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In questa pagina terrò aggiornata la lista di risorse per la progettazione, lo sviluppo e la maintenance di soluzioni OBA (Office Business Applications).

Data ultima modifica - 08-04-08


(Programma) Microsoft Office Interactive Developer Map. Questa utility permette di navigare tra le varie risorse disponibili su Office System 2007 (Audience Architetti e Developers)

(Whitepaper) Getting Started with Office Business Applications (Part 1 of 2) (Audience per tutti)

(Whitepaper) Getting Started with Office Business Applications (Part 2 of 2) (Audience per tutti)

(MSDN whitepaper) Creazione di soluzioni Office Business Applications basate su Microsoft Office System 2007 (Audience Architetti)

(blog) OBA : perchè Microsoft ci crede 1 Parte. (Audience Architetti)

(blog) OBA : perchè Microsoft ci crede 2 Parte.(Audience Architetti)

(MSDN) Visual Studio Tool for Office. (Audience Developers)



Microsoft Office Business Applications for Office Sharepoint Server 2007 .

Autore : Barker; Bichsel; Buenz; Fox; Holliday; Nene; Ravindran 
Pagine : 320
Audience : Sviluppatori/Architetti
Livello : Beginner
Data    : 09/01/2008
ISBN   : 9780735622760
Descrizione originale:
Get the practical guide to implementing the Microsoft Office system as an application-development platform. This book highlights the breadth of approaches developers can take for extending line-of-business information to information workers in the familiar, usable format of the Microsoft Office interface. These approaches, Microsoft Office Business Application (OBA) patterns, are based on real-world implementations in many cases. In other cases, they are built on Microsoft Office features that have a generalized solution rooted in input from customers and partners. This reference delivers the seven key Microsoft Office Business Application patterns and provides professional developers with extensible examples and the architectural guidance needed for developing custom enterprise applications and extending business information to users.

Programming Microsoft Office Business Applications (Pro - Developer)

Autore     : Steve Fox
Pagine     : -
Audience : Sviluppatori.
Livello      : -
Data        : prossimamente
ISBN       : -
Descrizione Origianle:
Get practical guidance for creating custom applications by using the capabilities of the Microsoft Office platform. This hands-on reference illustrates how to use Microsoft Visual Studio® Tools for Office and the Microsoft Office system to create Office Business Applications an emerging breed of application that bridges the gap between line of business (LOB) systems and end-user productivity tools. OBAs allow users to increase productivity by providing a seamless and integrated end-to-end user experience from their desktop to data in enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, and other business systems. Experts on the Microsoft Office, Visual Studio Tools for Office, and OBA teams at Microsoft adeptly illustrate how to develop smart clients and Web services in the Microsoft Office environment. You ll also get guidance on custom development for the Microsoft Office FluentTM user interface and Windows® SharePoint® Services, application deployment, and managing workflow. Complete with code samples on the Web, this book delivers the pragmatic information enterprise developers need to know to create and deploy custom business applications to the organization.

Office Business Applications - Building Composite Applications using the Microsoft Platform

Autore :
Pagine :
Audience: Architetti  
Livello  : Begineer
Data    : Novembre 2006
ISBN   :
DOWNLOAD : Il libro è liberamente scaricabile. Cliccare sul titolo.
Descrizione Originale:
This book is about composite applications and how they can be developed as OBAs using the 2007 Microsoft Office System. It provides an overview of the technologies available in the 2007 Microsoft Office System, and gives several examples from various industries to build OBAs using composition at the presentation, business-logic, and data layers. This book is meant for solution architects, industry architects, or senior developers who are designing, developing, and deploying composite applications.



Office Business Application Starter Kit: Integrating 2007 Office System with SAP Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Office System SE (Part 1 of 2)

Office Business Application Starter Kit: Integrating 2007 Office System with SAP Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Office System SE (Part 2 of 2)



VSTO Power Tools V. 1.0

OBA/VSTO Starter Kit v 1.0 Source Code.

SharePoint 2007 SDK

Nuove Funzionalità VSTO consentono di personalizzare Word e Outlook.

Ampliare Office System 2007 con proprie schede e controlli Ribbon

Creare elementi grafici SmartArt Graphics per Office System 2007

Sviluppo di componenti aggiuntivi per PowerPoint e Visio mediante VSTO

Generazione di documenti di Word 2007 lato server.

Business Data Catalog Architecture

Using Business Data Catalog and Smart Tags with the 2007 Microsoft Office System.



All'interno di Microsoft IT Showcase è stato pubblicato un whitepaper e un deck PPT sul deployment di Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.

Sempre da Microsoft IT Showcase è disponibile l'architettura della soluzione OBA implementata dal reparto Entertainment and Devices (quello dell' XBOX) di Microsoft. Maggiori info qui



Introduzione al formato di file Open XML di Microsoft Office 2007

Creazione di file Office Open XML

Modifica dei documenti nei formati Office Open XML


OBA RAP (Reference Architecture Pack)

Ogni RAP contiene la reference solution architecture, esempi e codice sorgente per implementare la soluzione OBA proposta.

Area Bancaria
Loan Origination Systems

Area Sanità
Consumer Engagement Reference Architecture (CERA) for Health Plans

Area Manufactoring
Supply Chain Management
Price Management
Plant Floor Analytics

Area Public Sector
E-Forms Processing


POST in italiano

Piccolo Excursus su Office System 2007

Business Data Catalog e Smart Tags per comporre i dati delle applicazioni LOB con il Portale e con Office Client



(italiano) Application Composition e Office Business Applications

Video Introduzione OBA

OBA Architect Forum
Conferenza tenuta il 24 Gennaio 2008 a Milano (Sede Microsoft). Le registrazioni sono in italiano (voce della traduttrice).

ODC 2008
Sono disponibili le sessioni dell' Office Developer Conference 2008.






  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2008
    Per facilitare la ricerca di informazioni per il disegno e lo sviluppo di soluzioni OBA (Office Business

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2008
    Per facilitare la ricerca di informazioni per il disegno e lo sviluppo di soluzioni OBA (Office Business

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2008
    Per facilitare la ricerca di informazioni per il disegno e lo sviluppo di soluzioni OBA (Office Business

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2008
    Per facilitare la ricerca di informazioni per il disegno e lo sviluppo di soluzioni OBA (Office Business

  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2008
    Come promesso ecco i link promessi durante la giornata a Bologna :-)   - Estendere e condividere

  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2008
    Come promesso ecco i link promessi durante la giornata a Bologna :-)   - Estendere e condividere

  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2008
    Da ieri sono disponibili le registrazioni dell' OBA Architect Forum tenuto a Milano il 24 Gennaio 2008

  • Anonymous
    October 02, 2008
    In questi giorni si sta svolgendo a Milano la Sharepoint Conference 2008 con approfondimenti e dettagli