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Nyt track på Directions EMEA

Kære Partner,

Vi glæder os til Directions EMEA i Polen til oktober, og som noget nyt har vi i år et nyt track; nemlig ”Sales and Business Training”.

Sales and Business Training track henvender sig til ledelsen i jeres virksomhed (fx. CxO samt Salg/Marketing ledere og medarbejdere.


”You may have been at earlier events and know they are highly product focues – so this year we wanted to make sure that it is also relevant for you to send members of your Leadership Team (e.g. CxO & Sales/Marketing Leads and team members).

Microsoft will sponsor this new business and sales track at Directions EMEA, which is named “Road to Repeatability RAMP workshop”. Microsoft has worked with a group of Dynamics ERP SMB partners for 3+ years building out a framework (the Road to Repeatability Framework) that helps partners think through if/how/when they want to make changes to their business to respond to all the changes going on. The 3+ years of learnings have been summarized into this 18 hour RAMP track offered at Directions that gives partners an overview of what we see happening in the market, why we think it might be time for partners to consider making a change, and tactical steps to start making a change if partners decide it´s right for them. So, if you are wondering:

  • Whether or not you need to change your business and how to change it;
  • Or if you´re just curious to learn how to lose less deals against all the new players in the market;
  • Or you want to hear from other partners who went down this path why they did it and how it´s going:

Then this is the perfect opportunity to find out!

Note: Individuals attending the RAMP Track at Directions EMEA should plan to attend the ENTIRE TRACK. The schedule will allow for attendees to attend the keynotes, but you should not plan on attending any other “session” at Directions EMEA if you register at the RAMP track.

Space is limited, so register for the event today by going here . To learn more about the Road to Repeatability RAMP program we welcome you to explore the Road to Repeatability Digital Experience and check out the agenda here . And as always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.”

Med venlig hilsen

Dynamics Teamet