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Microsoft’s community forums have a nifty feature that is a little hard to find because you need to begin to ask a question before you see it.
Let’s say you go to the Hyper-V Forum, and you have a question about Processor affinity. You can search “How to Set Processor Affinity?” and you’d get these results from the Hyper-V Forum (in 0.8 seconds):
- Hyper-v and physical cpu processor affinity Is there any options to set physical cpu processor affinity for virtual machine like in ESX? If that can be done, Microsoft did a very good job.
- Set priority to hyper-v processes to improve performance. What are the ... Ben explains all in his blog post: Processor Affinity and why you don’t need it on Hyper-V. For a little more info see: Hyper-V How To: Set Processor Affinity in Hyper-V and ...
- CPU affinity mask for Hyper-V ? Can we set CPU affinity for Hyper-V ? If we have 24 core on server, we want to use 23 core for ... What about a single proc, single core processor - would that not even be able to run ...
- VMs and CPU Cores You cannot set affinity as you can with ESX. All VMs share in the pool of host resources ... the vm around the cores ... in order to optimize and get the max out of the processor ...
- Configuring CPU resources for virtual machines, Virtual Server 2005 ... "Although there is no processor affinity—meaning that individual CPUs are not assigned to ... BTW, I currently testing a configuration where all 3 VMs are set for -eight ...
- VMBus Network Adapter Ping bug? ... as with Hyper-V on our HP Blade Servers and Server 2003 I tried to the set affinity option ... Hyper-V RTM as well, on a new Dell Poweredge 2950 with a single Quad Core Xeon processor
Results 1-6 of 6 for: How to Set Processor Affinity? (0.8 seconds)
Or, you can Ask a question “How to Set Processor Affinity?”
and when you click into the Body box you get these results, which include answers from different forums:
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Related Topics
Processor affinity settings fails for a process
Hyper-v and physical cpu processor affinity
Set priority to hyper-v processes to improve performance. What are the ...
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Just sayin’, you might wanna do both. Chances are if the answer to your question exists over in another forum, for example security or windows or SQL, you may need to know about it.
I think of it as IT Pro blind-spot detection.