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Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage (classic)

This guide shows you how to use features such as Azure Storage Analytics, client-side logging in the Azure Storage Client Library, and other third-party tools to identify, diagnose, and troubleshoot Azure Storage-related issues.

Diagram that shows the flow of information between client applications and Azure storage services.

This guide is intended to be read primarily by developers of online services that use Azure Storage Services and IT Pros responsible for managing such online services. The goals of this guide are:

  • To help you maintain the health and performance of your Azure Storage accounts.
  • To provide you with the necessary processes and tools to help you decide whether an issue or problem in an application relates to Azure Storage.
  • To provide you with actionable guidance for resolving problems related to Azure Storage.


This article is based on using Storage Analytics metrics and logs referred to as Classic metrics and logs. We recommend that you use Azure Storage metrics and logs in Azure Monitor instead of Storage Analytics logs. To learn more, see any of the following articles:


Diagnosing and troubleshooting issues in a distributed application hosted in a cloud environment can be more complex than in traditional environments. Applications can be deployed in a PaaS or IaaS infrastructure, on-premises, on a mobile device, or in some combination of these environments. Typically, your application's network traffic may traverse public and private networks, and your application may use multiple storage technologies such as Microsoft Azure Storage Tables, Blobs, Queues, or Files in addition to other data stores such as relational and document databases.

To manage such applications successfully, you should monitor them proactively and understand how to diagnose and troubleshoot all aspects of them and their dependent technologies. As a user of Azure Storage services, you should continuously monitor the Storage services your application uses for any unexpected changes in behavior (such as slower-than-usual response times) and use logging to collect more detailed data and to analyze a problem in depth. The diagnostics information you obtain from monitoring and logging will help you determine the root cause of the issue your application encountered. Then you can troubleshoot the issue and determine the appropriate steps to remediate it. Azure Storage is a core Azure service and forms an important part of the majority of solutions that customers deploy to the Azure infrastructure. Azure Storage includes capabilities to simplify monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting storage issues in your cloud-based applications.

How this guide is organized

The Monitoring your storage service section describes how to monitor the health and performance of your Azure Storage services using Azure Storage Analytics Metrics (Storage Metrics).

The Diagnosing storage issues section describes how to diagnose issues using Azure Storage Analytics Logging (Storage Logging). It also describes how to enable client-side logging using the facilities in one of the client libraries, such as the Storage Client Library for .NET or the Azure SDK for Java.

The End-to-end tracing section describes how you can correlate the information contained in various log files and metrics data.

The Troubleshooting guidance section provides troubleshooting guidance for some of the common storage-related issues you might encounter.

The Appendices section includes information about using other tools, such as Wireshark and Netmon for analyzing network packet data, and Fiddler for analyzing HTTP/HTTPS messages.

Monitoring your storage service

If you are familiar with Windows performance monitoring, you can think of Storage Metrics as being an Azure Storage equivalent of Windows Performance Monitor counters. In Storage Metrics, you will find a comprehensive set of metrics (counters in Windows Performance Monitor terminology), such as service availability, the total number of requests to service, or the percentage of successful requests to service. For a full list of the available metrics, see Storage Analytics Metrics Table Schema. You can specify whether you want the storage service to collect and aggregate metrics every hour or every minute. For more information about how to enable metrics and monitor your storage accounts, see Enabling storage metrics and viewing metrics data.

You can choose which hourly metrics you want to display in the Azure portal and configure rules that notify administrators by email whenever an hourly metric exceeds a particular threshold. For more information, see Receive Alert Notifications.

We recommend you review Azure Monitor for Storage (preview). It's a feature of Azure Monitor that offers comprehensive monitoring of your Azure Storage accounts by delivering a unified view of your Azure Storage services performance, capacity, and availability. It doesn't require you to enable or configure anything, and you can immediately view these metrics from the pre-defined interactive charts and other visualizations included.

The storage service tries its best to collect metrics but may not record every storage operation.

In the Azure portal, you can view metrics such as availability, total requests, and average latency numbers for a storage account. A notification rule has also been set up to alert an administrator if availability drops below a certain level. From viewing this data, one possible area for investigation is the table service success percentage being below 100% (for more information, see the Metrics show low PercentSuccess or analytics log entries have operations with transaction status of ClientOtherErrors section).

You should continuously monitor your Azure applications to ensure they're healthy and performing as expected by:

  • Establishing some baseline metrics for the application that will enable you to compare current data and identify any significant changes in the behavior of Azure storage and your application. The values of your baseline metrics will, in many cases, be application specific, and you should establish them when you're performance testing your application.
  • Recording minute metrics and using them to monitor actively for unexpected errors and anomalies, such as spikes in error counts or request rates.
  • Recording hourly metrics and using them to monitor average values such as average error counts and request rates.
  • Investigating potential issues using diagnostics tools as discussed later in the Diagnosing storage issues section.

The charts in the following image illustrate how the averaging that occurs for hourly metrics can hide spikes in activity. The hourly metrics appear to show a steady rate of requests, while the minute metrics reveal the fluctuations that are really taking place.

Charts that show how the averaging that occurs for hourly metrics can hide spikes in activity.

The remainder of this section describes what metrics you should monitor and why.

Monitoring service health

You can use the Azure portal to view the health of the Storage service (and other Azure services) in all the Azure regions around the world. Monitoring enables you to see immediately if an issue outside your control is affecting the Storage service in the region you use for your application.

The Azure portal can also provide notifications of incidents that affect the various Azure services.


This information was previously available, along with historical data, on the Azure Service Dashboard. For more information about Application Insights for Azure DevOps, see Appendix 5: Monitoring with Application Insights for Azure DevOps.

Monitoring capacity

Storage Metrics only stores capacity metrics for the blob service because blobs typically account for the largest proportion of stored data (at the time of writing, it's not possible to use Storage Metrics to monitor the capacity of your tables and queues). You can find this data in the $MetricsCapacityBlob table if you have enabled monitoring for the Blob service. Storage Metrics records this data once per day, and you can use the value of the RowKey to determine whether the row contains an entity that relates to user data (value data) or analytics data (value analytics). Each stored entity contains information about the amount of storage used (Capacity measured in bytes) and the current number of containers (ContainerCount) and blobs (ObjectCount) in use in the storage account. For more information about the capacity metrics stored in the $MetricsCapacityBlob table, see Storage Analytics Metrics Table Schema.


You should monitor these values for an early warning that you're approaching the capacity limits of your storage account. In the Azure portal, you can add alert rules to notify you if aggregate storage use exceeds or falls below the thresholds that you specify.

To estimate the size of various storage objects such as blobs, see the blog post Understanding Azure Storage Billing – Bandwidth, Transactions, and Capacity.

Monitoring availability

You should monitor the availability of the storage services in your storage account by monitoring the value in the Availability column in the hourly or minute metrics tables — $MetricsHourPrimaryTransactionsBlob, $MetricsHourPrimaryTransactionsTable, $MetricsHourPrimaryTransactionsQueue, $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionsBlob, $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionsTable, $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionsQueue, $MetricsCapacityBlob. The Availability column contains a percentage value that indicates the availability of the service or the API operation represented by the row (the RowKey shows if the row contains metrics for the service as a whole or for a specific API operation).

Any value less than 100% indicates that some storage requests are failing. You can see why they're failing by examining the other columns in the metrics data that show the numbers of requests with different error types, such as ServerTimeoutError. You should expect to see Availability fall temporarily below 100% for reasons such as transient server timeouts while the service moves partitions to better load-balance requests; the retry logic in your client application should handle such intermittent conditions. The article Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Status Messages lists the transaction types that Storage Metrics includes in its Availability calculation.

In the Azure portal, you can add alert rules to notify you if Availability for a service falls below a threshold that you specify.

The Troubleshooting guidance section of this guide describes some common storage service issues related to availability.

Monitoring performance

To monitor the performance of the storage services, you can use the following metrics from the hourly and minute metrics tables.

  • The values in the AverageE2ELatency and AverageServerLatency columns show the average time the storage service or API operation type is taking to process requests. AverageE2ELatency is a measure of end-to-end latency that includes the time taken to read the request and send the response in addition to the time taken to process the request (therefore includes network latency once the request reaches the storage service); AverageServerLatency is a measure of just the processing time and therefore excludes any network latency related to communicating with the client. See the Metrics show high AverageE2ELatency and low AverageServerLatency section later in this guide for a discussion of why there might be a significant difference between these two values.
  • The values in the TotalIngress and TotalEgress columns show the total amount of data, in bytes, coming in to and going out of your storage service or through a specific API operation type.
  • The values in the TotalRequests column show the total number of requests the storage service of API operation is receiving. TotalRequests is the total number of requests the storage service receives.

Typically, you will monitor for unexpected changes in any of these values, as this indicates you have an issue that requires investigation.

In the Azure portal, you can add alert rules to notify you if any performance metrics for this service fall below or exceed a threshold that you specify.

The Troubleshooting guidance section of this guide describes some common storage service issues related to performance.

Diagnosing storage issues

There are a number of ways that you might become aware of a problem or issue in your application, including:

  • A major failure that causes the application to crash or stop working.
  • Significant changes from baseline values in the metrics you're monitoring as described in the previous section Monitoring your storage service.
  • Reports from users of your application that some particular operation didn't complete as expected or that some feature is not working.
  • Errors generated within your application that appear in log files or through some other notification method.

Typically, issues related to Azure storage services fall into one of four broad categories:

  • Your application has a performance issue, either reported by your users or revealed by changes in the performance metrics.
  • There is a problem with the Azure Storage infrastructure in one or more regions.
  • Your application is encountering an error, either reported by your users or revealed by an increase in one of the error count metrics you monitor.
  • During development and testing, you may be using the local storage emulator; you may encounter some issues that relate specifically to the usage of the storage emulator.

The following sections outline the steps you should follow to diagnose and troubleshoot issues in each of these four categories. The Troubleshooting guidance section later in this guide provides more detail for some common issues you may encounter.

Service health issues

Service health issues are typically outside of your control. The Azure portal provides information about any ongoing issues with Azure services, including storage services. If you opted for Read-Access Geo-Redundant Storage when you created your storage account, then if your data becomes unavailable in the primary location, your application can switch temporarily to the read-only copy in the secondary location. To read from the secondary, your application must be able to switch between using the primary and secondary storage locations and be able to work in a reduced functionality mode with read-only data. The Azure Storage Client libraries allow you to define a retry policy that can read from secondary storage in case a read from primary storage fails. Your application also needs to be aware that the data in the secondary location is eventually consistent. For more information, see the blog post Azure Storage Redundancy Options and Read Access Geo Redundant Storage.

Performance issues

The performance of an application can be subjective, especially from a user perspective. Therefore, it is important to have baseline metrics available to help you identify where there might be a performance issue. Many factors might affect the performance of an Azure storage service from the client application perspective. These factors might operate in the storage service, the client, or the network infrastructure; therefore, it's important to have a strategy for identifying the origin of the performance issue.

After you have identified the likely location of the cause of the performance issue from the metrics, you can then use the log files to find detailed information to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem further.

The Troubleshooting guidance section later in this guide provides more information about some common performance-related issues you may encounter.

Diagnosing errors

Users of your application may notify you of errors reported by the client application. Storage Metrics also records counts of different error types from your storage services, such as NetworkError, ClientTimeoutError, or AuthorizationError. While Storage Metrics only records counts of different error types, you can obtain more detail about individual requests by examining server-side, client-side, and network logs. Typically, the HTTP status code returned by the storage service will give an indication of why the request failed.


Remember that you should expect to see some intermittent errors: for example, errors due to transient network conditions or application errors.

The following resources are useful for understanding storage-related status and error codes:

Storage emulator issues

The Azure SDK includes a storage emulator you can run on a development workstation. This emulator simulates most of the behavior of the Azure storage services and is useful during development and testing, enabling you to run applications that use Azure storage services without the need for an Azure subscription and an Azure storage account.

The Troubleshooting guidance section of this guide describes some common issues encountered using the storage emulator.

Storage logging tools

Storage Logging provides server-side logging of storage requests in your Azure storage account. For more information about how to enable server-side logging and access the log data, see Enabling Storage Logging and Accessing Log Data.

The Storage Client Library for .NET enables you to collect client-side log data that relates to storage operations performed by your application. For more information, see Client-side Logging with the .NET Storage Client Library.


In some circumstances (such as SAS authorization failures), a user may report an error for which you can find no request data in the server-side Storage logs. You can use the logging capabilities of the Storage Client Library to investigate if the cause of the issue is on the client or use network monitoring tools to investigate the network.

Using network logging tools

You can capture the traffic between the client and server to provide detailed information about the data the client and server are exchanging and the underlying network conditions. Useful network logging tools include:

In many cases, the log data from Storage Logging and the Storage Client Library will be sufficient to diagnose an issue, but in some scenarios, you may need the more detailed information that these network logging tools can provide. For example, using Fiddler to view HTTP and HTTPS messages enables you to view header and payload data sent to and from the storage services, which would enable you to examine how a client application retries storage operations. Protocol analyzers such as Wireshark operate at the packet level enabling you to view TCP data, which would enable you to troubleshoot lost packets and connectivity issues.

End-to-end tracing

End-to-end tracing using a variety of log files is a useful technique for investigating potential issues. You can use the date/time information from your metrics data to indicate where to start looking in the log files for detailed information to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Correlating log data

When viewing logs from client applications, network traces, and server-side storage logging, it is critical to be able to correlate requests across the different log files. The log files include a number of different fields that are useful as correlation identifiers. The client request ID is the most useful field to use to correlate entries in the different logs. However, sometimes, it can be useful to use either the server request ID or timestamps. The following sections provide more details about these options.

Client request ID

The Storage Client Library automatically generates a unique client request ID for every request.

  • In the client-side log that the Storage Client Library creates, the client request ID appears in the Client Request ID field of every log entry relating to the request.
  • In a network trace such as one captured by Fiddler, the client request ID is visible in request messages as the x-ms-client-request-id HTTP header value.
  • In the server-side Storage Logging log, the client request ID appears in the Client request ID column.


It's possible for multiple requests to share the same client request ID because the client can assign this value (although the Storage Client Library assigns a new value automatically). When the client retries, all attempts share the same client request ID. In the case of a batch sent from the client, the batch has a single client request ID.

Server request ID

The storage service automatically generates server request IDs.

  • In the server-side Storage Logging log, the server request ID appears in the Request ID header column.
  • In a network trace such as one captured by Fiddler, the server request ID appears in response messages as the x-ms-request-id HTTP header value.
  • In the client-side log that the Storage Client Library creates, the server request ID appears in the Operation Text column for the log entry showing details of the server response.


The storage service always assigns a unique server request ID to every request it receives, so every retry attempt from the client and every operation included in a batch has a unique server request ID.

The code sample below demonstrates how to use a custom client request ID.

var connectionString = Constants.connectionString;

BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(connectionString);

BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("demcontainer");

BlobClient blobClient = blobContainerClient.GetBlobClient("testImage.jpg");

string clientRequestID = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", HOSTNAME, APPNAME, USERID, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

using (HttpPipeline.CreateClientRequestIdScope(clientRequestID))
    BlobDownloadInfo download = blobClient.Download();

    using (FileStream downloadFileStream = File.OpenWrite("C:\\testImage.jpg"))


You can also use timestamps to locate related log entries, but be careful of any clock skew between the client and server that may exist. Search plus or minus 15 minutes for matching server-side entries based on the timestamp on the client. Remember that the blob metadata for the blobs containing metrics indicates the time range for the metrics stored in the blob. This time range is useful if you have many metrics blobs for the same minute or hour.

Troubleshooting guidance

This section will help you with the diagnosis and troubleshooting of some of the common issues your application may encounter when using the Azure storage services. Use the list below to locate the information relevant to your specific issue.

Troubleshooting decision tree

Does your issue relate to the performance of one of the storage services?

Does your issue relate to the availability of one of the storage services?

Is your client application receiving an HTTP 4XX (such as 404) response from a storage service?

Metrics show low PercentSuccess or analytics log entries have operations with transaction status of ClientOtherErrors.

Capacity metrics show an unexpected increase in storage capacity usage.

Your issue arises from using the storage emulator for development or testing.

You are encountering problems installing the Azure SDK for .NET.

You have a different issue with a storage service.

Metrics show high AverageE2ELatency and low AverageServerLatency

The illustration below from the Azure portal monitoring tool shows an example where the AverageE2ELatency is significantly higher than the AverageServerLatency.

Illustration from the Azure portal that shows an example where the AverageE2ELatency is significantly higher than the AverageServerLatency.

The storage service only calculates the metric AverageE2ELatency for successful requests and, unlike AverageServerLatency, includes the time the client takes to send the data and receive acknowledgment from the storage service. Therefore, a difference between AverageE2ELatency and AverageServerLatency could be either due to the client application being slow to respond or due to conditions on the network.


You can also view E2ELatency and ServerLatency for individual storage operations in the Storage Logging log data.

Investigating client performance issues

Possible reasons for the client responding slowly include having a limited number of available connections or threads or being low on resources such as CPU, memory, or network bandwidth. You may be able to resolve the issue by modifying the client code to be more efficient (for example, by using asynchronous calls to the storage service) or by using a larger Virtual Machine (with more cores and more memory).

For the table and queue services, the Nagle algorithm can also cause high AverageE2ELatency compared to AverageServerLatency. For more information, see Nagle's Algorithm is Not Friendly towards Small Requests. You can disable the Nagle algorithm in code by using the ServicePointManager class in the System.Net namespace. You should do this before you make any calls to the table or queue services in your application since this doesn't affect connections that are already open. The following example comes from the Application_Start method in a worker role.

var connectionString = Constants.connectionString;

QueueServiceClient queueServiceClient = new QueueServiceClient(connectionString);

ServicePoint queueServicePoint = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(queueServiceClient.Uri);
queueServicePoint.UseNagleAlgorithm = false;

You should check the client-side logs to see how many requests your client application is submitting and check for general .NET-related performance bottlenecks in your client, such as CPU, .NET garbage collection, network utilization, or memory. As a starting point for troubleshooting .NET client applications, see Debugging, Tracing, and Profiling.

Investigating network latency issues

Typically, high end-to-end latency caused by the network is due to transient conditions. You can investigate both transient and persistent network issues, such as dropped packets, by using tools like Wireshark.

For more information about using Wireshark to troubleshoot network issues, see Appendix 2: Using Wireshark to capture network traffic.

Metrics show low AverageE2ELatency and low AverageServerLatency but the client is experiencing high latency

In this scenario, the most likely cause is a delay in the storage requests reaching the storage service. You should investigate why requests from the client are not making it through to the blob service.

One possible reason for the client delaying sending requests is that there are a limited number of available connections or threads.

Also, check whether the client is performing multiple retries, and investigate the reason if it is. To determine whether the client is performing multiple retries, you can:

  • Examine the Storage Analytics logs. If multiple retries are happening, you will see multiple operations with the same client request ID but with different server request IDs.
  • Examine the client logs. Verbose logging will indicate that a retry has occurred.
  • Debug your code, and check the properties of the OperationContext object associated with the request. If the operation has retried, the RequestResults property will include multiple unique server request IDs. You can also check the start and end times for each request. For more information, see the code sample in the section Server request ID.

If there are no issues in the client, you should investigate potential network issues such as packet loss. You can use tools such as Wireshark to investigate network issues.

For more information about using Wireshark to troubleshoot network issues, see Appendix 2: Using Wireshark to capture network traffic.

Metrics show high AverageServerLatency

In the case of high AverageServerLatency for blob download requests, you should use the Storage Logging logs to see if there are repeated requests for the same blob (or set of blobs). For blob upload requests, you should investigate what block size the client is using (for example, blocks less than 64 K in size can result in overheads unless the reads are also in less than 64 K chunks) and if multiple clients are uploading blocks to the same blob in parallel. You should also check the per-minute metrics for spikes in the number of requests that result in exceeding the per-second scalability targets. For more information, see Metrics show an increase in PercentTimeoutError.

If you see high AverageServerLatency for blob download requests when there are repeated requests for the same blob or set of blobs, then consider caching these blobs using Azure Cache or the Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN). For upload requests, you can improve the throughput by using a larger block size. For queries to tables, it's also possible to implement client-side caching on clients that perform the same query operations and where the data doesn't change frequently.

High AverageServerLatency values can also be a symptom of poorly designed tables or queries that result in scan operations or that follow the append/prepend anti-pattern. For more information, see Metrics show an increase in PercentThrottlingError.


You can find a comprehensive performance checklist here: Microsoft Azure Storage Performance and Scalability Checklist.

You are experiencing unexpected delays in message delivery on a queue

If you're experiencing a delay between the time an application adds a message to a queue and the time it becomes available to read from the queue, then take the following steps to diagnose the issue:

  • Verify that the application is successfully adding the messages to the queue. Check that the application isn't retrying the AddMessage method several times before succeeding. The Storage Client Library logs will show any repeated retries of storage operations.
  • Verify there is no clock skew between the worker role that adds the message to the queue and the worker role that reads the message from the queue. A clock skew makes it appear as if there's a delay in processing.
  • Check if the worker role that reads the messages from the queue is failing. If a queue client calls the GetMessage method but fails to respond with an acknowledgment, the message will remain invisible on the queue until the invisibilityTimeout period expires. At this point, the message becomes available for processing again.
  • Check if the queue length is growing over time. This can occur if you don't have sufficient workers available to process all of the messages that other workers are placing in the queue. Also, check the metrics to see if delete requests are failing and the dequeue count on messages, which might indicate repeated failed attempts to delete the message.
  • Examine the Storage Logging logs for any queue operations that have higher than expected E2ELatency and ServerLatency values over a longer period of time than usual.

Metrics show an increase in PercentThrottlingError

Throttling errors occur when you exceed the scalability targets of a storage service. The storage service throttles to ensure that no single client or tenant can use the service at the expense of others. For more information, see Scalability and performance targets for standard storage accounts for details on scalability targets for storage accounts and performance targets for partitions within storage accounts.

If the PercentThrottlingError metric shows an increase in the percentage of requests that are failing with a throttling error, you need to investigate one of two scenarios:

An increase in PercentThrottlingError often occurs at the same time as an increase in the number of storage requests or when you are initially load-testing your application. This may also manifest itself in the client as "503 Server Busy" or "500 Operation Timeout" HTTP status messages from storage operations.

Transient increase in PercentThrottlingError

If you're seeing spikes in the value of PercentThrottlingError that coincide with periods of high activity for the application, you can implement an exponential (not linear) back-off strategy for retries in your client. Back-off retries reduce the immediate load on the partition and help your application smooth out spikes in traffic. For more information about how to implement retry policies using the Storage Client Library, see the Microsoft.Azure.Storage.RetryPolicies namespace.


You may also see spikes in the value of PercentThrottlingError that do not coincide with periods of high activity for the application. The most likely cause is the storage service moving partitions to improve load balancing.

Permanent increase in PercentThrottlingError

If you're seeing a consistently high value for PercentThrottlingError following a permanent increase in your transaction volumes or when you're performing your initial load tests on your application, then you need to evaluate how your application is using storage partitions and whether it's approaching the scalability targets for a storage account. For example, if you're seeing throttling errors on a queue (which counts as a single partition), then consider using additional queues to spread the transactions across multiple partitions. If you're seeing throttling errors on a table, you need to consider using a different partitioning scheme to spread your transactions across multiple partitions by using a wider range of partition key values. One common cause of this issue is the prepend/append anti-pattern where you select the date as the partition key, and then all data on a particular day is written to one partition: under load, this can result in a write bottleneck. Either consider a different partitioning design or evaluate whether using blob storage might be a better solution. Also, check whether throttling is occurring as a result of spikes in your traffic and investigate ways of smoothing your pattern of requests.

If you distribute your transactions across multiple partitions, you must still be aware of the scalability limits set for the storage account. For example, if you used ten queues, each processing the maximum of 2,000 1KB messages per second, you will be at the overall limit of 20,000 messages per second for the storage account. If you need to process more than 20,000 entities per second, consider using multiple storage accounts. You should also bear in mind that the size of your requests and entities has an impact on when the storage service throttles your clients. If you have larger requests and entities, you may be throttled sooner.

Inefficient query design can also cause you to hit the scalability limits for table partitions. For example, a query with a filter that only selects one percent of the entities in a partition but that scans all the entities in a partition will need to access each entity. Every entity read will count towards the total number of transactions in that partition; therefore, you can easily reach the scalability targets.


Your performance testing should reveal any inefficient query designs in your application.

Metrics show an increase in PercentTimeoutError

Your metrics show an increase in PercentTimeoutError for one of your storage services. At the same time, the client receives a high volume of "500 Operation Timeout" HTTP status messages from storage operations.


You may see timeout errors temporarily as the storage service load balances requests by moving a partition to a new server.

The PercentTimeoutError metric is an aggregation of the following metrics: ClientTimeoutError, AnonymousClientTimeoutError, SASClientTimeoutError, ServerTimeoutError, AnonymousServerTimeoutError, and SASServerTimeoutError.

The server timeouts are caused by an error on the server. The client timeouts happen because an operation on the server has exceeded the timeout specified by the client; for example, a client using the Storage Client Library can set a timeout for an operation by using the ServerTimeout property of the QueueRequestOptions class.

Server timeouts indicate a problem with the storage service that requires further investigation. You can use metrics to see if you're hitting the scalability limits for the service and to identify any spikes in traffic that might be causing this problem. If the problem is intermittent, it may be due to load-balancing activity in the service. If the problem is persistent and isn't caused by your application hitting the scalability limits of the service, you should raise a support issue. For client timeouts, you must decide if the timeout is set to an appropriate value in the client and either change the timeout value set in the client or investigate how you can improve the performance of the operations in the storage service, for example, by optimizing your table queries or reducing the size of your messages.

Metrics show an increase in PercentNetworkError

Your metrics show an increase in PercentNetworkError for one of your storage services. The PercentNetworkError metric is an aggregation of the following metrics: NetworkError, AnonymousNetworkError, and SASNetworkError. These occur when the storage service detects a network error when the client makes a storage request.

The most common cause of this error is a client disconnecting before a timeout expires in the storage service. Investigate the code in your client to understand why and when the client disconnects from the storage service. You can also use Wireshark or Tcping to investigate network connectivity issues from the client. These tools are described in the Appendices.

The client is receiving HTTP 403 (Forbidden) messages

If your client application is throwing HTTP 403 (Forbidden) errors, a likely cause is that the client is using an expired Shared Access Signature (SAS) when it sends a storage request (although other possible causes include clock skew, invalid keys, and empty headers). If an expired SAS key is the cause, you won't see any entries in the server-side Storage Logging log data. The following table shows a sample from the client-side log generated by the Storage Client Library that illustrates this issue occurring:

Source Verbosity Verbosity Client request ID Operation text
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Information 3 85d077ab-… Starting operation with location Primary per location mode PrimaryOnly.
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Information 3 85d077ab -… Starting synchronous request to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/Synchronous_and_Asynchronous_Requests#Synchronous_request.
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Information 3 85d077ab -… Waiting for response.
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Warning 2 85d077ab -… Exception thrown while waiting for response: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Information 3 85d077ab -… Response received. Status code = 403, Request ID = <Request ID>, Content-MD5 = , ETag = .
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Warning 2 85d077ab -… Exception thrown during the operation: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden..
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Information 3 85d077ab -… Checking if the operation should be retried. Retry count = 0, HTTP status code = 403, Exception = The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden..
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Information 3 85d077ab -… The next location has been set to Primary, based on the location mode.
Microsoft.Azure.Storage Error 1 85d077ab -… Retry policy did not allow for a retry. Failing with The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

In this scenario, you should investigate why the SAS token is expiring before the client sends the token to the server:

  • Typically, you shouldn't set a start time when you create a SAS for a client to use immediately. If there are small clock differences between the host generating the SAS using the current time and the storage service, then it's possible for the storage service to receive a SAS that's not yet valid.
  • Don't set a very short expiry time on a SAS. Again, small clock differences between the host generating the SAS and the storage service can lead to a SAS seemingly expiring earlier than anticipated.
  • Does the version parameter in the SAS key (for example, sv=2015-04-05) match the version of the Storage Client Library you are using? We recommend that you always use the latest version of the Storage Client Library.
  • If you regenerate your storage access keys, any existing SAS tokens may be invalidated. This issue may arise if you generate SAS tokens with a long expiry time for client applications to cache.

If you're using the Storage Client Library to generate SAS tokens, then it's easy to build a valid token. However, if you're using the Storage REST API and constructing the SAS tokens by hand, see Delegating Access with a Shared Access Signature.

The client is receiving HTTP 404 (Not found) messages

If the client application receives an HTTP 404 (Not found) message from the server, this implies that the object the client was attempting to use (such as an entity, table, blob, container, or queue) doesn't exist in the storage service. There are a number of possible reasons for this, such as:

The client or another process previously deleted the object

In scenarios where the client is attempting to read, update, or delete data in a storage service, it's usually easy to identify in the server-side logs a previous operation that deleted the object in question from the storage service. Often, the log data shows that another user or process deleted the object. In the server-side Storage Logging log, the operation-type and requested-object-key columns show when a client deleted an object.

In the scenario where a client is attempting to insert an object, it may not be immediately obvious why this results in an HTTP 404 (Not found) response, given that the client is creating a new object. However, if the client is creating a blob, it must be able to find the blob container. If the client is creating a message, it must be able to find a queue. And if the client is adding a row, it must be able to find the table.

You can use the client-side log from the Storage Client Library to gain a more detailed understanding of when the client sends specific requests to the storage service.

The following client-side log generated by the Storage Client library illustrates the problem when the client cannot find the container for the blob it's creating. This log includes details of the following storage operations:

Request ID Operation
07b26a5d-... DeleteIfExists method to delete the blob container. Note that this operation includes a HEAD request to check for the existence of the container.
e2d06d78… CreateIfNotExists method to create the blob container. Note that this operation includes a HEAD request that checks for the existence of the container. The HEAD returns a 404 message but continues.
de8b1c3c-... UploadFromStream method to create the blob. The PUT request fails with a 404 message.

Log entries:

Request ID Operation text
07b26a5d-... Starting synchronous request to https://domemaildist.blob.core.windows.net/azuremmblobcontainer.
07b26a5d-... StringToSign = HEAD............x-ms-client-request-id:07b26a5d-....x-ms-date:Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:33:11 GMT.x-ms-version:2014-02-14./domemaildist/azuremmblobcontainer.restype:container.
07b26a5d-... Waiting for response.
07b26a5d-... Response received. Status code = 200, Request ID = eeead849-...Content-MD5 = , ETag = &quot;0x8D14D2DC63D059B&quot;.
07b26a5d-... Response headers were processed successfully, proceeding with the rest of the operation.
07b26a5d-... Downloading response body.
07b26a5d-... Operation completed successfully.
07b26a5d-... Starting synchronous request to https://domemaildist.blob.core.windows.net/azuremmblobcontainer.
07b26a5d-... StringToSign = DELETE............x-ms-client-request-id:07b26a5d-....x-ms-date:Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:33:12 GMT.x-ms-version:2014-02-14./domemaildist/azuremmblobcontainer.restype:container.
07b26a5d-... Waiting for response.
07b26a5d-... Response received. Status code = 202, Request ID = 6ab2a4cf-..., Content-MD5 = , ETag = .
07b26a5d-... Response headers were processed successfully, proceeding with the rest of the operation.
07b26a5d-... Downloading response body.
07b26a5d-... Operation completed successfully.
e2d06d78-... Starting asynchronous request to https://domemaildist.blob.core.windows.net/azuremmblobcontainer.
e2d06d78-... StringToSign = HEAD............x-ms-client-request-id:e2d06d78-....x-ms-date:Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:33:12 GMT.x-ms-version:2014-02-14./domemaildist/azuremmblobcontainer.restype:container.
e2d06d78-... Waiting for response.
de8b1c3c-... Starting synchronous request to https://domemaildist.blob.core.windows.net/azuremmblobcontainer/blobCreated.txt.
de8b1c3c-... StringToSign = PUT...64.qCmF+TQLPhq/YYK50mP9ZQ==........x-ms-blob-type:BlockBlob.x-ms-client-request-id:de8b1c3c-....x-ms-date:Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:33:12 GMT.x-ms-version:2014-02-14./domemaildist/azuremmblobcontainer/blobCreated.txt.
de8b1c3c-... Preparing to write request data.
e2d06d78-... Exception thrown while waiting for response: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found..
e2d06d78-... Response received. Status code = 404, Request ID = 353ae3bc-..., Content-MD5 = , ETag = .
e2d06d78-... Response headers were processed successfully, proceeding with the rest of the operation.
e2d06d78-... Downloading response body.
e2d06d78-... Operation completed successfully.
e2d06d78-... Starting asynchronous request to https://domemaildist.blob.core.windows.net/azuremmblobcontainer.
e2d06d78-... StringToSign = PUT...0.........x-ms-client-request-id:e2d06d78-....x-ms-date:Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:33:12 GMT.x-ms-version:2014-02-14./domemaildist/azuremmblobcontainer.restype:container.
e2d06d78-... Waiting for response.
de8b1c3c-... Writing request data.
de8b1c3c-... Waiting for response.
e2d06d78-... Exception thrown while waiting for response: The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict..
e2d06d78-... Response received. Status code = 409, Request ID = c27da20e-..., Content-MD5 = , ETag = .
e2d06d78-... Downloading error response body.
de8b1c3c-... Exception thrown while waiting for response: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found..
de8b1c3c-... Response received. Status code = 404, Request ID = 0eaeab3e-..., Content-MD5 = , ETag = .
de8b1c3c-... Exception thrown during the operation: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found..
de8b1c3c-... Retry policy did not allow for a retry. Failing with The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found..
e2d06d78-... Retry policy did not allow for a retry. Failing with The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict..

In this example, the log shows that the client is interleaving requests from the CreateIfNotExists method (request ID e2d06d78…) with the requests from the UploadFromStream method (de8b1c3c-...). This interleaving happens because the client application is invoking these methods asynchronously. Modify the asynchronous code in the client to ensure that it creates the container before attempting to upload any data to a blob in that container. Ideally, you should create all your containers in advance.

A Shared Access Signature (SAS) authorization issue

If the client application attempts to use a SAS key that doesn't include the necessary permissions for the operation, the storage service returns an HTTP 404 (Not found) message to the client. At the same time, you will also see a non-zero value for SASAuthorizationError in the metrics.

The following table shows a sample server-side log message from the Storage Logging log file:

Name Value
Request start time 2014-05-30T06:17:48.4473697Z
Operation type GetBlobProperties
Request status SASAuthorizationError
HTTP status code 404
Authentication type Sas
Service type Blob
Request URL https://domemaildist.blob.core.windows.net/azureimblobcontainer/blobCreatedViaSAS.txt
Request ID header <Request ID header>
Client request ID <Client request ID>

Investigate why your client application is attempting to perform an operation for which it hasn't been granted permissions.

Client-side JavaScript code doesn't have permission to access the object

If you're using a JavaScript client and the storage service is returning HTTP 404 messages, you check for the following JavaScript errors in the browser:

SEC7120: Origin http://localhost:56309 not found in Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied.


You can use the F12 Developer Tools in Internet Explorer to trace the messages exchanged between the browser and the storage service when you're troubleshooting client-side JavaScript issues.

These errors occur because the web browser implements the same origin policy security restriction that prevents a web page from calling an API in a different domain from the domain the page comes from.

To work around the JavaScript issue, you can configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for the storage service the client is accessing. For more information, see Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Support for Azure Storage Services.

The following code sample shows how to configure your blob service to allow JavaScript running in the Contoso domain to access a blob in your blob storage service:

var connectionString = Constants.connectionString;

 BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(connectionString);

 BlobServiceProperties sp = blobServiceClient.GetProperties();

 // Set the service properties.
 sp.DefaultServiceVersion = "2013-08-15";
 BlobCorsRule bcr = new BlobCorsRule();
 bcr.AllowedHeaders = "*";

 bcr.AllowedMethods = "GET,POST";
 bcr.AllowedOrigins = "http://www.contoso.com";
 bcr.ExposedHeaders = "x-ms-*";
 bcr.MaxAgeInSeconds = 5;

Network failure

In some circumstances, lost network packets can lead to the storage service returning HTTP 404 messages to the client. For example, when your client application is deleting an entity from the table service, you see the client throw a storage exception reporting an "HTTP 404 (Not Found)" status message from the table service. When you investigate the table in the table storage service, you see that the service did delete the entity as requested.

The exception details in the client include the request ID (7e84f12d…) assigned by the table service for the request. You can use this information to locate the request details in the server-side storage logs by searching in the request-id-header column in the log file. You could also use the metrics to identify when failures such as this occur and then search the log files based on the time the metrics recorded this error. This log entry shows that the delete failed with an "HTTP (404) Client Other Error" status message. The same log entry also includes the request ID generated by the client in the client-request-id column (813ea74f…).

The server-side log also includes another entry with the same client-request-id value (813ea74f…) for a successful delete operation for the same entity and from the same client. This successful delete operation took place very shortly before the failed delete request.

The most likely cause of this scenario is that the client sent a delete request for the entity to the table service, which succeeded but did not receive an acknowledgment from the server (perhaps due to a temporary network issue). The client then automatically retried the operation (using the same client-request-id), and this retry failed because the entity had already been deleted.

If this problem occurs frequently, you should investigate why the client is failing to receive acknowledgments from the table service. If the problem is intermittent, you should trap the "HTTP (404) Not Found" error and log it in the client, but allow the client to continue.

The client is receiving HTTP 409 (Conflict) messages

The following table shows an extract from the server-side log for two client operations: DeleteIfExists followed immediately by CreateIfNotExists using the same blob container name. Each client operation results in two requests sent to the server, first a GetContainerProperties request to check if the container exists, followed by the DeleteContainer or CreateContainer request.

Timestamp Operation Result Container name Client request ID
05:10:13.7167225 GetContainerProperties 200 mmcont c9f52c89-…
05:10:13.8167325 DeleteContainer 202 mmcont c9f52c89-…
05:10:13.8987407 GetContainerProperties 404 mmcont bc881924-…
05:10:14.2147723 CreateContainer 409 mmcont bc881924-…

The code in the client application deletes and then immediately recreates a blob container using the same name: the CreateIfNotExists method (Client request ID bc881924-…) eventually fails with the HTTP 409 (Conflict) error. When a client deletes blob containers, tables, or queues, there's a brief period before the name becomes available again.

The client application should use unique container names whenever it creates new containers if the delete/recreate pattern is common.

Metrics show low PercentSuccess or analytics log entries have operations with transaction status of ClientOtherErrors

The PercentSuccess metric captures the percent of operations that were successful based on their HTTP Status Code. Operations with status codes of 2XX count as successful, whereas operations with status codes in 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX ranges are counted as unsuccessful and lower the PercentSuccess metric value. In the server-side storage log files, these operations are recorded with a transaction status of ClientOtherErrors.

It's important to note that these operations have been completed successfully and therefore don't affect other metrics, such as availability. Some examples of operations that execute successfully but that can result in unsuccessful HTTP status codes include:

  • ResourceNotFound (Not Found 404), for example, from a GET request to a blob that doesn't exist.
  • ResourceAlreadyExists (Conflict 409), for example, from a CreateIfNotExist operation where the resource already exists.
  • ConditionNotMet (Not Modified 304), for example, from a conditional operation such as when a client sends an ETag value and an HTTP If-None-Match header to request an image only if it has been updated since the last operation.

You can find a list of common REST API error codes that the storage services return on the page Common REST API error codes.

Capacity metrics show an unexpected increase in storage capacity usage

If you see sudden, unexpected changes in capacity usage in your storage account, you can investigate the reasons by first looking at your availability metrics; for example, an increase in the number of failed delete requests might lead to an increase in the amount of blob storage you're using as application-specific cleanup operations you might have expected to be freeing up space may not be working as expected (for example, because the SAS tokens used for freeing up space have expired).

Your issue arises from using the storage emulator for development or test

You typically use the storage emulator during development and testing to avoid the requirement for an Azure storage account. The common issues that can occur when you're using the storage emulator are:

Feature "X" is not working in the storage emulator

The storage emulator doesn't support all of the features of the Azure storage services, such as the file service. For more information, see Use the Azure Storage Emulator for Development and Testing.

For those features that the storage emulator doesn't support, use the Azure storage service in the cloud.

Error "The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format" when using the storage emulator

You are testing your application that uses the Storage Client Library against the local storage emulator, and method calls such as CreateIfNotExists fail with the error message "The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format." This indicates that the version of the storage emulator you're using doesn't support the version of the storage client library you're using. The Storage Client Library adds the header x-ms-version to all the requests it makes. If the storage emulator doesn't recognize the value in the x-ms-version header, it rejects the request.

You can use the Storage Library Client logs to see the value of the x-ms-version header it's sending. You can also see the value of the x-ms-version header if you use Fiddler to trace the requests from your client application.

This scenario typically occurs if you install and use the latest version of the Storage Client Library without updating the storage emulator. You should either install the latest version of the storage emulator or use cloud storage instead of the emulator for development and testing.

Running the storage emulator requires administrative privileges

You're prompted for administrator credentials when you run the storage emulator. This only occurs when you're initializing the storage emulator for the first time. After you have initialized the storage emulator, you don't need administrative privileges to run it again.

For more information, see Use the Azure Storage Emulator for Development and Testing. You can also initialize the storage emulator in Visual Studio, which will also require administrative privileges.

You are encountering problems installing the Azure SDK for .NET

When you try to install the SDK, it fails while trying to install the storage emulator on your local machine. The installation log contains one of the following messages:

  • CAQuietExec: Error: Unable to access SQL instance
  • CAQuietExec: Error: Unable to create database

The cause is an issue with the existing LocalDB installation. By default, the storage emulator uses LocalDB to persist data when it simulates the Azure storage services. You can reset your LocalDB instance by running the following commands in a command-prompt window before trying to install the SDK.

sqllocaldb stop v11.0
sqllocaldb delete v11.0
delete %USERPROFILE%\WAStorageEmulatorDb3*.*
sqllocaldb create v11.0

The delete command removes any old database files from previous installations of the storage emulator.

You have a different issue with a storage service

If the previous troubleshooting sections don't include the issue you're having with a storage service, you should adopt the following approach to diagnosing and troubleshooting your issue.

  • Check your metrics to see if there's any change from your expected baseline behavior. From the metrics, you may be able to determine whether the issue is transient or permanent and which storage operations the issue is affecting.
  • You can use the metrics information to help you search your server-side log data for more detailed information about any errors that are occurring. This information may help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
  • If the information in the server-side logs isn't sufficient to troubleshoot the issue successfully, you can use the Storage Client Library client-side logs to investigate the behavior of your client application and tools such as Fiddler and Wireshark to investigate your network.

For more information about using Fiddler, see Appendix 1: Using Fiddler to capture HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

For more information about using Wireshark, see Appendix 2: Using Wireshark to capture network traffic.


The appendices describe several tools that you may find useful when you're diagnosing and troubleshooting issues with Azure Storage (and other services). These tools aren't part of Azure Storage, and some are third-party products. As such, the tools discussed in these appendices aren't covered by any support agreement you may have with Microsoft Azure or Azure Storage. Therefore, as part of your evaluation process, you should examine the licensing and support options available from the providers of these tools.

Appendix 1: Using Fiddler to capture HTTP and HTTPS traffic

Fiddler is a useful tool for analyzing the HTTP and HTTPS traffic between your client application and the Azure storage service you're using.


Fiddler can decode HTTPS traffic. You should read the Fiddler documentation carefully to understand how it does this and its security implications.

This appendix provides a brief walkthrough of how to configure Fiddler to capture traffic between the local machine where you have installed Fiddler and the Azure storage services.

After you have launched Fiddler, it will begin capturing HTTP and HTTPS traffic on your local machine. The following are some useful commands for controlling Fiddler:

  • Stop and start capturing traffic. On the main menu, go to File and then select Capture Traffic to toggle capturing on and off.
  • Save captured traffic data. On the main menu, go to File, select Save, and then select All Sessions. This enables you to save the traffic in a Session Archive file. You can reload a Session Archive later for analysis or send it if requested to Microsoft support.

To limit the amount of traffic that Fiddler captures, you can use filters that you configure in the Filters tab. The following screenshot shows a filter that captures only traffic sent to the contosoemaildist.table.core.windows.net storage endpoint:

Screenshot that shows a filter that captures only traffic sent to the contosoemaildist.table.core.windows.net storage endpoint.

Appendix 2: Using Wireshark to capture network traffic

Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that enables you to view detailed packet information for a wide range of network protocols.

The following procedure shows you how to capture detailed packet information for traffic from the local machine where you installed Wireshark to the table service in your Azure storage account.

  1. Launch Wireshark on your local machine.

  2. In the Start section, select the local network interface or interfaces that are connected to the internet.

  3. Select Capture Options.

  4. Add a filter to the Capture Filter textbox. For example, host contosoemaildist.table.core.windows.net will configure Wireshark to capture only packets sent to or from the table service endpoint in the contosoemaildist storage account. Check out the complete list of Capture Filters.

    Screenshot that shows how to add a filter to the Capture Filter textbox.

  5. Select Start. Wireshark will now capture all the packets sent to or from the table service endpoint as you use your client application on your local machine.

  6. When you have finished, select Capture > Stop on the main menu.

  7. To save the captured data in a Wireshark Capture file, select File > Save on the main menu.

WireShark will highlight any errors that exist in the packetlist window. You can also use the Expert Info window (select Analyze > Expert Info) to view a summary of errors and warnings.

Screenshot that shows the Expert Info window where you can view a summary of errors and warnings.

You can also choose to view the TCP data as the application layer sees it by right-clicking on the TCP data and selecting Follow TCP Stream. This is useful if you captured your dump without a capture filter. For more information, see Following TCP Streams.

Screenshot that shows how to view the TCP data as the application layer sees it.


For more information about using Wireshark, see the Wireshark Users Guide.

Appendix 4: Using Excel to view metrics and log data

Many tools enable you to download the Storage Metrics data from Azure table storage in a delimited format that makes it easy to load the data into Excel for viewing and analysis. Storage Logging data from Azure Blob Storage is already in a delimited format that you can load into Excel. However, you'll need to add appropriate column headings based on the information at Storage Analytics Log Format and Storage Analytics Metrics Table Schema.

To import your Storage Logging data into Excel after you download it from blob storage:

  • On the Data menu, select From Text.
  • Browse to the log file you want to view and select Import.
  • In step 1 of the Text Import Wizard, select Delimited.

In step 1 of the Text Import Wizard, select Semicolon as the only delimiter and choose double-quote as the Text qualifier. Then select Finish and choose where to place the data in your workbook.

Appendix 5: Monitoring with Application Insights for Azure DevOps

You can also use the Application Insights feature for Azure DevOps as part of your performance and availability monitoring. This tool can:

  • Make sure your web service is available and responsive. Whether your app is a web site or a device app that uses a web service, it can test your URL every few minutes from locations worldwide and let you know if there's a problem.
  • Quickly diagnose any performance issues or exceptions in your web service. Find out if CPU or other resources are being stretched, get stack traces from exceptions, and easily search through log traces. If the app's performance drops below acceptable limits, Microsoft can send you an email. You can monitor both .NET and Java web services.

You can find more information at What is Application Insights.

Next steps

For more information about analytics in Azure Storage, see these resources:

Third-party information disclaimer

The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.

Contact us for help

If you have questions or need help, create a support request, or ask Azure community support. You can also submit product feedback to Azure feedback community.