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[発売] Azure 定番システム設計・実装・運用ガイド [9/14 増刷決定!]

<English follows Japanese>


日本マイクロソフト Azure サポート チーム マネージャーの森下です。

 2018 年 9 月 6 日に、「Azure 定番システム設計・実装・運用ガイド」 という書籍が発売されます。











Azure定番システム設計・実装・運用ガイド より


書籍をご購入いただいたお客様にむけて、PC からリンクを参照できるよう、リンク集も公開いたしました。本を読みながら、Web サイトを参照されるにあたってお役立てください。


[公式リンク集] 2018/9/6 発売 Azure定番システム設計・実装・運用ガイド


[On sale!] “Azure System Design Deployment Management Guide” [More copies to be printed on 9/14!]

Hello, everyone!

I am Tatsuya Morishita, an Azure support team manager at Microsoft Japan.
I am pleased to announce that our new book “Azure System Design・Deployment・Management Guide” will be released on September 6, 2018.

What is unique about this book is that all of the contributing authors are the technical support engineers who currently work at Microsoft Japan.

The technical support division is considered as the last fortress of Microsoft Japan’s technology. We are responsible for all technical issues relating to Azure and we are the ones who have to solve them. We felt that sharing the knowledge and “how-to”s (know-hows) we obtained while working in this kind of environment, dealing with the actual issues our customers were facing, would benefit many Azure users, so we decided to compile our knowledge in one book.

In order to include as many “how-to”s (know-hows) as possible, we focused on “why and how” the features should be used rather than “what the features do”. In other words, instead of including detailed step-by-step instructions for the different features, we structured the book with the actual migration scenarios explaining why certain features are needed and what are crucial points during the migration planning phase. Therefore, this book is very practical not only for the people who are planning to use Azure but also for the people who are already using Azure to understand and to utilize its features further.

By understanding the differences between what are the ideal designs for Cloud and what are better suited for typical On-Prem systems, we can design systems which fully utilize the strength of Cloud and prevent problems from happening or at least minimize the impact when problems happen.

We wish our knowledge will spread among many users and this book will promote the stable operation of Azure.

Please refer to the links below to get more information or to reserve your copy.

“Azure System Design・Deployment・Management Guide”

Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.

We have also created an official webpage which include the links in the book so those who purchased the book can easily navigate to the referred pages on the computer while reading this book.

[Official links page] “Azure System Design・Deployment・Management Guide” on sale 9/6/2018.