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TechNet Community Machine Translation Pilot

Localization is a hugely important activity those of working on IT Pro content development.

So is this whole “community/Web 2.0” thing. For example, we’ve just started a WinSrv Twitter account where we “tweet” links to new and updated Windows Server IT Pro and Dev content.

There is a new effort in this area we need your help and feedback on. Check out this page


What’s going on here is that we publish a page of technical content in English, run it through Machine Translation (MT), post the MT side-by-side with the English, and then rely on you, dear multi-lingual reader, to use the wiki-like functionality on that page to help improve the MT translation.


Is this going to work?  Have a bi-lingual look through the pilot topics and let us know.

Leave comments here, or send feedback/suggestions to

or and I’ll route to the correct team.