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Microsoft Premier Workshop: Exchange Server High Availability

Der 4-tägige Workshop Exchange Server High Availability vermittelt den Teilnehmern die nötigen Fertigkeiten, um Exchange Server 2016 in einer hochverfügbaren Infrastrukturen aufsetzen und konfigurieren zu können.
Neben der theoretischen Einführung in die technischen Grundlagen werden Übungen durchgeführt, um das erworbene Wissen praxisnah anwenden zu können.

Module 1: High Availability Overview:
This module provides an overview of High Availability Concepts and Exchange 2016High Availability features.

Module 2: Understanding Client Access Server role in High Availability:
This module will cover the architecture components required to achieve High Availability for Client Access Role in Exchange 2016, describes load balancing options and client connectivity.

Module 3: Understanding Transport High Availability:
This module will cover the architecture of Transport services and different High Availability features (throttling and resource management, load balancing and fault tolerance options with message routing, options for third party servers and devices, Shadow Redundancy, SafetyNet).

Module 4: Understanding Mailbox High Availability:
This module provides information about the mailbox high availability features, including concepts around Continuous Mailbox Availability and Database Availability Groups.

Module 5: Managed Availability:
This module will cover Managed Availability  feature - integration of built-in monitoring and recovery actions with the Exchange high availability platform.

Module 6: Planning, Deployment and Management of Exchange 2016 High Availability Features:
This module will cover the Planning Deployment and Management tasks to successfully implement a Database Availability Group (DAG) with Exchange 2016 and provides understanding of various Failover and Switchover Scenarios, Exchange Native Data Protection and Preferred Architecture, corresponding troubleshooting options and recommendations.

IT-Mitarbeiter, die für Design, Deployment und Betrieb einer Exchange Server Umgebung verantwortlich sind.

Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

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