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New PowerShell cmdlets in Windows Server 2016 TP2 (compared to Windows Server 2012 R2)


1. State the problem


With the release of Windows Server 2016 TP2 a few weeks ago, I was wondering what new PowerShell cmdlets are now included (when you compare to Windows Server 2012 R2). However, the list of cmdlets is so long now that it is hard to spot the differences by hand.

However, there a cmdlet in PowerShell to show all the cmdlets available (Get-Command) and a little bit of programming would make it easy to find out what are the main differences. So I set out to collect the data and compare the list.


DISCLAIMER: As you probably know already, the Technical Preview is subject to change so all the information about Windows Server 2016 TP2 is preliminary and may not make it into the final product. Use with care, your mileage may vary, not available in all areas, some restrictions apply, professional PowerShell operator on a closed Azure VM course, do not attempt.


2. Gather the data


First, I needed the list of cmdlets from both versions of the operating system. That was actually pretty easy to gather, with a little help from Azure. I basically provisioned two Azure VM, one running Windows Server 2012 R2 and one running Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 2 (yes, TP2 is now available in the regular Azure VM image gallery).

Second, I installed all of the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) on both versions. That loads the PowerShell modules used for managing features that are not installed by default, like Failover Cluster or Storage Replica.

Finally, I ran a simple cmdlet to gather the list from Get-Command and save it to an XML file. This made it easier to put all the data I needed in a single place (my desktop machine running Windows 10 Insider Preview). Here's a summary of what it took:

  • Create WS 2012 R2 Azure VM
  • Install RSAT in the WS 2012 R2 VM
    • Get-WindowsFeature RSAT* | Install-WindowsFeature
  • Capture XML file with all the WS 2012 R2 cmdlet information
    • Get-Command | Select * | Export-CliXml C:WS2012R2Cmdlets.XML
  • Create WS 2016 TP2 Azure VM
  • Install RSAT in the WS 2016 TP2 VM
    • Get-WindowsFeature RSAT* | Install-WindowsFeature
  • Capture XML file with all the WS 2016 TP2 cmdlet information
    • Get-Command | Select * | Export-CliXml C:WS2016TP2Cmdlets.XML


3. Process the data


With the two XML files at hand, all I had left to do was to compare them to produce a good list of what's new. The first attempt resulted in a long list that was hard to understand, so I decided to do it module by module.

The code starts by creating a combined list of modules from both operating systems. Then it builds a dictionary of all cmdlets for a given module, assigning the value 1 if it's in WS 2012 R2, 2 if it's in WS 2016 TP2 and 3 if it's in both.

Then I would show the total number of cmdlets per module per OS, then number of new cmdlets and the actual list of new cmdlets. Since the goal was to publish this blog, I actually wrote the script to format the output as an HTML table. Quite handy :-).


4. Show the results


Finally, here is resulting table with all the new PowerShell cmdlets (by module) in Windows Server 2016 TP2, compared to Windows Server 2012. Enjoy!


Module New Cmdlets WS 2016 TP2Cmdlets WS 2012 R2Cmdlets
0 38 38
ActiveDirectory 0 147 147
ADRMSAdmin 0 21 21
AppLocker 0 5 5
Appx 8 14 6
+ Add-AppxVolume+ Dismount-AppxVolume+ Get-AppxDefaultVolume+ Get-AppxVolume+ Mount-AppxVolume+ Move-AppxPackage+ Remove-AppxVolume+ Set-AppxDefaultVolume
BestPractices 0 4 4
BitLocker 0 13 13
BitsTransfer 0 8 8
BranchCache 0 32 32
CimCmdlets 0 14 14
CIPolicy 1 1 0
+ ConvertFrom-CIPolicy
ClusterAwareUpdating 0 17 17
ConfigCI 10 10 0
+ Edit-CIPolicyRule+ Get-CIPolicy+ Get-CIPolicyInfo+ Get-SystemDriver+ Merge-CIPolicy+ New-CIPolicy+ New-CIPolicyRule+ Remove-CIPolicyRule+ Set-HVCIOptions+ Set-RuleOption
Defender 11 11 0
+ Add-MpPreference+ Get-MpComputerStatus+ Get-MpPreference+ Get-MpThreat+ Get-MpThreatCatalog+ Get-MpThreatDetection+ Remove-MpPreference+ Remove-MpThreat+ Set-MpPreference+ Start-MpScan+ Update-MpSignature
DFSN 0 23 23
DFSR 3 45 42
+ Get-DfsrDelegation+ Grant-DfsrDelegation+ Revoke-DfsrDelegation
DhcpServer 0 121 121
DirectAccessClientComponents 0 11 11
Dism 4 43 39
+ Add-WindowsCapability+ Expand-WindowsCustomDataImage+ Get-WindowsCapability+ Remove-WindowsCapability
DnsClient 0 17 17
DnsServer 21 122 101
+ Add-DnsServerClientSubnet+ Add-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy+ Add-DnsServerRecursionScope+ Add-DnsServerZoneScope+ Add-DnsServerZoneTransferPolicy+ Disable-DnsServerPolicy+ Enable-DnsServerPolicy+ Get-DnsServerClientSubnet+ Get-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy+ Get-DnsServerRecursionScope+ Get-DnsServerZoneScope+ Get-DnsServerZoneTransferPolicy+ Remove-DnsServerClientSubnet+ Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy+ Remove-DnsServerRecursionScope+ Remove-DnsServerZoneScope+ Remove-DnsServerZoneTransferPolicy+ Set-DnsServerClientSubnet+ Set-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy+ Set-DnsServerRecursionScope+ Set-DnsServerZoneTransferPolicy
EventTracingManagement 14 14 0
+ Add-EtwTraceProvider+ Get-AutologgerConfig+ Get-EtwTraceProvider+ Get-EtwTraceSession+ New-AutologgerConfig+ New-EtwTraceSession+ Remove-AutologgerConfig+ Remove-EtwTraceProvider+ Remove-EtwTraceSession+ Send-EtwTraceSession+ Set-AutologgerConfig+ Set-EtwTraceProvider+ Set-EtwTraceSession+ Start-AutologgerConfig
FailoverClusters 2 84 82
+ New-ClusterNameAccount+ Update-ClusterFunctionalLevel
GroupPolicy 0 29 29
HgsClient 11 11 0
+ Export-HgsGuardian+ Get-HgsAttestationBaselinePolicy+ Get-HgsClientConfiguration+ Get-HgsGuardian+ Grant-HgsKeyProtectorAccess+ Import-HgsGuardian+ New-HgsGuardian+ New-HgsKeyProtector+ Remove-HgsGuardian+ Revoke-HgsKeyProtectorAccess+ Set-HgsClientConfiguration
Hyper-V 26 204 178
+ Add-VMGroupMember+ Add-VMSwitchTeamMember+ Add-VMTPM+ Disable-VMConsoleSupport+ Enable-VMConsoleSupport+ Get-VHDSet+ Get-VHDSnapshot+ Get-VMGroup+ Get-VMHostCluster+ Get-VMSwitchTeam+ Get-VMTPM+ Get-VMVideo+ New-VMGroup+ Optimize-VHDSet+ Remove-VHDSnapshot+ Remove-VMGroup+ Remove-VMGroupMember+ Remove-VMSwitchTeamMember+ Rename-VMGroup+ Set-VMHostCluster+ Set-VMSwitchTeam+ Set-VMTPM+ Set-VMVideo+ Start-VMTrace+ Stop-VMTrace+ Update-VMVersion
IISAdministration 17 17 0
+ Get-IISAppPool+ Get-IISConfigCollectionItem+ Get-IISConfigElement+ Get-IISConfigSection+ Get-IISConfigValue+ Get-IISServerManager+ Get-IISSite+ New-IISConfigCollectionItem+ New-IISSite+ Remove-IISConfigCollectionItem+ Remove-IISSite+ Reset-IISServerManager+ Set-IISConfigValue+ Start-IISCommitDelay+ Start-IISSite+ Stop-IISCommitDelay+ Stop-IISSite
International 0 18 18
iSCSI 0 13 13
IscsiTarget 0 28 28
ISE 0 3 3
Kds 0 6 6
Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive 2 2 0
+ Compress-Archive+ Expand-Archive
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 5 60 55
+ Debug-Job+ Enter-PSHostProcess+ Exit-PSHostProcess+ Get-PSHostProcessInfo+ Register-ArgumentCompleter
Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics 0 5 5
Microsoft.PowerShell.Host 0 2 2
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management 4 86 82
+ Clear-RecycleBin+ Get-Clipboard+ Get-ItemPropertyValue+ Set-Clipboard
Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataUtils 1 1 0
+ Export-ODataEndpointProxy
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 0 13 13
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 11 105 94
+ ConvertFrom-String+ Convert-String+ Debug-Runspace+ Disable-RunspaceDebug+ Enable-RunspaceDebug+ Format-Hex+ Get-Runspace+ Get-RunspaceDebug- GetStreamHash+ New-Guid+ New-TemporaryFile+ Wait-Debugger+ Write-Information
Microsoft.WSMan.Management 0 13 13
MMAgent 0 5 5
MsDtc 0 41 41
NetAdapter 4 68 64
+ Disable-NetAdapterPacketDirect+ Enable-NetAdapterPacketDirect+ Get-NetAdapterPacketDirect+ Set-NetAdapterPacketDirect
NetConnection 0 2 2
NetEventPacketCapture 0 23 23
NetLbfo 0 13 13
NetNat 0 13 13
NetQos 0 4 4
NetSecurity 0 85 85
NetSwitchTeam 0 7 7
NetTCPIP 0 34 34
NetWNV 0 19 19
NetworkConnectivityStatus 0 4 4
NetworkController 141 141 0
+ Add-NetworkControllerNode+ Clear-NetworkControllerNodeContent+ Disable-NetworkControllerNode+ Enable-NetworkControllerNode+ Export-NetworkController+ Get-NetworkController+ Get-NetworkControllerCanaryConfiguration+ Get-NetworkControllerCluster+ Get-NetworkControllerCredential+ Get-NetworkControllerDevice+ Get-NetworkControllerDeviceGroupingTestConfiguration+ Get-NetworkControllerDeviceGroups+ Get-NetworkControllerDeviceGroupUsage+ Get-NetworkControllerDeviceUsage+ Get-NetworkControllerDiagnostic+ Get-NetworkControllerDiscoveredTopology+ Get-NetworkControllerExternalTestRule+ Get-NetworkControllerFabricRoute+ Get-NetworkControllerGoalTopology+ Get-NetworkControllerInterface+ Get-NetworkControllerInterfaceUsage+ Get-NetworkControllerIpPool+ Get-NetworkControllerIpPoolStatistics+ Get-NetworkControllerIpSubnetStatistics+ Get-NetworkControllerLogicalNetwork+ Get-NetworkControllerLogicalSubnet+ Get-NetworkControllerMonitoringService+ Get-NetworkControllerNode+ Get-NetworkControllerPhysicalHostInterfaceParameter+ Get-NetworkControllerPhysicalHostParameter+ Get-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchCpuUtilizationParameter+ Get-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchInterfaceParameter+ Get-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchMemoryUtilizationParameter+ Get-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchParameter+ Get-NetworkControllerPSwitch+ Get-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress+ Get-NetworkControllerServer+ Get-NetworkControllerServerInterface+ Get-NetworkControllerSwitchBgpPeer+ Get-NetworkControllerSwitchBgpRouter+ Get-NetworkControllerSwitchConfig+ Get-NetworkControllerSwitchNetworkRoute+ Get-NetworkControllerSwitchPort+ Get-NetworkControllerSwitchPortChannel+ Get-NetworkControllerSwitchVlan+ Get-NetworkControllerTopologyConfiguration+ Get-NetworkControllerTopologyDiscoveryStatistics+ Get-NetworkControllerTopologyLink+ Get-NetworkControllerTopologyNode+ Get-NetworkControllerTopologyTerminationPoint+ Get-NetworkControllerTopologyValidationReport+ Get-NetworkControllerVirtualInterface+ Get-NetworkControllerVirtualNetworkUsage+ Get-NetworkControllerVirtualPort+ Get-NetworkControllerVirtualServer+ Get-NetworkControllerVirtualServerInterface+ Get-NetworkControllerVirtualSwitch+ Get-NetworkControllerVirtualSwitchPortParameter+ Import-NetworkController+ Install-NetworkController+ Install-NetworkControllerCluster+ New-NetworkControllerCanaryConfiguration+ New-NetworkControllerCredential+ New-NetworkControllerDevice+ New-NetworkControllerDeviceGroupingTestConfiguration+ New-NetworkControllerDeviceGroups+ New-NetworkControllerExternalTestRule+ New-NetworkControllerInterface+ New-NetworkControllerIpPool+ New-NetworkControllerLogicalNetwork+ New-NetworkControllerMonitoringService+ New-NetworkControllerNodeObject+ New-NetworkControllerPhysicalHostInterfaceParameter+ New-NetworkControllerPhysicalHostParameter+ New-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchCpuUtilizationParameter+ New-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchInterfaceParameter+ New-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchMemoryUtilizationParameter+ New-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchParameter+ New-NetworkControllerPSwitch+ New-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress+ New-NetworkControllerServer+ New-NetworkControllerServerInterface+ New-NetworkControllerSwitchBgpPeer+ New-NetworkControllerSwitchBgpRouter+ New-NetworkControllerSwitchNetworkRoute+ New-NetworkControllerSwitchPortChannel+ New-NetworkControllerSwitchVlan+ New-NetworkControllerTopologyLink+ New-NetworkControllerTopologyNode+ New-NetworkControllerTopologyTerminationPoint+ New-NetworkControllerVirtualInterface+ New-NetworkControllerVirtualPort+ New-NetworkControllerVirtualServer+ New-NetworkControllerVirtualServerInterface+ New-NetworkControllerVirtualSwitch+ New-NetworkControllerVirtualSwitchPortParameter+ Remove-NetworkControllerCanaryConfiguration+ Remove-NetworkControllerCredential+ Remove-NetworkControllerDevice+ Remove-NetworkControllerDeviceGroupingTestConfiguration+ Remove-NetworkControllerDeviceGroups+ Remove-NetworkControllerExternalTestRule+ Remove-NetworkControllerFabricRoute+ Remove-NetworkControllerInterface+ Remove-NetworkControllerIpPool+ Remove-NetworkControllerLogicalNetwork+ Remove-NetworkControllerLogicalSubnet+ Remove-NetworkControllerNode+ Remove-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchCpuUtilizationParameter+ Remove-NetworkControllerPhysicalSwitchMemoryUtilizationParameter+ Remove-NetworkControllerPSwitch+ Remove-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress+ Remove-NetworkControllerServer+ Remove-NetworkControllerServerInterface+ Remove-NetworkControllerSwitchBgpPeer+ Remove-NetworkControllerSwitchBgpRouter+ Remove-NetworkControllerSwitchNetworkRoute+ Remove-NetworkControllerSwitchPortChannel+ Remove-NetworkControllerSwitchVlan+ Remove-NetworkControllerTopologyLink+ Remove-NetworkControllerTopologyNode+ Remove-NetworkControllerTopologyTerminationPoint+ Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualInterface+ Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualPort+ Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualServer+ Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualServerInterface+ Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualSwitch+ Repair-NetworkControllerCluster+ Set-NetworkController+ Set-NetworkControllerCluster+ Set-NetworkControllerDiagnostic+ Set-NetworkControllerFabricRoute+ Set-NetworkControllerGoalTopology+ Set-NetworkControllerLogicalSubnet+ Set-NetworkControllerNode+ Set-NetworkControllerSwitchConfig+ Set-NetworkControllerSwitchPort+ Set-NetworkControllerTopologyConfiguration+ Start-NetworkControllerTopologyDiscovery+ Uninstall-NetworkController+ Uninstall-NetworkControllerCluster
NetworkLoadBalancingClusters 0 35 35
NetworkSwitchManager 19 19 0
+ Disable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort+ Disable-NetworkSwitchFeature+ Disable-NetworkSwitchVlan+ Enable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort+ Enable-NetworkSwitchFeature+ Enable-NetworkSwitchVlan+ Get-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort+ Get-NetworkSwitchFeature+ Get-NetworkSwitchGlobalData+ Get-NetworkSwitchVlan+ New-NetworkSwitchVlan+ Remove-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress+ Remove-NetworkSwitchVlan+ Restore-NetworkSwitchConfiguration+ Save-NetworkSwitchConfiguration+ Set-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress+ Set-NetworkSwitchPortMode+ Set-NetworkSwitchPortProperty+ Set-NetworkSwitchVlanProperty
NetworkTransition 0 34 34
NFS 0 42 42
Nps -6 7 13
- Get-NpsRemediationServer- Get-NpsRemediationServerGroup- New-NpsRemediationServer- New-NpsRemediationServerGroup- Remove-NpsRemediationServer- Remove-NpsRemediationServerGroup
PackageManagement 10 10 0
+ Find-Package+ Get-Package+ Get-PackageProvider+ Get-PackageSource+ Install-Package+ Register-PackageSource+ Save-Package+ Set-PackageSource+ Uninstall-Package+ Unregister-PackageSource
PcsvDevice 4 9 5
+ Clear-PcsvDeviceLog+ Get-PcsvDeviceLog+ Set-PcsvDeviceNetworkConfiguration+ Set-PcsvDeviceUserPassword
Pester 20 20 0
+ AfterAll+ AfterEach+ Assert-MockCalled+ Assert-VerifiableMocks+ BeforeAll+ BeforeEach+ Context+ Describe+ Get-MockDynamicParameters+ Get-TestDriveItem+ In+ InModuleScope+ Invoke-Mock+ Invoke-Pester+ It+ Mock+ New-Fixture+ Set-DynamicParameterVariables+ Setup+ Should
PKI 0 17 17
PnpDevice 4 4 0
+ Disable-PnpDevice+ Enable-PnpDevice+ Get-PnpDevice+ Get-PnpDeviceProperty
PowerShellGet 11 11 0
+ Find-Module+ Get-InstalledModule+ Get-PSRepository+ Install-Module+ Publish-Module+ Register-PSRepository+ Save-Module+ Set-PSRepository+ Uninstall-Module+ Unregister-PSRepository+ Update-Module
PrintManagement 0 22 22
PSDesiredStateConfiguration 5 17 12
+ Connect-DscConfiguration+ Find-DscResource+ Get-DscConfigurationStatus+ Invoke-DscResource+ Publish-DscConfiguration
PSDiagnostics 0 10 10
PSReadline 5 5 0
+ Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler+ Get-PSReadlineOption+ Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler+ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler+ Set-PSReadlineOption
PSScheduledJob 0 16 16
PSWorkflow 0 2 2
PSWorkflowUtility 0 1 1
RemoteAccess 14 121 107
+ Add-BgpRouteAggregate+ Add-VpnSstpProxyRule+ Clear-BgpRouteFlapDampening+ Disable-BgpRouteFlapDampening+ Enable-BgpRouteFlapDampening+ Get-BgpRouteAggregate+ Get-BgpRouteFlapDampening+ Get-VpnSstpProxyRule+ New-VpnSstpProxyRule+ Remove-BgpRouteAggregate+ Remove-VpnSstpProxyRule+ Set-BgpRouteAggregate+ Set-BgpRouteFlapDampening+ Set-VpnSstpProxyRule
RemoteDesktop 5 78 73
+ Export-RDPersonalSessionDesktopAssignment+ Get-RDPersonalSessionDesktopAssignment+ Import-RDPersonalSessionDesktopAssignment+ Remove-RDPersonalSessionDesktopAssignment+ Set-RDPersonalSessionDesktopAssignment
ScheduledTasks 0 19 19
SecureBoot 0 5 5
ServerCore 0 2 2
ServerManager 0 7 7
ServerManagerTasks 0 11 11
ShieldedVMDataFile 3 3 0
+ Import-ShieldingDataFile+ New-VolumeIDQualifier+ Protect-ShieldingDataFile
ShieldedVMTemplate 1 1 0
+ Protect-ServerVHDX
SmbShare 0 35 35
SmbWitness 0 3 3
SoftwareInventoryLogging 0 11 11
StartScreen 0 3 3
Storage 32 140 108
+ Block-FileShareAccess+ Clear-StorageDiagnosticInfo+ Debug-FileShare+ Debug-StorageSubSystem+ Disable-PhysicalDiskIdentification+ Disable-StorageDiagnosticLog+ Enable-PhysicalDiskIdentification+ Enable-StorageDiagnosticLog+ Get-DedupProperties+ Get-DiskSNV+ Get-DiskStorageNodeView+ Get-FileShare+ Get-FileShareAccessControlEntry+ Get-StorageAdvancedProperty+ Get-StorageDiagnosticInfo+ Get-StorageEnclosureSNV+ Get-StorageEnclosureStorageNodeView+ Get-StorageFaultDomain+ Get-StorageFileServer+ Grant-FileShareAccess+ New-FileShare+ New-StorageFileServer+ Optimize-StoragePool+ Remove-FileShare+ Remove-StorageFileServer+ Revoke-FileShareAccess+ Set-FileShare+ Set-StorageFileServer+ Start-StorageDiagnosticLog+ Stop-StorageDiagnosticLog+ Stop-StorageJob+ Unblock-FileShareAccess
StorageQoS 6 6 0
+ Get-StorageQoSFlow+ Get-StorageQoSPolicy+ Get-StorageQoSVolume+ New-StorageQoSPolicy+ Remove-StorageQoSPolicy+ Set-StorageQoSPolicy
StorageReplica 11 11 0
+ Get-SRGroup+ Get-SRPartnership+ New-SRGroup+ New-SRPartnership+ Remove-SRGroup+ Remove-SRPartnership+ Set-SRGroup+ Set-SRPartnership+ Suspend-SRGroup+ Sync-SRGroup+ Test-SRTopology
TLS 3 7 4
+ Disable-TlsCipherSuite+ Enable-TlsCipherSuite+ Get-TlsCipherSuite
TroubleshootingPack 0 2 2
TrustedPlatformModule 0 11 11
UpdateServices 4 16 12
+ Add-WsusDynamicCategory+ Get-WsusDynamicCategory+ Remove-WsusDynamicCategory+ Set-WsusDynamicCategory


PS.: 3 - The code to compare the XML files

Due to a request in the comments, I am posting here the PowerShell code I used to compare the two XML files.


 $Files = ( (Import-Clixml "C:\path\WS2012R2Cmdlets.XML"),
           (Import-Clixml "C:\path\WS2016TP2Cmdlets.XML") )
$ModuleDict = @{}

$Files | % { 
  $_ | Group ModuleName | Sort Name | % {
    $Module = $_.Name
    If ($ModuleDict.ContainsKey($Module)) {
    } Else {
      $ModuleDict.Add($Module, 1)
    } # End If
  } # End Module
} # End Files

Write-Host "<table border=1><tr><td><b>Module</b></td><td>New Cmdlets</td><td>WS 2016 TP2</td><td>WS 2012 R2</td></tr>" 
$ModuleDict.GetEnumerator() | Sort Name | % {

  $Module = $_.Name
  $VersionCount = (0,0)
  $CmdletDict = @{}
  0..1 | % { 
    $WSVersion = $_
    $Files[$_] | ? ModuleName -eq $Module | % {
      $Cmdlet = $_.Name
      If ($CmdletDict.ContainsKey($Cmdlet)) {
        $CmdletDict.$Cmdlet += ($WSVersion+1)
      } Else {
        $CmdletDict.Add($Cmdlet, ($WSVersion+1))
      } # End If 
    } # End Files
  } # End 0..1

  $WS0 = $VersionCount[0]
  $WS1 = $VersionCount[1]
  $Dif = $WS1 - $WS0
  $CrLf = "<BR>" + [char] 10 + [char] 13

  Write-Host "<tr><td><b>$Module</b></td><td align="right">$Dif</td><td align="right">$WS1</td><td align="right">$WS0</td></tr>" 
  If ($CmdletDict.Count -gt 0) {

    $CmdletDict.GetEnumerator() | ? {$_.Value -eq 2 -or $_.Value -eq 1} | Sort Name | % {
       If ($_.Value -eq 1) {
          $CmdletList += "- $Name" + $CrLf
       } else {
          $CmdletList += "+ $Name" + $CrLf
       } # End If 
    } # End Enumerator

    If ($CmdletList -ne "") {
      Write-Host "<tr><td colspan=4>$CmdletList</td></tr>"
    } # End If 

  } # End if Count -gt 0

} # End Module
Write-Host "</table>"


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Great job! Must have spent a lot of time doing this. Very helpful info, thanks
  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2015
    Thank you! I like that you explained how you were able to get the info and then shared the exact code! Also glad to see some of those cmdlets finally in there, like the IIS and fileshare cmdlets that are way overdue!
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2015
    Tank you very much for he overview, very useful to go over the changes like this
  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2015
    Thanks for the job.
    Very interesting for both result and the script used to get this result...
  • Anonymous
    February 29, 2016
    Really like your approach to this.Is the script you used to compare the two .XML files publicly available? I'd like to use the same script in order to compare PowerShell 5 on Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10.
  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2016
    Can you please tell us what all of the new commands actually do? And all of the old ones thanks
  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2016
    Could you tell me how to active the destination(secondary) site volumes if source (Primary) site volumes go to be fault in storage replica? And could you tell me what the simulation test method for S2D volume/shared file/storage replica? Thanks.
    • Anonymous
      December 12, 2016
      You should ask the question to the FileCab blog. There are a few posts there about Storage Replica.
  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2017
    This is just what I was looking for.Would you mind telling me how you put together the final comparison (chart) from the .XML files?I would like to compare PS 5.1 on Server 2016 to PS 4.0 on Server 2012 R2 to PS 5.1 on Server 2012 R2.I would like to see which commands are Operating System Specific.
    • Anonymous
      February 12, 2017
      I used a PowerShell script :-) I added the code to the blog post today. Enjoy...