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Multi-tenancy with Service Farm

Service farm provide the following partitioned service applications: SSS, MMS, BCS, Search, UPA

Consuming farm one web application https://hosting.litware.local hosting several host header site collections for tenant

  • Steps to create partitioned service applications
    • PowerShell with either PartitionMode or Partitioned switch
  • Publish service applications
    • trust Root authority and STS cert from consuming farm
    • grant consuming farm ID full trust to Application Discovery and Load Balancer Service App and related service apps to be published
    • publish service applications from UI and get all Uri from the publishing screen
    • Permissions
      • UPA
        • setup account full control and administrators full control, consuming farm account and webapp account full control

      • Search -
      • BCS -
      • SSS -
      • MMS -
  • Consuming service applications
    • trust publishing farm Root authority cert

    • use powershell New-SPXXXProxy cmdlet with Partitioned or PartitionMode to create proxy, the –Uri is the Uri you got from the publishing screen

    • note: when connects to remote BCS and SSS you cannot specify partitionmode so you need to fix the proxy afterward using following scripts:

      -- SSS
      $proxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy fb99edae-1b27-49c2-82bf-60bf6b9e91a
      $prop = $proxy.Properties
      $type = $prop["Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.SPPartitionOptions"].GetType()
      $partition = [enum]::Parse( $type, 1 )
      $prop["Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.SPPartitionOptions"] = $partition

      -- BCS
      $proxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy db0f1f9f-aec4-45c1-a149-47f105278304
      $prop = $proxy.Properties
      $type = $prop["Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPPartitionOptions"].GetType()
      $partition = [enum]::Parse( $type, 1 )
      $prop["Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPPartitionOptions"] = $partition

  • Create a named proxy group to group all partitioned service proxy, then use UI to add those proxies into this named group
  • Turn on multi-tenancy
    • create Settings Service Application and start the service instance

      Get-spserviceinstance | ? {$_.GetType().Name -eq "SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceInstance"} | Start-SPServiceInstance

      $acc = Get-SPManagedAccount  "LITWARE\sp_service"
      $appPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "Settings Service App Pool" -Account $acc
      $app = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication –ApplicationPool $appPool –Name "Settings Service App" -DatabaseServer LITSQL1 –DatabaseName Internet_SettingsServiceDB
      $proxy = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy –ServiceApplication $app

    • create a host header site collection and test if the site collection is working before adding to subscription

    • create subscription and add the site collection into subscription

      • $sub = Get-SPSiteSubscription <Guid>
      • $site = Get-SPSite https://aw.local
      • $sub.Add($site)
    • create tenant management site

    • create hostheader managed path for mysite (https://aw.local/my) and a mysite host

      • New-SPManagedPath “my” –hostheader –Explicit
      • New-SPSite -Url https://aw.local/my -OwnerAlias "litware\aw1" -HostHeaderWebApplication "https://hosting.litware.local" -SiteSubscription $sub -Template "SPSMSITEHOST#0"
      • new-spmanagedpath "/my/personal" -hostheader
    • create search center (if your aw.local is using publishing portal, you will have a subsite named as search so to avoid confusion you might want use /sites/searchcenter for cross site collections search)

    • Import user profile after adding first tenant

      • $sub = Get-SPSiteSubscription <Guid>
      • $upaProxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy <Guid>
      • Add-SPSiteSubscriptionProfileConfig -id $sub –SynchronizationOU “AdventureWorks” –MySiteHostLocation "https://aw.local/my" -MySiteManagedPath "/my/personal" -SiteNamingConflictResolution "None" -ProfileServiceApplicationProxy $upaProxy
      • note: by some reason the sp_farm are imported for each tenant as an user – need to do some investigation 
    • MySite settings (https://aw.local/my/username)

    • Search