Upgrade aplikace Service Fabric
Tento ukázkový skript upgraduje spuštěnou instanci aplikace Service Fabric na verzi 1.3.0. Skript zkopíruje nový balíček aplikace do úložiště imagí clusteru, zaregistruje typ aplikace a odebere nepotřebný balíček aplikace. Skript spustí monitorovaný upgrade a nepřetržitě zkontroluje stav upgradu, dokud se upgrade nedokončí nebo se vrátí zpět. Podle potřeby upravte parametry.
V případě potřeby nainstalujte modul PowerShellu pro Service Fabric se sadou Service Fabric SDK.
Ukázkový skript
## Variables
$ApplicationPackagePath = "C:\Users\sfuser\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\Voting\Voting\pkg\Debug"
$ApplicationName = "fabric:/Voting"
$ApplicationTypeName = "VotingType"
$ApplicationTypeVersion = "1.3.0"
$imageStoreConnectionString = "fabric:ImageStore"
$CopyPackageTimeoutSec = 600
$CompressPackage = $false
## Check existence of the application
$oldApplication = Get-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName $ApplicationName
if (!$oldApplication)
$errMsg = "Application '$ApplicationName' doesn't exist in cluster."
throw $errMsg
## Check upgrade status
$upgradeStatus = Get-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade -ApplicationName $ApplicationName
if ($upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -ne "RollingBackCompleted" -and $upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -ne "RollingForwardCompleted" -and $upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -ne "Failed")
$errMsg = "An upgrade for the application '$ApplicationTypeName' is already in progress."
throw $errMsg
$reg = Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType -ApplicationTypeName $ApplicationTypeName | Where-Object { $_.ApplicationTypeVersion -eq $ApplicationTypeVersion }
if ($reg)
Write-Host 'Application Type '$ApplicationTypeName' and Version '$ApplicationTypeVersion' was already registered with Cluster, unregistering it...'
$reg | Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType -Force
## Copy application package to image store
$applicationPackagePathInImageStore = $ApplicationTypeName
Write-Host "Copying application package to image store..."
Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage -ApplicationPackagePath $ApplicationPackagePath -ImageStoreConnectionString $imageStoreConnectionString -ApplicationPackagePathInImageStore $applicationPackagePathInImageStore -TimeOutSec $CopyPackageTimeoutSec -CompressPackage:$CompressPackage
throw "Copying of application package to image store failed. Cannot continue with registering the application."
## Register application type
Write-Host "Registering application type..."
Register-ServiceFabricApplicationType -ApplicationPathInImageStore $applicationPackagePathInImageStore
throw "Registration of application type failed."
# Remove the application package to free system resources.
Remove-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage -ImageStoreConnectionString $imageStoreConnectionString -ApplicationPackagePathInImageStore $applicationPackagePathInImageStore
Write-Host "Removing the application package failed."
## Start monitored application upgrade
Write-Host "Start upgrading application..."
Start-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade -ApplicationName $ApplicationName -ApplicationTypeVersion $ApplicationTypeVersion -HealthCheckStableDurationSec 60 -UpgradeDomainTimeoutSec 1200 -UpgradeTimeout 3000 -FailureAction Rollback -Monitored
Write-Host ("Error starting upgrade. " + $_)
Write-Host "Unregister application type '$ApplicationTypeName' and version '$ApplicationTypeVersion' ..."
Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType -ApplicationTypeName $ApplicationTypeName -ApplicationTypeVersion $ApplicationTypeVersion -Force
Write-Host "Waiting for upgrade..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
$upgradeStatus = Get-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade -ApplicationName $ApplicationName
} while ($upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -ne "RollingBackCompleted" -and $upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -ne "RollingForwardCompleted" -and $upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -ne "Failed")
if($upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -eq "RollingForwardCompleted")
Write-Host "Upgrade completed successfully."
elseif($upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -eq "RollingBackCompleted")
Write-Error "Upgrade was Rolled back."
elseif($upgradeStatus.UpgradeState -eq "Failed")
Write-Error "Upgrade Failed."
Vysvětlení skriptu
Tento skript používá následující příkazy. Každý příkaz v tabulce odkazuje na příslušnou část dokumentace.
Příkaz | Notes |
Get-ServiceFabricApplication | Získá všechny aplikace v clusteru Service Fabric nebo konkrétní aplikaci. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade | Získá stav upgradu aplikace Service Fabric. |
Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType | Získá typy aplikací Service Fabric zaregistrované v clusteru Service Fabric. |
Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType | Zruší registraci typu aplikace Service Fabric. |
Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage | Zkopíruje balíček aplikace Service Fabric do úložiště imagí. |
Register-ServiceFabricApplicationType | Zaregistruje typ aplikace Service Fabric. |
Start-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade | Upgraduje aplikaci Service Fabric na zadanou verzi typu aplikace. |
Remove-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage | Odebere balíček aplikace Service Fabric z úložiště imagí. |
Další kroky
Další informace o modulu Service Fabric PowerShell najdete v dokumentaci k Azure PowerShellu.
Další ukázky PowerShellu pro Azure Service Fabric najdete v ukázkách Azure PowerShellu.