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IT@Cork MiniConference on Web 2.0

IT@CorkExperts from all over the globe are gathering in Cork on June the 8th for a Web 2.0 half-day Conference, hosted by IT @ Cork.  I'm really excited to be involved in this one.

Speakers include Shel Israel, Salim Ismail, Fergus Burns, Walter Higgins, and little ol' me.

Please visit to register or find out more.  Here's the current agenda:

14:00PM - Registration and arrival coffee
14:30PM - Introduce conference
14:40PM - The Web 2.0 (r)evolution (Shel Israel, Author, Speaker, Consultant, USA)
15:20PM - Is Web 2.0 = DotBomb 2.0? Does Web 2.0 make business sense? (Salim Ismail, USA)
16:00PM - Coffee
16:30PM - RSS - the Web 2.0 enabler (Fergus Burns, Nooked)
16:50PM - Developing Web 2.0 apps (Walter Higgins, Sxoop Technologies Ltd.)
17:10PM - Atlas - Microsoft's new framework for building cross-browser, cross platform AJAX applications (Rob Burke, Microsoft)
17:30PM - Panel Q&A
