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Create Overrides in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell

This is a continuation of a Data Center Automation series of posts that I have been working on with Anders Bengtsson. Here are the first 11 posts in this series:

Creating Management Packs in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Creating Performance Collection Rules in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Creating Event Based Alerting Rules in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Enabling or Disabling Workflows in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Deleting Workflows in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Creating Groups in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Adding References to MPs in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Modifying Explicit Group Membership in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Get Parameters that can be Overridden in SCOM 2012 with PowerShell
Get Overrides Applied to a Workflow in SCOM 2012 using PowerShell
Get All Overrides in a SCOM 2012 Management Group using PowerShell

As of this post this script is not included as an activity in the Operations Manager Admin Integration Pack but will be in the next version.

The purpose of this script is to create an override for a specific workflow specified. Beware that not everything in this script is validated and SCOM does not validate much in the override during import. For instance, if you want to create an override for an instance of a class and you specify an invalid GUID the override will still be created and viewable in the MP XML. However, the override will not be applied correctly and will not show up if queried using the previous PowerShell scripts I wrote for getting overrides.

This script supports rules, monitors, discoveries, diagnostics, and recoveries. To get a list of workflows for each type you can run the following commands:

Get-SCOMRule | select name
Get-SCOMMonitor | select name
Get-SCOMDiscovery | select name
Get-SCOMDiagnostic | select name
Get-SCOMRecovery | select name

To get the ContextID you can run the following command:

Get-SCOMClass | select name

To get the InstanceGUID you can run the following command, specifying the same class used for the ContextID:

Get-SCOMClass –name ‘Microsoft.Windows.Computer’ | Get-SCOMClassInstance | select name, id


.\CreateOverride.ps1 –ManagementServer ‘’ –ManagementPackID ‘custom.example.test’ –WorkflowID ‘custom.example.test.rule.myrule’ –PropertyName ‘Enabled’ –PropertyValue ‘false’ –Enforced ‘false’ –ContextID ‘’


Name Description
ManagementServer Name of MS to connect to
ManagementPackID Override management pack ID. If it doesn’t exist it will be created
WorkflowID The id of the rule, monitor, discovery, recovery, or diagnostic that you want to override
PropertyName The name of the property / parameter that you want to override
PropertyValue The value of the property / parameter that you want to override
Enforced Whether you want this override to be enforced or not (true or false)
ContextID The class / group that you want this override applied to
InstanceGUID Optional: The GUID for the instance of the Context that you want this override to apply to. Only use this if you want the override to apply to a single instance of another class and make sure that the ContextID matches the same class that the instance is a member of.
   1 Param(            
  2     [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]            
  3     $ManagementServer,            
  4     [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]            
  5     $ManagementPackID,
  6     [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
  7     $WorkflowID,
  8     [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
  9     $PropertyName,
 10     [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
 11     $PropertyValue,
 12     [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
 13     $Enforced,
 14     [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
 15     $ContextID,
 16     $InstanceGUID
 17     )
 19 Write-Host "ManagementServer: "$ManagementServer
 20 Write-Host "ManagementPackID: "$ManagementPackID
 21 Write-Host "WorkflowID: "$WorkflowID
 22 Write-Host "PropertyName: "$PropertyName
 23 Write-Host "PropertyValue: "$PropertyValue
 24 Write-Host "Enforced: "$Enforced
 25 Write-Host "ContextID: "$ContextID
 26 Write-Host "InstanceGUID: "$InstanceGUID
 28 Write-Host "Version 1.0"
 30 function GetSCOMManagementGroup
 31 {
 32   param($ms)
 33   try
 34   {
 35     $mg = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup($ms)
 36   }
 37   catch
 38   {
 39     Write-Host "Failed to Connect to SDK, Exiting:"$ms -ForegroundColor Red
 40     Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
 41     exit
 42   }
 43   return $mg
 44 }
 46 function GetManagementPack
 47 {
 48   param ($mg, $mpID)
 49   try
 50   {
 51     $mp = $mg.GetManagementPacks($mpID)[0]
 52   }
 53   catch
 54   {
 55     Write-Host "Management Pack Not Found, Exiting:"$mpID -ForegroundColor Red
 56     Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
 57     exit
 58   }
 59   return $mp
 60 }
 62 function GetManagementPackToUpdate
 63 {
 64   param($mg, $mpID)
 65   try
 66   {
 67     $mp = $mg.GetManagementPacks($mpID)[0]
 68     $vIncrement = $mp.Version.ToString().Split('.')
 69     $vIncrement[$vIncrement.Length - 1] = ([system.int32]::Parse($vIncrement[$vIncrement.Length - 1]) + 1).ToString()
 70     $mp.Version = ([string]::Join(".", $vIncrement))
 71   }
 72   catch
 73   {
 74     Write-Host "New MP:"$mpID
 75     $mp = CreateManagementPack -mpID $mpID
 76     $mg.ImportManagementPack($mp)
 77     $mp = GetManagementPack -mg $mg -mpID $mpID
 78   }
 79   return $mp
 80 }
 82 function GetMPID
 83 {
 84   param($mg, $wfID)  
 85   $criteria = [string]::Format("Name = '{0}'", $wfID)
 87   $wfTypes = ('recovery','diagnostic','recovery','monitor','rule','class', 'discovery')
 89   foreach ($wfType in $wfTypes)
 90   {
 91     switch ($wfType)
 92     {
 93       'discovery' { try {$mpID = GetDiscoveryFromMG -mg $mg -criteria $criteria} catch {}}
 94       'class' { try {$mpID = (GetClassMPFromMG -mg $mg -criteria $criteria).Name} catch {}}
 95       'rule' { try {$mpID = GetRuleFromMG -mg $mg -criteria $criteria} catch {}}
 96       'monitor' { try {$mpID = GetMonitorFromMG -mg $mg -criteria $criteria} catch {}}
 97       'recovery' { try {$mpID = GetRecoveryFromMG -mg $mg -criteria $criteria} catch {}}
 98       'diagnostic' { try {$mpID = GetDiagnosticFromMG -mg $mg -criteria $criteria} catch {}}
 99     }
100   }
102   if ($mpID -eq $null)
103   {
104     Write-Host "Unable to Find MP, Exiting"$mpID -ForegroundColor Red
105     Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
106     exit  
107   }
109   return $mpID
110 }
112 function CreateManagementPack
113 {
114   param($mpID)
115   $mpStore = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.IO.ManagementPackFileStore
116   $mp = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPack($mpID, $mpID, (New-Object Version(1, 0, 0)), $mpStore)
117   return $mp
118 }
120 function GetReference
121 {
122   param($mg, $mp, $mpID)
123   if ($mp.Name.ToUpper() -ne $mpID.ToUpper())
124   {
125     $bFound = $false
126     foreach ($ref in $mp.References)
127     {
128       $s = ($ref.Value.ToString().Split("=")[1]).Split(",")[0]
129       if ($s.ToUpper() -eq $mpID.ToUpper()) {$bFound = $true}
130     }
131     if (!($bFound))
132     {
133       Write-Host "New Reference:"$mpID
134       $mp = CreateReference -mg $mg -mp $mp -mpID $mpID
135     }
136   }
137   return $mp
138 }
140 function CreateReference
141 {
142   param($mg, $mp, $mpID)
143   try
144   {
145     $newMP = $mg.GetManagementPacks($mpID)[0]
146     if (!($newMP.sealed))
147     {
148       Write-Host "MP to reference is not sealed, cannot add reference to"$mpID -ForegroundColor Red
149       Write-Host "Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red
150       Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
151       exit
152     }
153   }
154   catch
155   {
156     Write-Host "Referenced MP Not Found in Management Group, Exiting:"$mpID -ForegroundColor Red
157     Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
158     exit
159   }
161   $alias = $mpID.Replace(".","")
162   $reference = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackReference($newMP)
163   $mp.References.Add($alias, $reference)
164   return $mp
165 }
167 function GetModulesByPropertyName
168 {
169   param($workflow, $PropertyName, $overrideType)
171   switch ($overrideType.ToLower())
172   {
173     'discovery' { $parameters = $workflow.GetOverrideableParametersByModule() }
174     'rule' { $parameters = $workflow.GetOverrideableParametersByModule() }
175     'monitor' { $parameters = $workflow.GetOverrideableParameters() }
176     'recovery' { $parameters = $workflow.GetOverrideableParametersByModule() }
177     'diagnostic' { $parameters = $workflow.GetOverrideableParametersByModule() }
178   }
180   $bFound = $false
181   $modules = @{}
182   foreach ($module in $parameters.Keys)
183   {
184     foreach ($parameter in $parameters.$module)
185     {
186       if ($parameter.Name.ToUpper() -eq $propertyName.ToUpper())
187       {
188         $bFound = $true
189         $modules.Add($module.Name, $parameter.Name)
190       }
191     }
192   }
194   if (!($bFound))
195   {
196     Write-Host "Overrideable Parameter Not Found, Exiting:"$propertyName -ForegroundColor Red
197     exit
198   }
199   return $modules
200 }
202 function GetWorkflow
203 {
204   param($mp, $id, $type)
205   try
206   {
207     switch($type.ToLower())
208     {
209       'discovery' {$workflow = GetDiscovery -mp $mp -discoveryID $id}
210       'rule' {$workflow = GetRule -mp $mp -ruleID $id}
211       'monitor' {$workflow = GetMonitor -mp $mp -monitorID $id}
212       'recovery' {$workflow = GetRecovery -mp $mp -recoveryID $id}
213       'diagnostic' {$workflow = GetDiagnostic -mp $mp -diagnosticID $id}
214     }
215   }
216   catch
217   {
218     Write-Host "Workflow Not Found, Exiting:"$id -ForegroundColor Red
219     Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
220     exit
221   }
222   return $workflow
223 }
225 function GetWorkflowType
226 {
227   param($mg, $mpID, $wfID)
229   $mp = GetManagementPack -mg $mg -mpID $mpID
230   $workflow = $mp.FindManagementPackElementByName($wfID)
231   $wfType = $workflow.GetType()
233   switch($wfType)
234   {
235     'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDiscovery' {$workflowType = 'discovery'}
236     'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRule' {$workflowType = 'rule'}
237     'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackUnitMonitor' {$workflowType = 'monitor'}
238     'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackAggregateMonitor' {$workflowType = 'monitor'}
239     'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDependencyMonitor' {$workflowType = 'monitor'}
240     'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDiagnostic' {$workflowType = 'diagnostic'}
241     'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRecovery' {$workflowType = 'recovery'}
242     default 
243     {
244       Write-Host "Unable to Find Workflow:"$wfID -ForegroundColor Red
245       Write-Host "Workflow Type:"$wfType -ForegroundColor Red
246       Write-Host "Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red
247       exit
248     }
249   }
251   return $workflowType
252 }
254 function GetDiscovery
255 {
256   param ($mp, $discoveryID)
257   Write-Host "Discovery:"$discoveryID
258   $discovery = $mp.GetDiscovery($discoveryID)
259   return $discovery
260 }
262 function GetRule
263 {
264   param ($mp, $ruleID)
265   Write-Host "Rule:"$ruleID
266   $rule = $mp.GetRule($ruleID)
267   return $rule
268 }
270 function GetMonitor
271 {
272   param ($mp, $monitorID)
273   Write-Host "Monitor:"$monitorID
274   $monitor = $mp.GetMonitor($monitorID)
275   return $monitor
276 }
278 function GetRecovery
279 {
280   param ($mp, $recoveryID)
281   Write-Host "Recovery:"$recoveryID
282   $recovery = $mp.GetRecovery($recoveryID)
283   return $recovery
284 }
286 function GetDiagnostic
287 {
288   param ($mp, $diagnosticID)
289   Write-Host "Diagnostic:"$diagnosticID
290   $diagnostic = $mp.GetDiagnostic($diagnosticID)
291   return $diagnostic
292 }
294 function GetDiscoveryFromMG
295 {
296   param($mg, $criteria)
297   $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitoringDiscoveryCriteria($criteria)
298   $discovery = $mg.GetMonitoringDiscoveries($searchCriteria)[0]
299   $mp = $discovery.GetManagementPack()
300   return $mp.Name
301 }
303 function GetClassFromMG
304 {
305   param($mg, $criteria)
306   $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitoringClassCriteria($criteria)
307   $class = $mg.GetMonitoringClasses($searchCriteria)[0]
308   return $class
309 }
311 function GetRuleFromMG
312 {
313   param($mg, $criteria)
314   $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitoringRuleCriteria($criteria)
315   $rule = $mg.GetMonitoringRules($searchCriteria)[0]
316   $mp = $rule.GetManagementPack()
317   return $mp.Name
318 }
320 function GetMonitorFromMG
321 {
322   param($mg, $criteria)
323   $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitorCriteria($criteria)
324   $monitor = $mg.GetMonitors($searchCriteria)[0]
325   $mp = $monitor.GetManagementPack()
326   return $mp.Name
327 }
329 function GetDiagnosticFromMG
330 {
331   param($mg, $criteria)
332   $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitoringDiagnosticCriteria($criteria)
333   $diagnostic = $mg.GetMonitoringDiagnostics($searchCriteria)[0]
334   $mp = $diagnostic.GetManagementPack()
335   return $mp.Name
336 }
338 function GetRecoveryFromMG
339 {
340   param($mg, $criteria)
341   $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitoringRecoveryCriteria($criteria)
342   $recovery = $mg.GetMonitoringRecoveries($searchCriteria)[0]
343   $mp = $recovery.GetManagementPack()
344   return $mp.Name
345 }
347 function GetClassMPFromMG
348 {
349   param($mg, $criteria)
350   $searchCriteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.MonitoringClassCriteria($criteria)
351   $class = $mg.GetMonitoringClasses($searchCriteria)[0]
352   $mp = $class.GetManagementPack()
353   return $mp
354 }
356 function GetOverrideStatus
357 {
358   param($override)
359   if ($override)
360   {
361     $status = 'PendingUpdate'
362   }
363   else
364   {
365     $status = 'PendingAdd'
366   }
367   return $status
368 }
370 function GetFormattedOverrideType
371 {
372   param($overrideType)
374   switch ($overrideType.ToLower())
375   {
376     'discovery' {$type = 'Discovery'}
377     'rule' {$type = 'Rule'}
378     'monitor' {$type = 'Monitor'}
379     'recovery' {$type = 'Recovery'}
380     'diagnostic' {$type = 'Diagnostic'}
381   }
382   return $type
383 }
385 function GetOverride
386 {
387   param($mp, $overrideID)
388   try
389   {
390     $override = $mp.GetOverride($overrideID)
391     Write-Host "Modify Existing Override:"$overrideID
392   }
393   catch
394   {
395     Write-Host "New Override:"$overrideID
396     $override = $null
397   }
398   return $override
399 }
401 function IsPropertyOverride
402 {
403   param($overrideType, $propertyName)
404   switch ($overrideType.ToLower())
405   {
406     'discovery' {$bProperty = (([Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName) -ne $null)}
407     'rule' {$bProperty = (([Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName) -ne $null)}
408     'monitor' {$bProperty = (([Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackMonitorProperty]::$propertyName) -ne $null)}
409     'recovery' {$bProperty = (([Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName) -ne $null)}
410     'diagnostic' {$bProperty = (([Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName) -ne $null)}
411   }
412   return $bProperty
413 }
415 function CreatePropertyOverride
416 {
417   param($mp, $override, $overrideID, $propertyName)
419   if (!($override))
420   {
421     switch ($overrideType.ToLower())
422     {
423       'discovery' 
424       {
425         $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDiscoveryPropertyOverride($mp, $overrideID)
426         $override.Property = [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName      
427       }
428       'rule' 
429       {
430         $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRulePropertyOverride($mp, $overrideID)
431         $override.Property = [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName       
432       }
433       'monitor' 
434       {
435         $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackMonitorPropertyOverride($mp, $overrideID)
436         $override.Property = [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackMonitorProperty]::$propertyName      
437       }
438       'recovery' 
439       {
440         $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRecoveryPropertyOverride($mp, $overrideID)
441         $override.Property = [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName      
442       }
443       'diagnostic' 
444       {
445         $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDiagnosticPropertyOverride($mp, $overrideID)
446         $override.Property = [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackWorkflowProperty]::$propertyName      
447       }
449     }
450   }
451   return $override
452 }
454 function CreateConfigurationOverride
455 {
456   param($mp, $overrideID, $propertyName, $o)
458   switch ($overrideType.ToLower())
459   {
460     'discovery' 
461     {
462       Write-Host "Creating Configuration Override for Module:"$o.Key
463       $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDiscoveryConfigurationOverride($mp, $overrideID)
464       $override.Parameter = $o.Value
465       $override.Module = $o.Key     
466     }
467     'rule' 
468     {
469       Write-Host "Creating Configuration Override for Module:"$o.Key
470       $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRuleConfigurationOverride($mp, $overrideID)
471       $override.Parameter = $o.Value
472       $override.Module = $o.Key    
473     }
474     'monitor'
475     {
476       Write-Host "Creating Configuration Override for Module:"$o.Key
477       $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackMonitorConfigurationOverride($mp, $overrideID)
478       $override.Parameter = $o.Value
479       $override.Module = $o.Key    
480     }
481     'recovery' 
482     {
483       Write-Host "Creating Configuration Override for Module:"$o.Key
484       $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRecoveryConfigurationOverride($mp, $overrideID)
485       $override.Parameter = $o.Value
486       $override.Module = $o.Key
487     }
488     'diagnostic'
489     {
490       Write-Host "Creating Configuration Override for Module:"$o.Key
491       $override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDiagnosticConfigurationOverride($mp, $overrideID)
492       $override.Parameter = $o.Value
493       $override.Module = $o.Key    
494     }
495   }
496   return $override
497 }
499 function CreateOverride
500 {
501   param($mg, $mp, $overrideType, $workflowID, $workflowMPID, $contextID, $propertyName, $propertyValue, $enforced, $instanceGUID)
503   $workflowMP = GetManagementPack -mg $mg -mpID $workflowMPID
504   $workflow = GetWorkflow -mp $workflowMP -id $WorkflowID -type $overrideType
505   if ($instanceGUID -ne $null)
506   { $overrideID = $mp.Name + ".Override.For" + $overrideType + $workflowID.Replace(".","") + ".AndPropertyOf" + $propertyName + ".AppliedToContextOf" + $contextID.Replace(".","") + ".AndInstanceOf" + $instanceGUID.Replace("-", "") }
507   else { $overrideID = $mp.Name + ".Override.For" + $overrideType + $workflowID.Replace(".","") + ".AndPropertyOf" + $propertyName + ".AppliedToContextOf" + $contextID.Replace(".","") }
509   if ($overrideID.Length -gt 256)
510   {
511     $overrideID = $mp.Name + ".Override.For" + $overrideType + $workflowID.Replace(".","") + ([guid]::NewGuid().ToString()).Replace("-","")
512     if ($overrideID.Length -gt 256)
513     {
514       $overrideID = $mp.Name + ".Override." + ([guid]::NewGuid().ToString()).Replace("-","")
515     }
516   }
518   $override = GetOverride -mp $mp -overrideID $overrideID
519   $context = GetClassFromMG -mg $mg -criteria ([string]::Format("Name = '{0}'", $contextID))
520   $status = GetOverrideStatus -override $override
521   $type = GetFormattedOverrideType -overrideType $overrideType
522   $bProperty = IsPropertyOverride -overrideType $overrideType -propertyName $propertyName
524   if ($bProperty)
525   {
526     $override = CreatePropertyOverride -mp $mp -override $override -overrideID $overrideID -propertyName $propertyName
527     $override.$Type = $workflow
528     $override.Value = $propertyValue
529     $override.Context = $context
530     if ($instanceGUID -ne $null) { $override.ContextInstance = $instanceGUID }
531     $override.Enforced = $enforced
532     $override.Status = $status
533   }
534   else
535   {
536     if (!($override))
537     {
538       $modules = GetModulesByPropertyName -workflow $workflow -PropertyName $propertyName -overrideType $overrideType
539       foreach ($o in $modules.GetEnumerator())
540       {
541         $override = CreateConfigurationOverride -mp $mp -overrideID $overrideID -propertyName $propertyName -o $o
542         $override.$Type = $workflow
543         $override.Value = $propertyValue
544         $override.Context = $context
545         if ($instanceGUID -ne $null) { $override.ContextInstance = $instanceGUID }
546         $override.Enforced = $enforced
547         $override.Status = $status
548       }
549     }
550     else
551     {
552       $override.$Type = $workflow
553       $override.Value = $propertyValue
554       $override.Context = $context
555       if ($instanceGUID -ne $null) { $override.ContextInstance = $instanceGUID }
556       $override.Enforced = $enforced
557       $override.Status = $status
558     }
559   }
561   return $mp
562 }
564 #Adding SCOM Module
565 try { Import-Module OperationsManager } catch
566 { 
567   Write-Host "SCOM Module Not Found, Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red
568   Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
569   exit
570 }
572 #Connect to SCOM Management Group
573 $MG = GetSCOMManagementGroup -ms $ManagementServer
575 #Get Workflow Management Pack ID from Management Group
576 $WorkflowMPID = GetMPID -mg $MG -wfID $WorkflowID
578 #Get Workflow Type
579 $OverrideType = GetWorkflowType -mg $MG -mpID $WorkflowMPID -wfID $WorkflowID
581 #Get Context Management Pack ID from Management Group
582 $ContextMPID = GetMPID -mg $MG -wfID $ContextID -wfType 'class'
584 #Get Override MP and Increment Version
585 $MP = GetManagementPackToUpdate -mg $MG -mpID $ManagementPackID
587 #Validate that the Workflow MP is Referenced in the Override MP, or that we are using the same MP
588 $MP = GetReference -mg $MG -mp $MP -mpID $WorkflowMPID
590 #Validate that the Context MP is Referenced in the Override MP, or that we are using the same MP
591 $MP = GetReference -mg $MG -mp $MP -mpID $ContextMPID
593 #Create Override
594 $MP = CreateOverride -mg $MG -mp $MP -overrideType $OverrideType -workflowMPID $WorkflowMPID -workflowID $WorkflowID -contextID $ContextID -propertyName $PropertyName -propertyValue $PropertyValue -enforced $Enforced -instanceGUID $InstanceGUID
596 Write-Host "Write Changes to Management Pack"
597 try { $MP.AcceptChanges() }
598 catch
599 {
600   $MP.RejectChanges()
601   Write-Host "Failed to Update MP, Exiting:"$ms -ForegroundColor Red
602   Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
603   exit
604 }
606 Write-Host "Script Completed"



  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2013
    Hy, What if i need to create an override for a specific group - like, all critical are warnings override ? Possible ? Thanks in advance, Best regards,

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2013
    Hi Ricardo. So you want to create an override for a monitor, to be applied to a group, to change the alert severity? Yes, you should be able to do that with this script. Just pass monitor as the WorkflowID, AlertSeverity would be the Property, and Warning/Critical/Information would be the PropertyValue. If ever are not sure what the parameters should be you can create a comparable override in the console and export the XML. Find the override and this will give you the parameters you should pass into this script. Also, this is a complex script so if you find any issues please let me know so I can fix them and post an update. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2013
    Hi Russ, Thanks for your reply. I understood whay you said, but ... What about ... if i want to override EVERY monitor/rule for a specific group to change the severity from Critical to Warning ? Is it possible ? Thanks in advance, Best regards.

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2013
    Yes, you can do that - although I don't think that rules always have this as an override parameter. Get-SCOMMonitor | select name gives you a list of all your monitors. You can either run this script in a loop for each monitor returned or you can modify the script to create the overrides in a loop.

  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2013
    Thank you for the script. Here's to 339 overrides I didn't have to click through!

  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2013
    Glad it helped you out Jacob!

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2014
    Hi Russ, love your script. Run it in my lab (SCOM 2012 R2), and with a single tweak, it worked fine. Now, at the customer site,(2012 SP1 on Windows 2008 R2 Servers) whenever it goes through the GetManagementPackToUpdate function, it adds a second reference to the Microsoft.Windows.Library out of the blue and the MP commit fails with a double reference. Any idea why? I ended up fixing it by changing $mp = $mg.GetManagementPacks($mpID)[0] (which would add a second reference) for $mp=get-scommanagementpack -Name $mpID That worked fine in that environment. Also had to change (in the GetReference function): $s = ($ref.Value.ToString().Split("=")[1]).Split(",")[0] to $s=$ref.Name.ToString() otherwise you'd get an error that $ref.Value was a null. I checked and the object there won't support that property. I made another string manipulation change, but can' remember exactly what it was. Sorry about that. Thank you, Jose Fehse

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2014
    Thanks for the feedback Jose! I've got a few code changes to make in several blogs so I'll try to include your changes as soon as I get a chance.

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2014
    Hello Russ, your scripts really give me great help in handling SCOM things. In my current situation, i just need to create configuration override for a  list of rules to set Priority as value "1" and override target is another class, so that the alerts we got will be with Medium priority. I ever override some of the rules and stored in a MP. So i think i dont to check the reference issue. Then i modified your script to a simple one, but it couldn't work , shown as below. I'm wondering ,did i miss some important procedure in my script.? Function Create-cuoverride() {param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] $rule, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] $overridemp, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] $target, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] $propertyname, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] $value ) $overrideID ="OverrideForRule" + (($rule.tostring()).Replace(".","")).replace("","") + "ForContext" + $".","") + ([guid]::NewGuid().ToString()).Replace("-","") $ruleparameters=$rule.getoverrideableparametersbymodule() $iffound=$false $targetmodule=$null $targetparam=$null foreach($module in $ruleparameters.keys){ foreach($parameter in $ruleparameters.$module){if ($ -eq $propertyname.tolower()){$targetmodule=$module;$targetparam=$parameter; $iffound=$true}}} If ($iffound -eq $true -and $ -ne $null -and $targetparam -ne $null){"Found the target overrideable parameter. Creating Override.."}else{return "Can't find the target overrideable parameter."} $vIncrement = $overridemp.Version.ToString().Split('.') $vIncrement[$vIncrement.Length - 1] = ([system.int32]::Parse($vIncrement[$vIncrement.Length - 1]) + 1).ToString() $overridemp.Version = ([string]::Join(".", $vIncrement)) $override=New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRuleConfigurationOverride($overridemp, $overrideID) $override.Module=$ $override.Parameter=$ $override.Rule=$rule $override.Value=$value $override.Context=$target try { $overrridemp.AcceptChanges() } catch {  $overridemp.RejectChanges()  Write-Host "Failed to Update MP, Exiting:" -ForegroundColor Red  Write-Host $.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow } } Function test-override() {$rule=get-scomrule -id "ruleid" Create-cuoverride -rule $rule -overridemp $overridemp -exctarget $target -propertyname $propertyname -value $value If((Get-SCOMOverride -rule $rule|where {$_.parameter -eq "Priority"}).value -eq 1) {return "Succeeded"}else {return "Failed"} }

  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2014
    Wouldn't Priority be a Property override instead of a Configuration override?

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2014
    Hi Russ, What about creating monitor and other rule types with PowerShell scripts? Is this SCOM 2012 with PS idea still alive?

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2014
    Sure, you can certainly do that and use much of the work that I've done here as a start. I, however, don't plan on authoring any additional PowerShell scripts to automate the creation of SCOM management packs.

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2015
    I found that I had to make quite a few updatesmodifications to the script to get it to work using an override for a group.  I also created a wrapper script to get all alert-generating rules targeted to a specific class. I then loop through all of these rules and disable them. This would have been hundreds of manual overrides to do by hand. I would be willing to share the code if you would like, just let me know.

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2015
    It looks in the MG to figure out what MP the WorkflowID you're passing it is part of. If it can't find it then it exits.

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2015
    Thank you for the quick update, believe it's retrieving the correct  MP information based on the  Input WorkflowID (Rule) in first iteration but  function GetMPID is validating the same WorkflowID objects  second time returning null values for the WorkflowID (Rule).  Sorry If I miss any pre-requests I am new to power shell looking for automation script to perform bulk overrides for unwanted rules your help really appreciated. I am suspecting some changes required in criteria part $criteria = [string]::Format("Name = '{0}'", $wfID) Refer the below print statement capture from function  GetMPID. function executing the same WorkflowID objects (rule, monitor, discovery, recovery, or diagnostic) multiple time Calling MP Inside GetSCOMManagementGroup: XXXX_Test WorkflowID Object: recovery Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: diagnostic Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: monitor Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: rule Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Infrastructure WorkflowID Object: class Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Infrastructure WorkflowID Object: discovery Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Infrastructure Calling MP Inside GetManagementPack: [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Infrastructure, 31bf3856ad364e35, 7.1.10226.0] WorkflowID Object: recovery Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: diagnostic Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: monitor Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: rule Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: class Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: WorkflowID Object: discovery Relevent WorkflowID MP ID Name: Unable to Find MP, Exiting

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2015
    The comment has been removed