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MDT 2012 : Enabling GPOPack for Windows 8



New Feature in MDT2012 allow you to deploy a Group Policy Object (GPO) Pack.  Now that SCM 3.0 Beta now available to support Windows 8. (More info here and here ) You need to tweak the script to enable the support for deployment of GPO for Windows 8

Step 1:

Build your local local GPO based on SCM 3.0.  You can find additional resource about SCM at



Step 2:

Export the Baseline you built or the default one using GPO Backup (Folder) option from Export Menu on the right hand corner




Step 3:

Navigate to the following directory in your MDT folder < Distribution Share>\Templates\GPOPacks\Win7SP1-MDTGPOPack

Copy the following files ( GPOPack.wsf, Localpol.exe , LocalSecurityDB.sdb ) and paste it to the exported Windows 8 GPO Folder ( Make sure you name the folder as Win8RTM-MDTGPOPack )



Step 4:  

Use any script editor and open GPOPack.wsf from Windows 8 GPO folder and look for the section where it validates the Windows 8 and edit the file as per the below instruction and save it.




Modify the lines to the following

    If(Left(strOpVer,3) = "6.2") and (strProductType = "1") then
   strOS = "Win8"
    Elseif(Left(strOpVer,3) = "6.1") and (strProductType <> "1") then
   strOS = "WS08R2"




Step 5:

Now you are ready with your default base line package. Copy this back to the Template folder in your workbench



Step 6:

Update GPOPackPath variable in the customsettings.ini file to point to this new GPO Pack

GPOPackPath = Win8RTM-MDTGPOPack

If you do not want to apply any GPO Packs then task sequence step can be skipped by setting the variable ApplyGPOPack to NO in customsettings.ini.


Step 7:

Open the MDT Task sequence , Make sure you have the step exist to launch the ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf called. ( This is part of default client task sequence) or you can manually add a “Run Command Line” Step after Restore Groups


There is no need to edit ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf since the entry for Windows 8 is already present




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