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Rilascio di Enterprise Library 4.1

Da pochi giorni è disponibile la nuova release dell' Enterprise Library 4.1.

L' Enterprise Library è l'evoluzione di quello che un tempo si chiamava semplicemente application blocks ovvero un insieme di codice ben documentato prodution-ready (quindi di qualità comprensivo di test e di documentazione) rivolto tipicamente a sviluppatori professionisti. L' Enterprise Library racchiude infatti un insieme di funzionalità necessarie in quasi tutti i progetti di un certo livello (e non solo) : logging, validation, caching,exception management, e molto ancora... il tutto ovviamente in codice sorgente con la possibilità di utilizzo a proprio piacimento all'interno delle proprie soluzioni. Infatti lo scopo di quesa liberia è di implementare molti design pattern comuni e ricorrenti in applicazioni Line-Of-Business garantendo l' estendibilità e la facilità d'uso.

La versione 4.1 è composta dai seguenti Application Blocks:

  • Caching Application Block . Developers can use this application block to incorporate a cache in their applications. Pluggable cache providers are supported.
  • Cryptography Application Block . Developers can use this application block to incorporate hashing and symmetric encryption in their applications.
  • Data Access Application Block . Developers can use this application block to incorporate standard database functionality in their applications.
  • Exception Handling Application Block . Developers and policy makers can use this application block to create a consistent strategy for processing exceptions that occur throughout the architectural layers of enterprise applications.
  • Logging Application Block . Developers can use this application block to include standard logging functionality in their applications.
  • Policy Injection Application Block . Developers can use this application block to implement interception policies that can be used to streamline the implementation of common features, such as logging, caching, exception handling, and validation, across a system.
  • Security Application Block . Developers can use this application block to incorporate authorization and security caching functionality in their applications.
  • Unity Application Block . Developers can use this application block as a lightweight and extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection, as well as instance and type interception (via an extension).
  • Validation Application Block . Developers can use this application block to create validation rules for business objects that can be used across different layers of their applications.


Le novità di questa release dell' Enterprise Library sono:

  • Unity interception mechanism and integration of the Policy Injection Application Block with the Unity Application Block
  • Added support for generics in the Unity Application Block
  • Added support for arrays in the Unity Application Block
  • Performance improvements
  • Usability improvements to the configuration tool
  • Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 support
  • Bug fixes

Per maggiori dettagli sulla lista delle novità e differenze con la versione precedente vedere : About This Release of Enterprise Library.

Getting Started ( per chi non conoscesse l' Enterprise Library può seguire i seguenti link)

Introduction to the Enterprise Library

− Utilizzare gli esempi in QuickStart samples

− Fare i laboratori Hands-On Labs;

webcasts e demo code.


Happy Coding

