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Kinect: Using VC++ with Kinect

I have no idea why anyone would want to use VC++ with Kinect, especially since I think that Kodu is rather low level for how I think programming should be done.  Oh well, I know that there are people out that are into that C++ stuff.  Greg Duncan has written (you wouldn’t expect me to write something in C++ would you?) on how to use VC++ with Kinect.

Greg Duncan gives the short tell on the tutorial here:

But really just go to the Russian blog and get the information directly.

And yes the tutorial is written in Russian, but if you use the Bing Translator it is easy to read, where is an example:

Совсем недавно Microsoft выпустили beta-версию инструментария для работы с Kinect – Microsoft Research Kinect SDK. В инструментарии доступны заголовочные файлы, библиотека, а также примеры использования в приложениях на C++. Но наличие самого SDK не решает проблему с отсутствием доходчивых примеров и документации. Заметно, что Microsoft больше ориентируется на .NET разработчиков, поэтому, например, на официальном форуме подавляющее большинство топиков связаны с C#, а гуглопоиск при попытке найти какое-либо описание API для Kinect выдает всего несколько ссылок, и те — на официальную документацию.
В этой статье рассматриваются варианты использования Microsoft Kinect, а также упомянутого выше программного инструментария в C++ приложениях и в связке с библиотекой wxWidgets.

Using the Bing Translator, Greg Duncan recommends that Google Translator, but I am sure he meant Bing (select text, then right click, the translation occurs automatically:

Most recently, Microsoft released a beta version of tools for working with Microsoft Research Kinect Kinect – SDK. In the Toolbox available header files, library, and examples of use in your applications in C++. But having the SDK does not solve the problem of the lack of clear examples and documentation. It is noticeable that Microsoft no longer relies on.NET developers, therefore, for example, on the official Forum, the vast majority of topics related to c #, and guglopoisk when you try to find a description of the API for only a few references Kinect throws, and those on official documentation.

This article discusses the options use Microsoft Kinect, as well as the aforementioned software toolkit in C++ applications, and in conjunction with the wxWidgets library.

It’s a big world out there and we all need to share information.  Now we just need a translator for my blog language.