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Steve Lamb's Blog

Security Matters

An excellent (free) security event is taking place in Edinburgh

Computer Security: What's the point! is taking place in Edinburgh on the 13th Feb. The Institute of...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/18/2008

There's a great range of free Powertools for OneNote

John Guin has posted an interesting article listing the OneNote Powertools - they are free to...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/18/2008

Windows Powershell security - how to stop malicious scripts from running

There’s an interesting article discussing the security features of Windows Powershell in this...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/17/2008

How big a Geek are you?

71%Are you an Uber-Geek? Quiz courtesy of Appliance Parts from Easy Appliance Parts Click on the...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/07/2008

Is there any value in Social Networking? What is Twitter? How does it relate to Facebook et al?

David Tebbutt has posted an interesting article discussing Twitter in terms of what it is and where...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/04/2008

Finally - a New Year Resolution that I'm sure I CAN keep!

I've joined a Spa! I went last night - it was wonderful. Oh and they have plenty of exercise stuff...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/04/2008

Find out more about Microsoft Roundtable at the next LiveMeeting User Group meeting

Chris Dalby is hosting the Live Meeting User Group meeting on the 24th January - as it's online you...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/04/2008

OK so I'm sad but in my head right now I've got the line "If you've got a problem and no one else...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/02/2008

Happy New Year!

Thanks to ahisgett for the image - you can view his photostream here.

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/02/2008

Wonderful Cartoons denoting the twelve days of Geeky Christmas

Each morning since Christmas I've enjoyed reading Andrew's blog to see his latest nth day of...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 01/02/2008

How to write good presentations

I've been working between Christmas and New Year catching up on a number of things including some...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/28/2007

How to implement IPsec between LINUX and Windows Vista: Why use IPsec network security?

I discussed this very topic with several people whilst @ LUGRadioLive 2007 earlier this year - I'm...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/28/2007

Should you be entitled to privacy in a restaurant? What is the threat?

I went for a lovely meal yesterday with family and friends and was somewhat surprised to see the...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/27/2007

How to write games for the XBox360 - XNA Game Studio 2 is now available

The XNA Team Blog hosts the release details of XNA Game Studio 2 which they released on the 13th...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/27/2007

Problem caused by Flash Player - aargh - not a nice way to start the day

After a wonderful Christmas break I'm back at work and my plans to work from home have been...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/27/2007

Are you being your family Help Desk?

You know how it is. You go to see family and friends over the holiday period, take a break from...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/26/2007

Have a Wonderful Holiday and if you're Christian - Merry Christmas too!

Click here to see the Evangelist Elfs dance! - remember to turn the sound on first! Sadly Viral's...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/24/2007

Microsoft OneCare anti-virus has passed the latest VB100 test

You may remember the headlines undermining the anti-virus capabilities of Microsoft OneCare several...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/20/2007

Microsoft release source code to Tafita - it's Open Source!

The Windows Live Search blog announced moments ago that the source code to Tafita has been released...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/19/2007

Microsoft recently surveyed nearly four hundred IT Professionals to find out their approaches to...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/18/2007

Where to start with Effective Security - why do we need it?

The purpose of Information Technology is to make the right information available to the right people...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/17/2007

Where to start with Effective Security - how to reduce your risk

Effective security is all about risk. Measure it. Decide which risks you are uncomfortable with and...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/17/2007

What do you like about Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008's BitLocker featureset?

I'm asking customers and communities for feedback on their experience of using / evaluating the...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/11/2007

Should I use Outlook Web Access (OWA), Gmail, Hotmail or other webmail from a cyber cafe?

Absolutley NOT unless the information in your messages and contacts is already in the public domain!...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/07/2007

The voice of the tube is now available on co-pilot

I'm sure those of you who follow the UK media may have come across the story about the lady (Emma...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/07/2007

How do YOU find the telephone number of your colleagues?

Whilst at a Girl Geek dinner last night I chatted with a friend who recently started working for a...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/06/2007

Information Security for Dummies! Where to start

Read Scott Culp's Ten Immutable Laws of Security was initially written many years ago yet the...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/04/2007

Thanks to the warm welcome in Newcastle for the TechNet team

It was wonderful to see so many enthusiastic people at our event in Newcastle today. Upon reflection...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 12/04/2007

Are you allowed to use social networks at work?

Technorati Tags: I would Love to hear whether you are allowed to access social networking sites from...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/28/2007

How is System Center Data Protection Manager licensed? What is the difference between Standard and Enterprise editions?

I've been speaking today in Falkirk (Scotland) and have been asked "what's the difference between...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/27/2007

Last chance to sign up for the UK System Center launch event

Click here to register for the event titled "Manage your core infrastructure from Desktop to Data...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/27/2007

How to help the non-technical people understand privacy?

I've been enjoying some internal "soft skills" training with my European counterparts this week in...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/22/2007

All dates are now confirmed for our TechNet On The Road Q2 tour

Thank you to those of you who spread the word about places being available on our Q2 TechNet On The...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/19/2007

Where can I find a list of Microsoft Security blogs and web resources

Feliciano Intini's (much of the site is in Italian) Microsoft Security Taxonomy 1.0 is a handy...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/12/2007

If only TechEd:IT Forum could be outside!

It's great to be in Barcelona for TechED:IT Forum for the week. I'm working today with my evangelist...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/11/2007

Ever wondered what's in a hard drive?

I'm sure that most technical people have a good idea of how hard disks work and what components...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/09/2007

A survey from the UK's University and College Application Service (UCAS) shows that Computer Science...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/09/2007

It's quiet up North - there are lots of places left for our free Microsoft technical training "TechNet On The Road" tour Nov/Dec 07 in Falkirk, Newcastle and Manchester

From the 27th November to the 4th December the TechNet team plan to be back on the road in the North...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/08/2007

Free money from Microsoft - I don't think so - Ignore emails claiming to be from the Microsoft Award team

Several people have forwarded me email messages like the following which is bogus - if you receive...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/07/2007

How to help non-technical friends and family stay safe on the Internet: GetSafeOnline

Eileen recently wrote a post titled Security for the 78 year olds which referred to an interview...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/06/2007

How to manage mobile devices via group policy - enter System Center Mobile Device Manager

I've wanted to write about this for ages...Finally we've announced System Center Mobile Device...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 11/06/2007

Microsoft will buy a $240 million equity stake in Facebook

You can read yesterday's announcement that "the two companies would expand their advertising...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 10/25/2007

You can watch a recording of last night's "Great Facebook Debate" by clicking here. The event itself...

Author: Steve Lamb Date: 10/18/2007

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