Working with the Second Edition Pocket PC Emulators
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition software for Pocket PC introduces the concept of screen rotation. There are limitations with the emulator engine and the underlying emulator keyboard driver that prevent the emulated device from fully handling screen rotation. There are two important things to note about the Second Edition emulator images.
1. The Second Edition Pocket PC emulator engine does not natively support screen rotation. This results in the emulated device's screen rotating but not the entire emulation engine. Emulator engine support for screen rotation is planned for future versions of the emulator.
2. When the screen on a Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition based device rotates the logical directional inputs returned to your application will also rotate. This ensures that what appears as UP to a user based on the way they are holding the device will translate to VK_TUP for your application. The two examples below show what VK_T codes you will get for input on a Second Edition device, despite the fact that the DPad has physically rotated.
Example 1 Example 2
| S |
| c | ----------
| r | | | U
| e | | Screen | LAR
| e | ---------- D
| n |
The Second Edition emulator keyboard driver does not catch the screen rotation notifications. This means the driver is unaware of its need to remap the key inputs to the appropriate directional input. For example, and relative to the orientation of the screen, if a portrait emulator is rotated into landscape pushing right on the Dpad sends a VK_TUP. On a real device it would send a VK_RIGHT.
[Author : James Pratt ]