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Ukázky klientské knihovny jazyka C#

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 – Azure DevOps Server 2019

Následující ukázky ukazují, jak rozšířit a integrovat s Azure DevOps pomocí klientských knihoven .NET.

Ukázky na GitHubu

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Další ukázky

Příklady REST na této stránce vyžadují následující balíčky NuGet:

Příklad: Použití klienta HTTP založeného na REST

using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common; 

/// <summary>
/// This sample creates a new work item query for New Bugs, stores it under 'MyQueries', runs the query, and then sends the results to the console.
/// </summary>
public static void SampleREST()
    // Connection object could be created once per application and we use it to get httpclient objects. 
    // Httpclients have been reused between callers and threads.
    // Their lifetime has been managed by connection (we don't have to dispose them).
    // This is more robust then newing up httpclient objects directly.  
    // Be sure to send in the full collection uri, i.e. http://myserver:8080/tfs/defaultcollection
    // We are using default VssCredentials which uses NTLM against an Azure DevOps Server.  See additional provided
    // Create a connection with PAT for authentication
    VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(orgUrl, new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, personalAccessToken));

    // Create instance of WorkItemTrackingHttpClient using VssConnection
    WorkItemTrackingHttpClient witClient = connection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

    // Get 2 levels of query hierarchy items
    List<QueryHierarchyItem> queryHierarchyItems = witClient.GetQueriesAsync(teamProjectName, depth: 2).Result;

    // Search for 'My Queries' folder
    QueryHierarchyItem myQueriesFolder = queryHierarchyItems.FirstOrDefault(qhi => qhi.Name.Equals("My Queries"));
    if (myQueriesFolder != null)
        string queryName = "REST Sample";

        // See if our 'REST Sample' query already exists under 'My Queries' folder.
        QueryHierarchyItem newBugsQuery = null;
        if (myQueriesFolder.Children != null)
            newBugsQuery = myQueriesFolder.Children.FirstOrDefault(qhi => qhi.Name.Equals(queryName));
        if (newBugsQuery == null)
            // if the 'REST Sample' query does not exist, create it.
            newBugsQuery = new QueryHierarchyItem()
                Name = queryName,
                Wiql = "SELECT [System.Id],[System.WorkItemType],[System.Title],[System.AssignedTo],[System.State],[System.Tags] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = @project AND [System.WorkItemType] = 'Bug' AND [System.State] = 'New'",
                IsFolder = false
            newBugsQuery = witClient.CreateQueryAsync(newBugsQuery, teamProjectName, myQueriesFolder.Name).Result;

        // run the 'REST Sample' query
        WorkItemQueryResult result = witClient.QueryByIdAsync(newBugsQuery.Id).Result;

        if (result.WorkItems.Any())
            int skip = 0;
            const int batchSize = 100;
            IEnumerable<WorkItemReference> workItemRefs;
                workItemRefs = result.WorkItems.Skip(skip).Take(batchSize);
                if (workItemRefs.Any())
                    // get details for each work item in the batch
                    List<WorkItem> workItems = witClient.GetWorkItemsAsync(workItemRefs.Select(wir => wir.Id)).Result;
                    foreach (WorkItem workItem in workItems)
                        // write work item to console
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", workItem.Id, workItem.Fields["System.Title"]);
                skip += batchSize;
            while (workItemRefs.Count() == batchSize);
            Console.WriteLine("No work items were returned from query.");


Pokud chcete změnit metodu ověřování pro Azure DevOps, změňte typ VssCredential předaný službě VssConnection při jeho vytvoření.

Ověřování Microsoft Entra pro služby REST
public static void AADRestSample()
    // Create instance of VssConnection using Azure AD Credentials for Azure AD backed account
    VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssAadCredential(userName, password));

Výzva k přihlášení k sadě Visual Studio (účet Microsoft nebo back-end Microsoft Entra) pro služby REST (jenom .NET Framework)

Vzhledem k tomu, že verze .NET Core nepodporuje interaktivní dialogy, tato ukázka se vztahuje pouze na verzi rozhraní .NET Framework klientů.

public static void MicrosoftAccountRestSample()
    // Create instance of VssConnection using Visual Studio sign-in prompt
    VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssClientCredentials());
Ověřování OAuth pro služby REST

Další informace najdete v ukázkách ověřování Azure DevOps a platformě Microsoft Identity Platform a toku autorizačního kódu OAuth 2.0.

public static void OAuthSample()
    // Create instance of VssConnection using OAuth Access token
    VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssOAuthAccessTokenCredential(accessToken));
Ověřování osobního přístupového tokenu pro služby REST
public static void PersonalAccessTokenRestSample()
    // Create instance of VssConnection using Personal Access Token
    VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(orgUrl, new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, personalAccessToken));