples\DynamicResolution\Test\Filedrop\Out
1 message in the FTP folder: FTP://localhost/out/%MessageID%.xml
1 message in the MQSeries queue: MQS://localhost/ESB.DEP.Sample.QueueManager/TEST.OUT/%MessageID.xml
Finally, the itinerary routes the original message to another custom two-way direct-bound orchestration service that routes the response message back to the original caller (in this case, the Itinerary Test Client). All transformations and routing occurs through a combination of BizTalk Messaging and Orchestration services.
TwoWay-TwoWayCustom (Direct Bound).xml This itinerary demonstrates a predefined two-way (request/response) message flow that, when submitted to the Itinerary on-ramp, instructs BizTalk to execute a custom two-way direct-bound orchestration service. This service routes the response message back to the original caller, in this case the Itinerary Test Client.