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Pie in the Sky (January 10th, 2014)

It's the end of my first week back after the holidays. Here's a few links I managed to pick up this week between catching up on e-mail and work.





  • Node v0.10.24: A new version of Node.js came out while I was on vacation.

  • koa.js: Koa is a promising new web framework from the folks that created Express. One of the aims of the framework is to eliminate callback hell by using generators. Since generators isn't in the stable branch of Node.js yet, you'll need Node 0.11.9 or higher, and the node command has to be invoked with the --harmony flag to enable ES6 bits (generators.)

  • node-tumblr: A Node.js wrapper for the Tumbler API.



  • Improving our SSL setup: GitHub talks about how they improved their SSL security.

  • Gulp, Grunt, whatever: An introduction to Gulp and comparisons to Grunt.

  • Coffeeshop: A virtual coffeeshop experience, so you can socialize with others without having to change out of your pajamas, leave your house, or drink their terrible coffee.


- Larry