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Microsoft Premier Workshop: Windows Server 2016 – Managing and Supporting Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS)


Der dreitägige Workshop Windows Server 2016 – Managing and Supporting Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) vermittelt den Teilnehmern die Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten eine Windows basierte PKI-Infrastruktur zu verstehen, zu planen, aufzubauen, zu managen, zu monitoren und zu supporten.
Die einzelnen Module werden durch praxisnahe Labs begleitet, die praktische Erfahrungen in häufig vorkommenden Scenarios weitergeben sollen.
Der Workshop ist besonders wertvoll für Organisationen/Unternehmen, die ihre  Grundkenntnisse einer PKI-Infrastruktur ausbauchen wollen und dabei auch gleich Kenntnisse über Windows Server 2016 in Bezug auf das Managen und Supporten einer PKI-Infrastruktur aneignen wollen.

Module 1: Introduction to PKI
This module introduces the components of a PKI and discusses the different design topologies available to deploy a Certification Authority and PKI hierarchy, including Offline and Online Certification Authorities.

Module 2: Revocation and Chain Building
This module describes how a trust chain within a PKI is established and explains the secrets of revocation checking in detail.

Module 3: Deploy a 2 Tier PKI Hierarchy
This module will be started by explaining the backgrounds of PKI deployment, followed by several labs which include deployment and configuration of a typical Certification Authority hierarchy.

Module 4: Certification Authority Security
For the integrity of a PKI it is essential to configure and operate it in a secure way. This module explains where to pay attention to

Module 5: Certificate Templates and Enrollment Methods
This module explains and demonstrates the correct use of certificate templates in Active Directory Certificate Services as well as enrollment methods available, allowing administrators to understand how to successfully enroll for a certificate against  a Windows Server® 2016 Certification Authority.

Module 6: PKI Operations and Business Continuity (Best Practices)
This module covers the business continuity plans and disaster recovery procedures any company should have in place to quickly recover from a failure affecting Active Directory Certificate Services in Windows Server® 2016.

IT-Systemadministratoren und Security/ AD Architekten, die mindestens 2-3 Jahre Erfahrungen mit Windows Active Directory Administration und mindestens 1 Jahr mit dem PKI haben.

Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

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