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Get Counts of all Operating Systems in a Forest Per Domain

I was recently asked to get the count of all Windows XP systems in a forest. I decided to do a bit more work and make a modular script that gets all the operating systems and lists the count of each one for every domain in a forest. This version of the script only gets computers where the account is enabled and PwdLastSet has been modified in the last 30 days.


Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)

  • For desktop OS’s download RSAT
  • For server OS’s use Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell. *Note, the script will try to install this feature if it isn’t already installed, but it only works for server OS’s.


From a domain joined machine simply open PowerShell (as an admin if you want it to automatically add the RSAT role) and run the script .\GetForestOSCounts.ps1.


*Each "dot” after Getting Data represents a domain, so in large forests this may take a while to run

Getting Data………

Name Value
Windows 8 Pro – 6.2 (9200) 5,000
Windows 7 Enterprise – 6.1 (7600) 2,200
Windows 7 Professional – 6.1 (7601) 650
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter – 6.3 (9600) 200
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise – 6.1 (7600) 75

Name Value
Windows 8 Pro – 6.2 (9200) 10,000
Windows 7 Enterprise – 6.1 (7600) 2,800
Windows 7 Professional – 6.1 (7601) 1,500
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter – 6.3 (9600) 20
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise – 6.1 (7600) 5

Name Value
Windows 8 Pro – 6.2 (9200) 1,000
Windows 7 Enterprise – 6.1 (7600) 600
Windows 7 Professional – 6.1 (7601) 500
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter – 6.3 (9600) 150
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise – 6.1 (7600) 50


function ImportADModule
  Import-Module ActiveDirectory
  if (!($?))
    #Only works for Windows Server OS with PS running as admin, download RSAT if using desktop OS
    Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory

function GetDN
  $names = $domain.Split(".")
  $bFirst = $true
  foreach ($name in $names)
    if ($bFirst)
      $dn += "DC=" + $name
      $bFirst = $false
    else { $dn += ",DC=" + $name }
  return $dn

function GetDNs
  $dns = @{}
  foreach ($domain in $domains)
    $dns.Add($domain, (GetDN -domain $domain))
  return $dns

function GetOSCountsPerDomain
  param($dns, $enabled, $daysOld)
  $osCounts = @{}
  $cutOffDate = ((Get-Date).Adddays(-($daysOld))).ToFileTime()
  Write-Host "Getting Data" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow

  $filter = "(PwdLastSet -gt {0}) -and (Enabled -eq '{1}')" -f $cutOffDate, $enabled
  foreach ($domain in $dns.GetEnumerator())
    $i = 0
    $domains = @{}
    Write-Host "." -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter $filter -SearchBase $domain.Value -Server $domain.Key -Properties OperatingSystem, OperatingSystemVersion
    foreach ($computer in $computers)
      if ($computer.OperatingSystem -eq $null) { $os = 'NULL'}
      else { $os = $computer.OperatingSystem }
      if ($computer.OperatingSystemVersion -eq $null) { $osver = 'NULL'}
      else { $osver = $computer.OperatingSystemVersion }
      try { $domains.Add(($os + " - " + $osver), 1) }
      catch { $domains.Set_Item(($os + " - " + $osver), ($domains.Get_Item($os + " - " + $osver))+1) }
    $osCounts.Add($domain.Key, $domains)
  return $osCounts

function DisplayOutput
  foreach ($osCount in $osCounts.GetEnumerator())
    Write-Host $OSCount.Key -ForegroundColor Green
    $osCount.Value.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Value -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize


#Import AD Module for PowerShell

#Get list of domains from current forest
$Domains = (Get-ADForest).domains

#Get hash table of domains and distinguished names from current forest
$DNs = GetDNs -domains $Domains

#Get OS counts per domain (specify age here)
$OSCounts = GetOSCountsPerDomain -dns $DNs -enabled $true -daysOld 30

#Display Results
DisplayOutput -osCounts $OSCounts



  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2014
    Windows 7 and windows 2008 R2 have both 6.1.7601. How do I make out the difference?

  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2014
    The description should list out the OS name, specifically the .OperatingSystem property.

  • Anonymous
    November 20, 2014
    Thanks much for the script. This is almosst what i need. I've tried alot but mu attempts were futile with my limited knowledge on powershell :( We have multiple forests . Can you please help identify the domain name as well. Alpha.local

Windows2003R2 , 45 Windows2012 , 56 Windows 7 , 98 gama.alpha.local

Windows2003R2 , 45 Windows2012 , 56 Windows 7 , 98 Windows 2000 ,  3

  • Anonymous
    November 20, 2014
    If you run it from a machine within each forest that should list out everything. You could make modifications to the script that would list out more information, this is just one that I used for a specific scenario in a single forest.

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2014
    The comment has been removed