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Steve Rowe's Blog

Ruminations on Computing - Data Science, Programming, Test Development, Management and More

GVim As Notepad

When I first encountered Unix in the early 1990s, I needed a text editor. I tried Emacs but the meta...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/24/2008

Are Audiophiles Going Extinct?

This article says that they are. More importantly, it says that people do not care as much about...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/23/2008

Get Rid Of Your Security Blankets

A while ago I took a class on Scrum and Agile Project Management. During the discussion on Scrum, it...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/20/2008

Intel Atom's CISC Legacy

Interesting article over at Ars Technica discussing the CISC nature of the Atom processor and how...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/19/2008

Vim Tip: Finding a Variable Declaration

For most programming, I use Vim as my text editor of choice. It has a steep learning curve, but is...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/17/2008

Design Principle: Don't Repeat Yourself

There's a design principle I neglected to mention in my initial list but which certainly merits...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/15/2008

Keep Your Eyes on the True Goal

We recently went through mid-year reviews and I found myself repeating similar advice several times....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/07/2008

A Microsoft-Yahoo Takeover Primer

Marc Andreessen has a great blog post today laying out the possibilities in the Microsoft-Yahoo...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/28/2008

Prefer Composition Over Inheritance

It's probably about time to bring my "Design Principles To Live By" series to a close. This is the...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/28/2008

A History of Filesystems

Ars Technica has a very interesting article about the history of filesystems. They cover all the...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/25/2008

Know That Which You Test

Someone recently related to me his experience using the new Microsoft Robotics Studio. He loaded it...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/21/2008

Slow blogging season

I apologize for the very light blogging of late. I've been busy working on the project for my latest...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/12/2008

Don't Blame the Compiler

It's been a busy week without much time to blog. In the mean time, here's a good reminder. It's...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/27/2008

Which Language To Learn Next?

Once you have mastered one programming language, it is a good idea to branch out and learn some...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/19/2008

Your Hard Drive Probably Isn't Running At Full Speed

Here's a little known fact that could speed up your life. Most SATA hard drives in the market today...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/17/2008

Ten Years Later...

It was ten years ago today that I joined Microsoft as a full time employee. When I started we were...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/16/2008

Audio Not Keeping Up With HD Video?

Here is an interesting read about how the audio in HD TV is not keeping up with the video. People...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/14/2008

Update on Windows Home Server Corruption Issue

The WHS team has an update on their blog regarding the corruption issue. In short, they fully...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/11/2008

Four Years and 300 Posts Later

It was four years and approximately 300 posts ago that I began this blog with a simple hello world....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/10/2008

Suggestions for Smoother Meetings

A few weeks ago I attended a training and had an opportunity to try out the ideas generated from my...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/10/2008

What Tests Belong in the BVTs?

BVTs or Build Verification Tests are standard Microsoft parlance for the tests we run every day to...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/05/2008

Drobo + Windows Home Server = Goodness

I've been using Windows Home Server (WHS) for a little over a month now. While there is still an...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/03/2008

Is That A Wiki In Your Pocket?

Here's a cool little tool I discovered recently. It's called DokuWiki on a Stick. DokuWiki is a...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/01/2008

When to Test Manually and When to Automate

There's a balancing act in testing between automation and manual testing. Over my time at Microsoft...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/26/2008

Classes Should Exhibit High Cohesion

This is part 4 of my ongoing Design Principles series. When designing the classes in your model, it...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/25/2008

Podcasts I Listen To Regularly

It's been a while since I posted my list of podcasts and my tastes have changed since then. Here's...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/24/2008

Is There Value In Code Uniformity?

There seem to be two opposing views of coding standards. Some think that they should enforce...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/19/2008

HD-DVD: 2006 - 2008, R.I.P.

According to reports, Toshiba will soon stop manufacturing HD-DVD equipment. The writing has been on...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/17/2008

Evaluating Your Skill As A Leader

Someone recently characterized for me one way leaders are evaluated. This certainly isn't the only...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/14/2008

Arc Is Out

Over 6 years ago Paul Graham told the world that he was working on a new programming language called...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/11/2008

Modularization vs. Integration - Which Is Best?

Clayton Christensen's second book, The Innovator's Solution, produces several important theories in...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/07/2008

Vista Audio 1 Year Later - Interview with Cakewalk

One of my readers tipped me off to an interesting interview with Noel Borthwick, CTO of Cakewalk. He...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/05/2008

Project BBQ Reports Are Released

Project BBQ is the premier interactive music industry think tank. Everything from PC-audio to game...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/04/2008

The Tipping Point: Not True?

There's a popular business book out right now called the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. In it he...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/29/2008

Unboxing Drobo

My Drobo arrived today.  It is a slick device.  As one accustomed to the PC world, even...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/28/2008

Trying Windows Home Server

Over the weekend I installed Windows Home Server on a spare box that I had. So far, I'm impressed....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/22/2008

Prefer Loose Coupling

This is the 3rd post in the Design Principles to Live By series. Coupling is the degree to which...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/18/2008

Do We Need A New Kind of CS Degree?

Joel Spolsky suggests that we should have something called a BFA in Software Development. That is, a...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/09/2008

Two Software Development Worlds

I was recently listening to an interview with Joel Spolsky. The main subject is interviewing and...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/02/2008

Welcome to 2008

Not a great start for 2008 out here in Seattle. We had a big fireworks display at midnight on the...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/01/2008

Just a Geek

I just finished reading Wil Wheaton's "Just a Geek."  It recounts his struggles after...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/29/2007

First EMI, Then Universal, Now Warner...

Apparently Warner Music just announced that they were releasing all of their tracks DRM-free. That...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/28/2007

Encapsulate What Varies

It took a lot longer than I expected but this is first installment of my Design Principles To Live...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/26/2007

Let It Snow!

Here's my white Christmas:

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/25/2007

Merry Christmas To All!

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you are all able to spend some good time with family and friends....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/25/2007

What Is Test Automation?

I talk about it a lot, but I don't know that I've ever defined it. A reader recently wrote in and...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/19/2007

Welcome Matthew van Eerde to the Blogosphere

One of my team members, Matthew van Eerde, just joined the blog world. Check out his inaugural...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/18/2007

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