Dotazy na tabulku OEPAirFlowTask
Informace o používání těchto dotazů na webu Azure Portal najdete v kurzu služby Log Analytics. Informace o rozhraní REST API najdete v tématu Dotaz.
Typ DAG vs. DAG spouští souhrnnou statistiku
Počet spuštění DAG každého typu DAG v daném časovém rozsahu
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
| distinct DagName, CorrelationId // correlationId is same as runId - we have created a duplicate for consistency in search across logs of all services
| sort by DagName asc
ID korelace všech spuštění DAG
ID korelace všech spuštění DAG, ke kterým došlo v časovém rozsahu (pro všechny typy DAG)
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
| distinct DagName, CorrelationId // correlationId is same as runId - we have created a duplicate for consistency in search across logs of all services
| summarize count() by DagName
Protokoly spuštění DAG
Načte protokoly pro konkrétní spuštění DAG AirFlow s ohledem na ID korelace a časový rozsah.
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
// | where CorrelationId == "<DAG run's runId>" // to filter on correlationID replace <...> with correlationId (same as runId) - we have created a duplicate for to maintain consistency of column name across all services
| project TimeGenerated, DagName, LogLevel, DagTaskName, CodePath, Content
Protokoly chyb spuštění DAG
Načte protokoly chyb pro konkrétní spuštění DAG AirFlow s ohledem na ID korelace a časový rozsah.
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
// | where CorrelationId == "<DAG run's runId>" // to filter on correlationID replace <...> with correlationId (same as runId) - we have created a duplicate for to maintain consistency of column name across all services
| where LogLevel == "ERROR"
| project TimeGenerated, DagName, LogLevel, DagTaskName, CodePath, Content