MAYNOT BE REALLY: Free Book on HTML 5 game programming and another on animation
Earlier today I wrote the following entry (with links included, now removed)
Sweet free book on HTML 5 game programming! If you are patient, Addison-Wesley tries to get you buy a subscription to get the “fast” download. They make you wait for 25 seconds and then you do a “slow” download. Not too bad.
I have only done a quick review, but it looks ok, as in I didn’t check out the code and content deeply.
I then tried the following download and had to wait 5 min 45 seconds for the slow download, so it appears that the slow download:
Take a look, the price is right, it’s FREE!
Two of my readers commented that the URLs that I gave may have been uploads without the permission of the author or publisher. Now I like free stuff as well as any websurfer and I need HTML 5 game programming knowledge, but I also want to respect the author’s right to compensation.
Thank you JM and Greg Duncan for pointing this out!
Greg Duncan’s website can be found at:
JM, I will be happy to post your website as well, you can email from the blog if you want.
January 27, 2012
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 27, 2012
I agree with JM... Are you really sure this is legally free? "Addison-Wesley" isn't trying to get you to buy a faster download, it's the filepost site that is... If you search for that book there's a number of copies around the web, all on torrent, etc sites.Anonymous
January 27, 2012
Hey jm and Greg Duncan! I am going to delete the URLs and modify the post right away, thank you. It looked like the publisher posted the material, but ti turns out this may not be case.