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The costs of manual and automated tests - 2nd Meetup Stone Tech Saturday

Hello everyone!

After a long time, here I am. Yesterday I talked to lots of incredible people about DevOps, Software Quality and Test Automation. These three subjects are directly associated and we spent some time discussing it there.

[caption id="attachment_255" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Nesta hora, calculávamos os custos num raciocínio no Excel That time, we were calculating the costs of the manual testing in a software development[/caption]

It was a Meetup organized by Canal .NET community in a partnership with Stone Pagamentos. Thank you both for the opportunity! One more successful event organized by the community. Stone Pagamento's office is an amazing place, I was thrilled when I got there!

BTW, they're hiring good developers. I guess you should give it a try :-)

As I already said, we talked about testing in a DevOps context. Testing in software development context. When we stop, breathe and calculate the costs of Manual Testing vs Automated Testing, we see that we ALWAYS SHOULD consider automating it! Always!

Well, here is the presentation I used to contextualize the subject. As you can see, we already talked about in on DevOps Summit Brasil and this subject is always polemic and raises a series of thinking. That's why is always good to talk about it!

And below you can download that spreadsheet we built to make some calculations:

Manual vs Automated Tests costs spreadsheet

I really hope our talk gave you some good message and information to make your days and work better. I learned a lot with you guys!

Improve yourselves. Make your time more useful. Deliver more value in your projects. Automate.

See you next time!

Ricardo Serradas