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Microsoft Premier Workshop: SQL Server: Azure SQL Database Essentials

Der zweitägige Microsoft Premier Workshop SQL Server: Azure SQL Database Essentials, vermittelt das Know-How und Tools, um die Fähigkeiten und den Gebrauch von Cloud Datenbanken zu verstehen. Der Workshop wird ihnen helfen sich mit dem Konzept von Azure SQL Database vertraut zu machen. Er wird ihnen ebenfalls helfen, wie Azure SQL Database Lösungen zu migrieren, zu managen, zu monitoren und zu troubleshooten.

Module 1: Introduction to Azure SQL Database
This module provides an overview of the basic concepts of Azure SQL Database and covers:
• Architecture, service tiers and DTUs
• Create and connect to Azure SQL Database
• Difference between SQL Server on Azure VM and Azure SQL Database
• How to choose between IaaS and PaaS solution

Module 2: Azure SQL Database Administration
This module covers the different Azure SQL Database administration tasks like:
• Scaling up or down your database
• Scheduling jobs
• Commonly used DMVs and supported features in Azure SQL Database
• Various Disaster Recovery options

Module 3: Manage Security for Azure SQL  Database
This module covers the different options to manage security for an Azure SQL Database like:
• Configuring Active Directory security
• Always Encrypted
• Row Level Security and Dynamic Data Masking
• Auditing and threat detection

Module 4: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Azure SQL Database
This module covers the different tools for monitoring the performance of your database like:
• Query Store
• Extended Events
• Index Advisor
• Configure alerts to enable proactive monitoring

Module 5: Elastic Databases
This module provides a deep understanding about Elastic Databases and will cover:
• Concept of Elastic Databases
• Leverage Elastic Databases to scale out your Azure SQL Database environment
• Run T-SQL queries on Elastic Databases
• Manage Elastic Databases

Module 6: Azure SQL Database Migration
This module covers the different strategies to migrate your on-premises database to Azure SQL Database and will cover:
• How to analyze the database for compatibility issues
• The different migration methods

Der Workshop richtet sich an SQL Server Architekten, Database Administratoren, IT Professionals, SQL Server Administratoren und DevOps Engineers. Die Teilnehmer sollten folgende Kenntnisse mitbringen:
• Erfahrungen mit den Basic von SQL Server wie Administration, High Availability, Performance Tuning und Troubleshooting
• Basis Kenntnisse von Microsoft Windows Azure Plattform

Level 200
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

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