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The Great Leadership Quotes Collection Revamped

A while back I put together a comprehensive collection of leadership quotes.   It’s a combination of the wisdom of the ages + modern sages.   It was time for a revamp.  Here it is:

The Great Leadership Quotes Collection

It's a serious collection of leadership quotes and includes lessons from the likes of John Maxwell, Jim Rohn, Lao Tzu, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and more.

Leadership is Influence

John Maxwell said it best when he defined leadership as influence.  Tom Peters added a powerful twist to leadership when he said that leadership is not about creating followers—it’s about creating more leaders.

I like to think of leadership in terms of incremental spheres of influence starting with personal or self-leadership, followed by team leadership, followed by organizational leadership, etc.   Effectively, you can expand your sphere of influence, but none of it really works, if you can’t lead yourself first.

Leadership is Multi-Faceted (Just Like You)

I also like to think about the various aspects of leadership, such as Courage, Challenges, Character, Communication, Connection, Conviction, Credibility, Encouragement, Failure, Fear, Heart, Influence, Inspiration, Learning, Self-Leadership, Servant-Leadership, Teamwork, and Vision.  As such, I’ve used these categories to help put the leadership quotes into a meaningful collection with simple themes.

I’ve also included special sections on What is Leadership, Leadership Defined, and Leading by Example. 

Sometimes the Source is More Interesting than the Punch line

While I haven’t counted the leadership quotes, there are a lot.   But they are well-organized and easy to scan.   You’ll notice how the names of famous people that said the leadership quote will pop out at you.  I bolded the names for extra impact and to help you quickly jump to interesting people, to see what they have to say about the art and science of leadership.

I bet you can find at least three leadership quotes that you can use on a daily basis to think a little better, feel a little better, or do a little better.

Leadership is Everyone’s Job

For those of you that think that leadership is something that other people do, or something that gets done to you, or that leadership is a position, I’ll share the words of John Maxwell on this topic:

“A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” —  John Maxwell

In fact, if you’ve never seen it before or need a quick reminder that everyone is a leader, this is a great video that makes the point hit home:

Everyone is a Leader

It’s one of those cool, simple, cartoon videos that shows how leadership is everyone’s job and that without that philosophy, people, systems, organizations, etc. all fail.

The world moves too fast and things change too much to wait for somebody at the top to tell you what to do.   The closer you are to where the action is, the more context you have, and the more insight you can use to make better decisions and get better results.

Leadership is a body of principles, patterns, and practices that you can use to empower yourself, and others, with skill.

Just like a Jedi, your force gets stronger the more you use it.

If You Want to Grow Your Leadership, Then Give Your Power Away

But always remember the surprise about leadership – the more you give your power away, the more power that comes back to you.

It’s not Karma.  It’s caring.  And it’s contagious.

(As Brian Tracy would say, the three C’s of leadership are Consideration,Caring,and Courtesy.)

Well, maybe it is like Karma in that what goes around, comes around, and leadership amplifies when you share it with people and help everyone become all that they are capable of.

Stand strong when tested, and lead yourself from the inside out.

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