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Leveraging the new Time Travel Trace API in Debugging tools to find when one or more SharePoint event happened

In my previous post, I showed a proof-of-concept script to list all occasions a process opened a file. JavaScript is easy to program and works for most cases, however in some occasions you need to access resources not available from JavaScript and only a full-fledged debugging extension will do. In this post I will show some highlights of a debugging extension using the new Time Travel Debugging and the new API which at the time of writing was still in preview and may change before final release. The extension contains some other commands as I wrote this for training purposes and decided to leave "as is", so if you are also only interested in writing your extension, you can get some ideas from it. The command for Time Travel Trace (TTD) is "!idnauls". The idea is to list all occasions when SharePoint logs something and show the time, event id (tag), TTD position, category, severity and message of the log entries. It can also filter by tag, category and message. The logic behind this is explained on a previous post. This command only works with TTD dumps (.run) and it requires the new debugging tool which is also in preview version. There is no need to use this extension for other end than learning. NetExt includes a similar command (!widnauls) for this purpose. Special thanks to Ken Sykes and Bill Messmer for the help with new API.

Download project here.

The command to enumerate all calls to SharePoint log

Knowing that most ULS log is done by calling these two export functions "onetnative!ULSSendFormattedTrace", "Microsoft_Office_Server_Native!ULSSendFormattedTrace", and that tag ai108 translates to 0x21b6a2 per my previous post, this command would do the trick:

dx /g @$cursession.TTD.Calls("onetnative!ULSSendFormattedTrace", "Microsoft_Office_Server_Native!ULSSendFormattedTrace").Where(c => c.Parameters[0] == 0x21B6A2).Select(c=> new { param1 = c.Parameters[0], param2 = c.Parameters[1], param3 = c.Parameters[2], param4 = c.Parameters[3], start = c.TimeStart, sequence = c.TimeStart.Sequence, steps = c.TimeStart.Steps } )


  • Parameters[0] – Contains the tag in numeric form and is used to filter
  • Parameters[1] – Contains the id of the product/category. This information is in SPLogLevel object and I used this snippet to get the code id and description:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$logLevels = (Get-SPLogLevel | Sort Id)

$lines = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]';

foreach($level in $logLevels)


$lines.Add("`tcatMap[0x$($level.Id.ToString(""x"))]=""$($level.Area)|$($level.Name.Replace(""|"", "":""))"";");

Write-Host "`tcatMap[0x$($level.Id.ToString(""x"))]=""$($level.Area)|$($level.Name.Replace(""|"", "":""))"";";


$lines | Out-File spcat.txt

  • Parameters[2] – Contains the severity which is defined here.
  • Parameters[3] – Contains the pointer to the message string. There is a caveat here. A TTD string is only resolved when the context moves to the time of occurrence.

Logic in a nutshell

  • Run the command to list all times when one of the two functions are called.
  • Go to each position and retrieve the message since it can only be read when the context is moved to the position.
  • Calculate the current time (at target machine).
  • Transform the id of product/category into string using a simple table (this does not require moving the context)
  • Transform the severity id into string (also no context change)
  • Print the result with the TTD position

Extension command code (partial)

#define IfFailedReturn(x) if(FAILED(x)) return E_FAIL;

void DisplayFound(std::string &FullMessage, std::string& Part)
if (Part.size() == 0)
g_ExtInstancePtr->Out("%s", FullMessage.c_str());
size_t i = 0;
size_t p = 0;
while (i < FullMessage.size() - Part.size())
p = FullMessage.find(Part, i);
if (p == std::string::npos)
g_ExtInstancePtr->Out("%s", FullMessage.substr(i).c_str());
g_ExtInstancePtr->Out("%s", FullMessage.substr(i, p - i).c_str());
g_ExtInstancePtr->Dml("<col fg=\"wbg\" bg=\"srccmnt\">%s</col>", Part.c_str());
i = p+Part.size();


HRESULT MoveTo(IModelObject *spStart)

// SeekTo is a key on the object just like anything else. The value of the key is a method.
CComPtr<IModelObject> spSeekToMethod;
IfFailedReturn(spStart->GetKey(L"SeekTo", &spSeekToMethod, nullptr));

// Before we arbitrarily go about using it as a method, do some basic validation.
ModelObjectKind mk;
if(mk != ObjectMethod)
return E_FAIL;

// ObjectMethod indicates that it is an IModelMethod packed into punkVal. You can QI to be extra
// safe if desired.
VARIANT vtMethod;
//ASSERT(vtMethod.vt = VT_UNKNOWN); // guaranteed by ObjectMethod
CComPtr<IModelMethod> spMethod; // or whatever mechanism you want to guarantee the variant gets cleared. variant_ptr, …
spMethod.Attach(static_cast<IModelMethod *>(vtMethod.punkVal));

// Call the method (passing no arguments). The result here is likely to be ObjectNoValue (there is no return value).
CComPtr<IModelObject> spCallResult;
IfFailedReturn(spMethod->Call(spStart, 0, nullptr, &spCallResult, nullptr));

return S_OK;

"Command to list ULS position and tag and can be filtered by message or category",
"{nomessage;b,o;;Do not show the ULS log message (faster processing).}"
"{tag;s,r;;Tag to search for (e.g.: -tag b4ly). Use * for all tags. Required}"
"{category;b,o;;Search text in Category or Product and not in message (e.g. -category Claims). Faster processing. Severity not searched}"
"{message;b,o;;Search text in message and not in category or product (e.g. -message disk is full). Slower processing.}"
"{;x,o;;Optional filter for message (-message) or category (-category) (e.g.: -message disk is full). Must be the last parameter}")
wasInterrupted = false;
UINT64 startTime, endTime;

std::string tag = GetArgStr("tag");

std::string mess;
if (HasUnnamedArg(0))
mess = GetUnnamedArgStr(0);

bool nomess = HasArg("nomessage");

bool message = HasArg("message");

bool catonly = HasArg("category");

if (catonly && message)
Out("Error: You have to use either -category or -message. Never both\n\n");
Out("No search was performed\n");

if (message && tag == "*")
Out("Warning: When you combine -tag * and -message, it creates a very inefficient query.\n");
Out(" -tag * will retrieve all ULS log entry and -message will require to move to an iDNA possition every time.\n");
Out(" -tag <tag> will only retrieve the ULS logs with this tag and then move to the position to retrieve the message.\n");
Out("Information: Notice that -tag * and -category is ok and still very fast as category is also filtered without moving to the position.\n\n");


if ((catonly || message) && mess.size() == 0)
Out("Error: -category or -message require a filter pattern\n");
Out("Example: !idnauls -tag ag9cq -message User was authentticated\n");
Dml("3dbba3:1254 SharePoint Foundation Claims Authentication High ag9cq\t<b>User was authenticated</b>. Checking permissions.\n\n");
Out("Example: !idnauls -tag * -category Web Content Management\n");
Dml("3de9ae:14c0 <b>Web Content Management</b> Publishing Cache High ag0ld\n");
Out("No search was performed\n");
map<int, int> catVector;

if (catonly)

catVector = SPCategories::GetListAreaName(mess);
if (catVector.size() == 0)
Out("No category/product contains '%s'\n", mess.c_str());
Out("No search was performed\n");
Out("Warning: The string '%s' will only be searched on Category/Product, not in message\n", mess.c_str());

if (tag != "*" && (tag.size() < 4 || tag.size() > 5))
Out("Tag: '%s' is invalid\n", tag.c_str());
Out("It can be either '*' for all or be between 4 and 5 bytes\n");
unsigned int tagBin = StrToTag(tag);

if (tagBin == 0 && tag != "*")
Out("Tag: '%s' is invalid\n", tag.c_str());
Out("It does not contain a valid tag sequence\n");

if (tag == "*")
swprintf_s(Buffer, MAX_MTNAME, L"@$cursession.TTD.Calls(\"onetnative!ULSSendFormattedTrace\", \"Microsoft_Office_Server_Native!ULSSendFormattedTrace\").Select(c=> new { param1 = c.Parameters[0], param2 = c.Parameters[1], param3 = c.Parameters[2], param4 = c.Parameters[3], start = c.TimeStart, sequence = c.TimeStart.Sequence, steps = c.TimeStart.Steps } )");
swprintf_s(Buffer, MAX_MTNAME, L"@$cursession.TTD.Calls(\"onetnative!ULSSendFormattedTrace\", \"Microsoft_Office_Server_Native!ULSSendFormattedTrace\").Where(c => c.Parameters[0] == 0x%p).Select(c=> new { param1 = c.Parameters[0], param2 = c.Parameters[1], param3 = c.Parameters[2], param4 = c.Parameters[3], start = c.TimeStart, sequence = c.TimeStart.Sequence, steps = c.TimeStart.Steps } )", tagBin);

std::wstring query(Buffer);

#if _DEBUG

Out("%s = ", tag.c_str());
Out("%x \n", tagBin);
Out("dx %S\n", query.c_str());
CComPtr<IHostDataModelAccess> client;
REQ_IF(IHostDataModelAccess, client);

CComPtr<IDebugHost> pHost;
CComPtr<IDataModelManager> pManager;
if (FAILED(client->GetDataModel(&pManager, &pHost)))
Out("Data Model could not be acquired\n");

CComPtr<IDebugHostEvaluator2> hostEval;
CComPtr<IModelObject> spObject;

startTime = GetTickCount64();
if (!SUCCEEDED(hostEval->EvaluateExtendedExpression(USE_CURRENT_HOST_CONTEXT, query.c_str(), nullptr, &spObject, nullptr)))
Out("Expression could not be evaluated\n");

CComPtr<IModelObject> pListOfBreaks;
CComPtr<IIterableConcept> spIterable;
if (SUCCEEDED(spObject->GetConcept(__uuidof(IIterableConcept), (IUnknown**)&spIterable, nullptr)))
CComPtr<IModelIterator> spIterator;
if (SUCCEEDED(spIterable->GetIterator(spObject, &spIterator)))
// We have an iterator. Error codes have semantic meaning here. E_BOUNDS indicates the end of iteration. E_ABORT indicates that
// the debugger host or application is trying to abort whatever operation is occurring. Anything else indicates
// some other error (e.g.: memory read failure) where the iterator MIGHT still produce values.

std::vector<UlsInstance> queryResult; // It will store the list of parameters

UINT32 Index = 0;
for (;;)

CComPtr<IModelObject> pBreakItem;
CComPtr<IKeyStore> spContainedMetadata;

HRESULT hr = spIterator->GetNext(&pBreakItem, 0, nullptr, &spContainedMetadata);
if (hr == E_BOUNDS || hr == E_ABORT)

if (FAILED(hr))

Out("There was a failure at an Item\n");
// Decide how to deal with failure to fetch an element. Note that pBreakItem *MAY* contain an error object
// which has detailed information about why the failure occurred (e.g.: failure to read memory at address X).

// Read the values
CComPtr<IModelObject> tag;
CComPtr<IModelObject> SevLevel;
CComPtr<IModelObject> Category;
CComPtr<IModelObject> Message;
CComPtr<IModelObject> Start;
CComPtr<IModelObject> Sequence;
CComPtr<IModelObject> Steps;

VARIANT vt_tag, vt_sevlevel, vt_category, vt_message, vt_sequence, vt_steps;

if (FAILED(hr = pBreakItem->GetKeyValue(L"param1", &tag, NULL /* &spContainedMetadata */))) { Out("Error reading param1"); continue; }
hr = tag->GetIntrinsicValue(&vt_tag);
//hr = tag->GetIntrinsicValueAs(VT_INT_PTR, &vt_tag);
if (FAILED(hr = pBreakItem->GetKeyValue(L"param2", &Category, NULL /* &spContainedMetadata */))) { Out("Error reading param2"); continue; };
hr = Category->GetIntrinsicValue(&vt_category);
if (FAILED(hr = pBreakItem->GetKeyValue(L"param3", &SevLevel, NULL /* &spContainedMetadata */))) { Out("Error reading param3"); continue; };
hr = SevLevel->GetIntrinsicValue(&vt_sevlevel);

if (FAILED(hr = pBreakItem->GetKeyValue(L"param4", &Message, NULL /* &spContainedMetadata */)))
Out("Error reading param4"); continue;
hr = Message->GetIntrinsicValue(&vt_message);
if (hr = FAILED(pBreakItem->GetKeyValue(L"start", &Start, NULL /* &spContainedMetadata */)))
Out("Error reading start"); continue;
//hr = Start->GetIntrinsicValue(&vt_start); // It fails here because the type in ObjectSynthetic
if (FAILED(hr = pBreakItem->GetKeyValue(L"sequence", &Sequence, NULL /* &spContainedMetadata */)))
Out("Error reading sequence"); continue;
hr = Sequence->GetIntrinsicValue(&vt_sequence);

if (FAILED(hr = pBreakItem->GetKeyValue(L"steps", &Steps, NULL /* &spContainedMetadata */)))
Out("Error reading steps"); continue;
hr = Steps->GetIntrinsicValue(&vt_steps);

if (IsInterrupted())
UlsInstance obj;

obj.Category = vt_category.uintVal;
obj.Message = vt_message.llVal; //vt_category.llVal);
obj.SevLevel = vt_sevlevel.uintVal;
obj.Sequence = vt_sequence.uintVal;
obj.Steps = vt_steps.llVal;
obj.tag = vt_tag.uintVal;
obj.Index = Index;
if (catVector.size() > 0)
if (catVector.find((int)obj.Category) == catVector.end())

// Only move if necessary
bool show = true;
string fullMess;

if ((mess.size() > 0 || !nomess) && SUCCEEDED(MoveTo(Start)))
CComBSTR stringConv;
CComPtr<IDebugHostContext> context;
CComPtr<IDebugHostMemory> memory;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pHost->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugHostMemory), (void**)&memory)))
ULONG64 BytesRead = 0;
Location loc;
loc.HostDefined = 0;
loc.Offset = obj.Message;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = memory->ReadBytes(USE_CURRENT_HOST_CONTEXT, loc, Buffer, MAX_MTNAME * 2, &BytesRead)))

Buffer[MAX_MTNAME - 1] = L'\0';
fullMess = CW2A(Buffer);
if (mess.size() > 0)
show = fullMess.find(mess) != std::string::npos;

if (hr != S_OK)
fullMess = "*** Unable to read memory ***";
show = true;

if (show)
Dml("<link cmd=\"!tt %S\">%S</link>\t", obj.IDnaPosition().c_str(), obj.IDnaPosition().c_str());
string area;
string prod;

string sev = SPCategories::GetSevLevel(static_cast<int>(obj.SevLevel));

SPCategories::GetAreaName(obj.Category, area, prod);
if (!nomess)
if (!GetTime(time, true))
Out("??/??/???? ??:??:??.??\t");
Out("%02i/%02i/%04i %02i:%02i:%02i.%02i\t", time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wYear, time.wHour,
time.wMinute, time.wSecond, time.wMilliseconds / 10);
Out("%s\t", area.c_str());
Out("%s\t", prod.c_str());
Out("%s\t", sev.c_str());

Out("%s\t", TagToStr(obj.tag).c_str());

if (!nomess)
if (mess.size() > 0 && !catonly)
DisplayFound(fullMess, mess);
Out("%s", fullMess.c_str());

Out("%u Instances\n", Index);
endTime = GetTickCount64();
Out("Search took %f seconds\n", (float)(((float)endTime - (float)startTime) / (float)1000));

Example 1 – Looking for a particular tag and message

Example 2 – Listing all instances