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Microsoft Premier Workshop: System Center Configuration Manager Troubleshooting

dieser 4-tägigen Workshop vermittelt den Teilnehmer die Fähigkeiten, die benötigt werden, um die gängigsten System Center Configuration Manager Probleme zu analysieren. Dies erfolgt anhand von praktischen Übungen, in denen die Tools und Ressourcen genutzt werden, um diese Probleme zu lösen.  Der Workshop besteht aus Wissensvermittlung anhand der praktischen Erfahrungen unserer Trainer in Form von Präsentationen, Demonstrationen, Diskussionen und Hands-on Labs. Teilnehmer erhalten einen Einblick in die Techniken und den Prozess der Problembehandlung des Configuration Manager.

Im Fokus der Problembehandlung stehen:

• Management Point
• Client Installation and Health
• Site Replication
• Inventory, Metering, and Remote Tools
• Compliance Settings
• Content Management
• Package Distribution
• Application Distribution
• Software Updates
• System Center Endpoint Protection
• Operating System Deployment
• Backup and Recovery

Dieser Workshop richtet sich in erster Linie an IT Mitarbeiter die bereits mit bestehenden Installationen von System Center Configuration Manager arbeiten und über ein fortgeschrittenes Know-How verfügen.  Ein Basis Know-how von Windows Server 2016 und Windows 8.1 oder spätere Versionen sollte vorhanden sein.

Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

Troubleshooting Tools and Resources
In this module, the participants will learn the basic troubleshooting skills and the use of common tools for achieving that goal.

Management Point
In this module, the participants will learn the functionality, installation, Client communication and Troubleshooting of Management Points.

Client Installationand Health
In this module, the participants will learn how to troubleshoot client installation and check client status. The participants will also learn how to utilize alerts and Client Health Reports.

Data Replication
In this module, the participants will learn the fundamentals, and the performance tuning and troubleshooting techniques of Data Replication Service in Configuration Manager.

Inventory, Metering, and Remote Tools
Successful inventory collection is required for many Configuration Manager functions. This module will provide the participants with indepth information and processes for inventory collection, software metering and remote tools.

Compliance Settings
In this module, the participants will learn about concepts and process flow of Compliance Settings.

Content Distribution
Troubleshooting content distribution is an essential part of keeping a Configuration Manager environment in healthy state. This module will discuss the processes used in distributing content to distribution points.

Distributing Packages
In this module, the participants will learn the package model of software distribution in detail. This includes best practices, workflows and troubleshooting methods.

Distributing Applications
In this module, the participants will learn the application model of software distribution in detail. This includes best practices, workflows and troubleshooting methods.
Software updates In this module, the participants will learn the techniques used to troubleshoot Software Updates problems.

Endpoint Protection
In this module, the participants will learn the techniques used to troubleshoot Endpoint Protection definition update problems.

Operating System Deployment
In this module, the participants will learn how to avoid common pitfalls and successfully execute Operating System Deployment using Configuration Manager.

Backup and Recovery
In this module, the participants will learn the site server backup, customization and considerations as well as recovery strategies and options.

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