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Reflections on Microsoft Dynamics AX

Reflections on Microsoft Dynamics, ERP Projects and Product

Books on Dynamics AX

The list of books on Microsoft Dynamics AX are growing. Scott Hamilton released his book on...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/30/2009

For the techies, Win7 and Win2008R2 boot from VHD

So if you are technically minded and have a reasonably good machine and want to experiment with dual...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/29/2009

PartnerSource page updates for the demo VM

The page that contains the AX2009 Demonstration toolkit has been updated with the AX license that...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/28/2009

Using Live Mesh to access your demo machine

I posted a note a while back about what machine I use to demo from. One add nice piece of technology...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/23/2009

Updating the AX License in the Refresh 1 VM

In June 2009 we’ll publish Refresh 2 of the AX 2009 Demo VMs. If you are using the Refresh 1 VM you...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/22/2009

Getting the AX2009 VM on DVD

I had a question from a partner on getting the AX2009 VM on DVD. You can order a DVD or a download...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/18/2009

Changing the language on the Client and EP

I had a question about changing the language for a user in the Client and EP. This is a simple...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/15/2009

Linking a cue to a EP list page

I had a question on the cues in the role center. I can see that I can drill from the cue into the...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/15/2009

Using the AX2009 VM under Windows Virtual PC beta for Windows7

Some of you might be adventurous and be going to update you machine to the Windows 7 RC. I you have...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/14/2009

Environmental Sustainability dashboard in AX2009 VM

I’ve had a couple of questions about the Environmental Sustainability dashboard in AX2009 VM. We...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/13/2009

PerformancePoint 2007 Monitoring on AX2009 Demo VM

I posted a note a little earlier about the inclusion of the Performance Point Management Report on...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/11/2009

PerformancePoint Management Reporter on AX2009 Demo VM

I had a question from a partner about the inclusion of the Microsoft Performance Point Management...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/11/2009

SCOM Management Pack for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

I had a question from a partner on the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager Management Pack...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/11/2009

Project Server Sync on the AX Demo VM

If you are having problems getting the synchronization to work between Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/08/2009

Using AX CRM Outlook sync and the mobile device emulator

I had a friend at a partner ask me about setting up and using the mobile device emulator on the...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 05/01/2009

What machines do I use to run VMs ?

So I had a question about what machines i use to run the VM to do demos. So I run two environments I...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/30/2009

Using BDL SNAP whiled logged in as another user

I had a question about how do I see the BDL SNAP in Excel, Word, Outlook when I’m logged in as a...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/30/2009

Using the Excel Offline Expense entry in the AX2009 Demo VMs

I had a few questions about how to use the Excel Offline Expense on the AX 2009 Demo VMs. In the...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/27/2009

Which version of the AX2009 Demo VM am i using

I had a question last week about how to tell what version of the AX2009 Demo VMs you are using. The...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/26/2009

Dynamics Mobile on the AX2009 VMs Refresh 1

I had a question about including Dynamics Mobile on the the AX 2009 Demo VMs. The simple answer is...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/23/2009

Expiry of the AX2009 Demo VM

A received a few questions about expiry of the AX2009 Demo VMs. Here is a quick summary that you can...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/20/2009

SNAPs on the AX2009 Demo VMs Refresh 1

I had a question about the last VM refresh about SNAPs. We included the Business Data Lookup SNAP...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/17/2009

Next Refresh of the AX VM coming in June 09

  We are preparing an update to the AX VM for release in June 09. If you have comments,...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/17/2009

Setting up a Customer or Vendor in EP

If you want to show a customer or vendor logging into the Enterprise Portal the components are there...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/10/2009

Using Excel Services on AX-SRV-01

If you want to use Excel Services on the demo VM (AX-SRV-01) and you are getting the message “The...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/10/2009

Tuning the startup and memory usage on AX-SRV-01.

If you are working the AX2009 VM then there is a range of applications and services that are...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Enabling the Fill Utility on AX-SRV-01

If you are using the AX2009 demo VM, you can enable the Fill Utility as it is not turn on in the...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Tuning the startup and managing memory on AX-SRV-01

A few internal folks and partners have commented about their usage of the AX2009 Demo VMs. They...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Enabling Demand Planner Collab on the demo VM

If you are using the AX2009 Demo VM Refresh 1 and want to use the Demand Planner Collaborative...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Setting the Max Memory on SQL.

If you are using the AX2009 Demo VMs and you run lots of scenarios with different users and you show...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Using document handling in EP on VM Refresh 1.

If you are using Refresh 1. of the AX2009 Demo VM and want to use the document handling in the EP...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Trouble setting up Project Time on VM Refresh 1

If you are using recently published Refresh 1 of the AX 2009 demo VM then you might have trouble if...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Network Authentication Issues on VM Refresh 1

If you are experiencing one of these issues Trying to post a PPS Dashboard to https://ppsportal and...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/03/2009

Setting up the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Demo VMs in VPC2007

If you have downloaded a copy of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Demo VMs then you might find these...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/02/2009

Microsoft Dynamics AX Pre-Sales Demo VPC - Refresh 1.

Just before Convergence we posted a Refresh of the Pre-Sales Demonstration VPC for Microsoft...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 04/01/2009

Microsoft Dynamics AX Demonstration VPC.

For Microsoft Dynamics AX partners you can get a copy of the demonstration VPC that I've been...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 08/28/2008


It seems I attempt to do this about this time every year. I think that I should start blogging more....

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 08/28/2008

Building on MBS

What am I doing here, well I've been working in the business applications space for over ten years...

Author: Lachlan Cash Date: 10/22/2004
