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Transacted Orchestrations

Orchestrations can be transactional, just like scopes. In fact, an orchestration can itself be considered a scope. In general, the same rules apply for transacted orchestrations as for transacted scopes.


One difference between orchestrations and other scopes is that orchestrations do not have exception handlers.

Orchestration compensation

If the Transaction Type property for your orchestration is set to long-running or atomic, you can also select a value for the Compensation property, which can be Default or Custom.

If you select Custom for the compensation, a Compensation tab will appear alongside the Orchestration Design Surface. It will look the same as the Orchestration Design Surface, and you can add shapes and ports to it in the same way.

Compensations only take place on orchestrations that are called by other orchestrations. You can compensate a specific orchestration instance by using the Identifier property on the Call Orchestration shape.


If a compensation exists on a top-level orchestration, it will be ignored by the runtime engine.

See Also

Making Orchestrations Transactional
Using Transactions and Handling Exceptions