
Sdílet prostřednictvím


Environment is rank 1. An environment corresponds to a Resource Manager Deployment.

CycleCloud can now manage Azure Resource Manager deployments with ARM templates. These environments can be referred to from within CycleCloud template objects.

While environment is rank 1, a cluster object is required in the cluster template file.


[environment vnet]
  TemplateURL = az://mystorageaccount/mycontainer/${ProjectVersion}/vnet.json
  ParameterValues.backendIpAddress1 =
  VariableOverrides.virtualNetworkName = azure-vnet

[environment appgateway]
  TemplateURL = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-application-gateway-waf/azuredeploy.json
  ParameterValues.virtualNetworkName = ${vnet.Parameters.virtualNetworkName}

[environment existing]
  Azure.ResourceGroup = existingrg
  ManagedLifecycle = false

[cluster my-cluster]

The $ is a reference to a parameter name. The ${} is another way of referencing a parameter name and allows reference to an environment.

This examples will launch the ARM template existing at az://mystorageaccount/mycontainer/${ProjectVersion}/vnet.json as an ARM deployment, and provided the Resource and Outputs as nested data within the vnet variable.

Attribute Reference

Attribute Type Definition
Credentials String Name of cloud provider account
Region String Azure location, eg. westus2
TemplateURL String Valid URL for ARM template location on web. Use only one Template* attribute.
TemplateContents String Read in the template json as a string with @parametername reference. Use only one Template* attribute.
TemplatePath String For use with Locker. Appends path to locker for arm template location. Use only one Template* attribute.
Locker String For use with TemplatePath. Supports pulling arm template from locker.
ParameterValues. ARM Parameter ParameterValues.my-parameter where my-parameter is a parameter. Parameters in ARM templates support string, list, integers, boolean.
VariableOverrides. ARM Variable VariableOverrides.my-variable where my-variable is a variable name in the ARM template. Variables in ARM templates support string, list, integers, boolean.
ParameterizeVariables Boolean Use with VariableValues. Expose ARM template variables in cluster UI menu and cluster template.
VariableValues. ARM Variable VariableValues.my-variable. Alternative to VariableOverrides. Use with ParameterizeVariables.
Azure.ResourceGroup String Name of Azure Resource Group for deployment.
ManagedLifecycle Boolean For use with existing deployment. Default is true.
Name String Name of pre-exiting resource group.
Tags. String Use tags.my-tag = my-tag-value to add tags to the resource group possessing the deployment in addition to the tags assigned by CycleCloud by default.

For pre-existing deployments the environment object name refers to the ARM deployment name.

Using environment resources and outputs

[environment vnet]
  TemplateURL = az://mystorageaccount/mycontainer/${ProjectVersion}/vnet.json

[cluster my-cluster]
    [[node proxy]]
        IsReturnProxy = True
        SubnetId = ${vnet.resources.'azure-vnet/ProxySubnet'.id}

Following the ARM deployment model, environments will create resources and expose those resources to the other Cluster Template objects for use.

Using the ${} notation, you can then refer to created ARM resources in their native schema.

Attribute Definition
Outputs. Use as ${environment-name.Outputs.my-output} in template where my-output is the name of an output in the ARM template.
Resources. Use as ${environment-name.Resources.my-resource-name.key1.key2} in template where my-resource-name is the name of a resource in the ARM template and key1, key2 are related keys in the resource object.

Referring to Nested Resources

Environments managed by CycleCloud are represented by a nested data structure. It is often useful to reference data within this structure.

[environment db]
TemplateContents = @raw-db-json
ParameterValues.DBName = @DBNameParameter

[cluster my-cluster]
  [[node my-node]]

     SubnetId = ${network.resources.'vnet/ComputeSubnet'.id}

     [[[configuration database]]]
        connection_string = ${db.Outputs.JDBCConnectionString}
        database_id = ${db.resources[ClusterName].id}

The indices of nested variables can depend on the ARM resource type being created. env.resources.my-resource-name.id, env.resources['my-resource-name'].id, env.resources[MyResourceParam] are all valid formats for references to nested variables.