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[UnderTheHood]Microsoft System Journal 중 좋은 글 모음

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Matt Pietrek shows how to call NtQueryInformation APIs in order to gain system-level information from WindowsNT.


Sure, you may use _try and _except in your C++ code, but have you ever wondered what's going on under the hood? Matt Pietrek goes where almost no one has gone before, diving into the abyss of SEH and surfacing with a human-readable explanation.


Calling DispatchMessage isn't optional if you're using timers. DispatchMessage is needed for both varieties of timer notifications (that is, window messages and callback functions).


Matt Pietrek explains how to implement an exception handler that can be used as the default exception handler for each thread.


Linkers In-Depth: Get a guided tour through the workings of the Win32 linker.


This month we'll take a look at Win32 exceptions specific to the Intel x86 architecture, beginning with the beloved GPF.


Ever since Matt Pietrek wrote his PEDUMP article (MSJ, March 1994), many people have asked how to access the data for an arbitrary resource. Finding hidden dialog controls was just the excuse he needed to write some C++ classes that traverse the PE resource format.


Welcome to Matt Pietrek's "Just-Enough-Assembly-Language-to-Get-By Guide," the source for programmers who need to know at least a little assembler to be able to debug compiled code.


A handy feature of Windows NT® is the performance data counter which provides information about a system like running processes, interrupts per second, network I/O stats, etc. But the interface is horrible. There is an API-based interface that is even accessible in Visual Basic. Matt Pietrek covers it this month.


When do you use the CreateThread function., and when do you use _beginthreadex instead?


Where has all the memory gone? Managing memory and resource leaks.

